Adenomyosis of the uterus 1 degree

Today, uterine adenomyosis of the 1st degree has become increasingly diagnosed. This is due to the advent of modern methods. They allow you to identify this disease at the very beginning, when, as a rule, there are still no symptoms. Usually this happens with a routine examination, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of other pathologies.

Therefore, it is so important to regularly go to the gynecologist for an appointment. The patient should understand that neither degree 1 adenomyosis, nor a more advanced option can be completely cured. The main objective of therapy is to prevent the progression of the disease.

Adenomyosis can be accompanied by profuse, prolonged and painful periods, pain with intimacy, bleeding, “daubs” before and after critical days, infertility, miscarriage. Usually their severity depends on the stage of the disease, although this is not always the case.

What is uterine adenomyosis of the 1st degree? This is a special case of endometriosis, when endometrial cells are in the myometrium. Normally, the uterine mucosa grows during the cycle only inside it, and then is rejected during the period of menstruation. This happens under the influence of hormones.

Endometrial cells located in the muscle layer also undergo cyclic changes, that is, grow, and then are rejected. Since the myometrium is not suitable for this, inflammation and swelling occur. This leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

By the way, experts believe that if they are not there, then treatment is not necessary. Therapy in this case may be necessary only when planning a pregnancy. It should be performed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

In general, uterine adenomyosis of the 1st degree rarely requires treatment. In the main patient, observation is recommended, because at any moment the disease can begin to progress. Then you need to take action.

It is believed that adenomyosis and its progression can cause abortions, childbirth, diagnostic curettage, inflammation, and uterine surgery. However, his discovery in young girls without these manipulations prompted experts to the idea that it can be congenital. Endometriosis can also contribute to stress, mud and sun baths, immune diseases.

Adenomyosis, the diagnosis of which is carried out using ultrasound, hysteroscopy and MRI, often does not manifest itself. Many women with this pathology do not even suspect about it.

On hysteroscopy with adenomyosis, the doctor sees endometrioid passages in the bottom of the uterus and on its walls. During the study, its cavity is examined from the inside using a special optical system. If necessary, surgical procedures may be performed.

On ultrasound with adenomyosis, the doctor sees a cellular, inhomogeneous echostructure of the myometrium with areas of reduced and increased echogenicity. With a long course of the disease, the uterus acquires a spherical shape.

MRI is rarely used in the diagnosis of adenomyosis. Basically, when there is doubt when conducting an ultrasound. The doctor questions this diagnosis.

In the initial stage of adenomyosis, the treatment is conservative. Hormonal drugs are used. They are selected individually after examination and taking into account concomitant pathologies, the desire to have a child.

Oral contraceptives, progestogens can be used. The Mirena system is also used. A good prevention of the progression of adenomyosis is pregnancy.

So, uterine adenomyosis of the 1st degree rarely causes inconvenience and has symptoms, usually detected by chance or during a routine examination. Diagnosis is carried out mainly with the help of ultrasound, less commonly used hysteroscopy and MRI. Therapy is necessary in the presence of symptoms and before pregnancy, which itself is its good prevention. The most important thing is to be examined regularly and to prevent the progression of the process. It can provoke stress, curettage, abortion, childbirth and a number of other factors.

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