Remedy for temperature: how to alleviate the condition of the patient

One of the signs of the onset of the disease is an increased body temperature. 36.6 is considered standard, elevated - 37 C. This temperature signals a malfunction in the body. It can be a flu, a viral infection or a cold. An increase can indicate inflammation of the internal organs or exacerbation of rheumatism.
A special place is occupied by high temperature. Usually it is enough to take some effective remedy for temperature, but sometimes only an ambulance can help. A doctor should be called in cases where a high temperature of more than 39 ° C is combined with convulsions, severe headache, unclear consciousness, and respiratory problems. It is necessary to call an emergency if the thermometer has risen to 39.9. Until the doctor comes to the rescue, you need to try to bring down the heat yourself.
To begin with, the patient must be put to bed, put on linen made from natural materials, ventilate the room well, avoiding drafts, and give plenty of drink constantly. For this, water, compote, tea, fruit drink are suitable. At temperature, sweating increases, as a result of which dehydration occurs . When wetting the laundry, it will need to be replaced with dry.
Up to 38 degrees it is not recommended to bring down the temperature, the body must independently fight with viruses. At this time, interferon is released, which begins to fight the cause of the disease. Elevated temperature is a normal sign of the immune system.
In another situation, you can apply the following remedy for temperature. It is necessary to wipe the person with a damp towel. When the liquid evaporates, the heat transfer of the body will increase. You can add a little vinegar to the water: a tablespoon of half a liter of liquid. For wiping, an aqueous solution is sometimes used, which should not enter the mucous membranes. Performing this procedure, you should attach a towel to the wrists, elbows and knees. If the temperature approaches 39, you need to wrap the patient with a damp sheet and even let him take a cool shower.
A good remedy for temperature is cold compresses. In this case, they take plastic bottles, fill them with cold water and put them under their legs and armpits. Wrapping the limbs with wet towels is also practiced.

Today, pharmacies sell many antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol. You can use Ferfex, Coldrex. However, the best cure for temperature is paracetamol in suppositories, the effect of which occurs immediately.
Doctors also prescribe acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen. When buying antipyretics, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist. When taking certain medications, contraindications and side effects are possible. The doctor should know about the disease, allergies, chronic ailments, the age of the patient.
An excellent remedy for temperature, which helps to quickly bring down the highest degrees, is a lytic mixture. It is made by mixing painkillers and antipyretic drugs. To do this, take diphenhydramine, but - shpu, analgin in equal proportions. And make an intramuscular injection.
To bring down the heat, you can use an enema. To do this, in a half glass of warm boiled water, an antipyretic tablet previously ground into powder is diluted . Despite the fact that the procedure does not cause pleasant emotions, it is a fast-acting remedy for temperature. The medicine enters the blood faster through the intestinal wall than through the stomach.
It should be borne in mind that a high fever lasting more than three days without the presence of symptoms - a runny nose and cough requires a mandatory doctor's call.

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