The drug "Mezapam." Instructions for use and description

mezpam instruction reviews

The medicine "Mezapam" has a pronounced antioxiolytic effect. To a lesser extent, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant, sleeping pills and sedative activity are noted. The drug helps to eliminate fear and anxiety, psychoneurotic tension, excessive drowsiness, motor anxiety. The medication restores the critical characteristics of its own state, normalizes autonomic functions. The tool also helps to alleviate the symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal . The calming effect is combined with a number of activating properties. The drug has virtually no effect on performance during the day. The Mezapam medication is especially recommended for elderly and weakened people. The tool is prescribed for a short period. Long-term therapy can cause addiction. In pediatrics, the drug is used exclusively for indications. The medicine is rapidly absorbed when taken orally. Two hours later, the highest concentration is observed. Metabolized in the liver. Decay products through the intestines and kidneys are excreted.

The drug Mezapam. " Instructions for use. Indications

mezapam medicine

Prescribe medication for psychopathy, neurosis, psychopathic and neurosis-like conditions, complicated by increased excitability, emotional lability, irritability, fear, anxiety, tension, mood changes. Indications include psychosomatic and psycho-vegetative disorders, including vegetative-vascular dystonia, sleep disturbances, migraines, gastrointestinal tract disorders and the cardiovascular system of a functional type. Recommended remedy for menopausal syndrome. In pediatrics, the drug is prescribed for excessive excitability and mental lability in children, as well as for "school" neurosis. In narcological practice, the drug is indicated for withdrawal alcohol syndrome (uncomplicated). The tool is recommended in the complex treatment of delayed neurotic type disorders that occur during remission of drug addiction and alcoholism.


mezapam instructions for use

Mezapam (instructions, reviews of experts confirm this) is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications include sleep apnea syndrome, intolerance, drug or alcohol dependence, insufficiency or acute pathology of the liver or kidneys, angle-closure glaucoma. Not recommended for severe myasthenia gravis.

The drug "Mezapam." Instructions for use. Adverse reactions

The tool can provoke a headache, confusion, drowsiness, weakness, bradycardia, a feeling of fear, dizziness. Based on the intake, dysarthria, stupor, increased aggressiveness, tachycardia develop. The medication causes a decrease in pressure, rapid fatigue, anterograde amnesia, and depression in the respiratory center. The undesirable consequences of taking the Mezapam drug include addiction, withdrawal syndrome, dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, shortness of breath, decreased libido, laryngospasm, muscle cramps.

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