For some people, at a certain period of time, the question may arise: why does the face and head sweat so much? Perhaps this is evidence of the presence of a disease or, conversely, a completely safe symptom. This condition causes a certain discomfort, which can cause the development of depression.
Possible reasons
Why does my head sweat a lot? Doctors identify a number of reasons that are characteristic of both the female half of humanity and the male.
Idiopathic hyperhidrosis. Simply put, such a diagnosis is made if there is a genetic predisposition to excessive sweating. This is due to the increased concentration of sebaceous glands in the head. Perhaps the activity of the glands is too active. This reason is eliminated quite simply by conservative or surgical treatment, and does not pose any danger to the patient’s health.
Diet. Do not underestimate your own menu, some foods can bring a lot of problems to a person. A visit to fast food, an excessive passion for fatty and fried foods, spicy and salty - these are the factors that can cause you to sweat a lot.
Alcohol. Another reason that can be easily eliminated. After a person has consumed alcoholic beverages, in the process of intoxication, the vessels of the upper half of the body dilate greatly, hence there is an increased hyperhidrosis. The body tries to cope with alcohol through increased heat transfer to the environment.
Hypertonic disease. This pathology is associated with a violation of vascular tone and trophic tissue, so the body is constantly trying to reduce the volume of circulating blood. At times when pressure rises, the heart works intensely, the hormonal system is included in the process, and increased sweating begins. Most often, hyperhidrosis is observed on the head, neck and face.
Non-compliance with the temperature regime. If the room where you sleep is too hot, you should not be surprised at the wet pillow in the morning.
Emotional overstrain. At some points, when a person is too excited, one can expect that increased sweating will begin.
Excess weight. Obesity is a problem of modern man. When there is excess weight, the body feels an increased load, the result of which is hyperhidrosis.
Oncology. The development of cancer can be accompanied by increased sweating.
Bedding made of synthetic materials. Indeed, sheets and pillowcases, pillows and blankets are best chosen from natural materials, although such things are quite difficult to care for, but there is a big chance to reduce increased sweating during sleep.
Against the background of a bacterial disease, sweating is usually always observed. This is due to the fact that the body is actively struggling with harmful microflora. Perhaps this is the most harmless reason that goes away with the underlying disease.
Many parents wonder: why does the child sweat a lot? Usually, a wet baby pillow after sleep is not a problem, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
The fact is that the thermoregulation system begins to fully function only by the age of 6, and the physiology of the baby itself is somewhat different from the adult body. In children, sweat glands work actively in the head and neck. If you just watch when the guys are playing, it is noticeable that their head sweats first, then the neck, and then the rest of the body.
Parents should understand that the optimal temperature for the child’s sleep should be maintained at + 19-20 degrees. Fresh air must constantly enter the room, the humidity level should be controlled. If the indicator is low, then the baby's body is trying to compensate for its lack due to increased sweating.
Another reason why the baby sweats a lot of sweat can be a wrong pillow, or rather, its filler. In children, the phase of deep sleep is much longer than in adults, and it is during this period of time that increased sweating is observed.
It is possible that hyperhidrosis is associated with hereditary factors, but in such cases the child, like adults, sweats harder with his whole body, and not just in the head or neck.
Doctors highlight another factor of increased sweating - rickets. However, in order for hyperhidrosis to begin with such a disease, it must not be the very first stage, that is, the process of development of rickets is clearly noticeable.
In cases where the child is active against the background of severe sweating, he has no signs of any disease - do not worry. Perhaps you should only reconsider your attitude to clothing, do not over-wear or wrap your baby.
Problems in women
Why do women sweat a lot? Most often this occurs against the background of the menopause. When hormonal changes in the body begin, hyperhidrosis is observed, and it is in the head area. Thus, the body tries to cope with the inhibition of estrogen and progesterone.
Overweight and diabetes are a very common cause of increased sweat, and it is in women. The next reason is problems with the thyroid gland, although this symptom is equally characteristic of both the female and male half of humanity.
Why does a person sweat a lot in the winter? And everything is very simple, such a phenomenon is often found in those people who go to cold without a hat. This is just a reaction of the body to stress from temperature extremes.
And of course, one should not exclude a woman's genetic predisposition to profuse sweating. If such a problem is very worrying, then you should consult a doctor, perhaps it can be solved by cosmetic means.
Women things
A certain number of representatives of the weak half of humanity are excessively addicted to cosmetics, and then they ask the question: “Why does my head sweat so much?” And everything is very simple: cosmetic compositions (gels, mousses, varnishes and other fixing substances for hair) block the access of oxygen to the skin. After all, any of these products creates a thin film on the skin of the head that does not allow any substances to pass through, including oxygen. As a result, the effect of a greenhouse is almost recreated near the skin, hence the profuse release of sweat.
Headdresses - tight ones made of non-natural materials that cover a woman’s head, as well as men, can be classified in the same category. Indeed, they protect from the sun, but at the same time block the access of oxygen to the scalp.
Problems in men
Why does men sweat a lot? In addition to common causes, increased sweat secretion can occur due to insufficient testosterone in the body. This condition is characterized by multiple symptoms and is also characteristic of women, but is still more inherent in the male half of humanity.
A decrease in testosterone levels in men is observed closer to 40 years, then each year the amount of hormone decreases by 1-2%.
Dangerous symptoms
Why has my face and head sweated heavily for several weeks? Perhaps this is a "bell" indicating the development of pathology. It is very important to pay attention to other symptoms (for example, palpitations or have breathing problems). In such situations, you should definitely seek medical help.
Apnea syndrome
One of the reasons why the head sweats so badly may be apnea syndrome. This pathology is characterized by sharp and uncontrolled loss of breath during sleep. At such moments, breathing may stop for 20-30 seconds. This is due to the fact that the tissues in the throat and nasopharynx become flabby, and at the time of sleep, they also relax so much. As a rule, after an attack, a person wakes up from suffocation.
One of the triggering factors for the development of the syndrome is snoring. Many people treat him carelessly, and in fact he confirms only that the body has problems with the hormonal and / or reproductive system. When a person snores, the cardiovascular system suffers greatly.
How to eliminate sweating?
If you know why the face and head sweat heavily and this is not a consequence of the pathological process, then you should simply eliminate the negative factor. It is also recommended that hardening, which not only strengthens the immune system, but also reduces the threshold of sensitivity of the body to the environment, which ultimately leads to normalization of thermoregulation of the whole body and head.
It is necessary to review your diet and to include fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fiber as much as possible. It is better to refuse foods that are high in fat.
Why is your head sweating so much when you sleep? If your work is nervous, then most likely the night will also pass on the background of emotions, your head and neck will sweat. In cases where it is not possible to change the place of work, it is better to consult a doctor, undergo a course of psychotherapy or drug treatment to reduce the "degree" of stress.
If possible, spend more time outdoors, walk, play sports, participate in social events in your city, region or enterprise, that is, lead an active lifestyle.
It is no secret to anyone that such simple measures are much faster than drug therapy, will help in the fight against many unpleasant phenomena in the body.
The choice of treatment tactics
Before conducting treatment, the doctor will certainly collect an anamnesis and prescribe the necessary examinations. If no visible pathological processes in the body are detected, and hyperhidrosis is only an individual feature, then medical tactics will not consist of drug therapy.
In particular, iontophoresis procedures may be prescribed. Most likely, you will have to wash your hair regularly (daily). Your doctor may recommend the use of herbal soothing remedies. In some cases, botulinum toxin injections are the best solution. This technique involves blocking the sweat glands. However, a one-time procedure is indispensable, the action of Botox lasts only 6 months.
If it is already known why the head sweats heavily, and this is not a consequence of the pathological process, then a surgical operation is possible. In this case, we are talking about endoscopic surgery, in which the sympathetic nerve is cut and clipped. The effectiveness of such an intervention is 100%. However, there is a high risk of injury to nearby nerve fibers and even facial muscles. There is also a small probability that compensatory hyperhidrosis will appear after a certain period of time. Simply put, in another place, a profuse sweat will begin.
To help traditional medicine
It cannot be said that herbs can completely get rid of increased sweating, nevertheless they are still recommended to be used as an additional treatment technique, because not every patient is ready for a radical solution to the problem. In particular, a decoction of lemon balm, chamomile, oak bark or mint can be used. Lemon juice is used as compresses, you can just wipe the scalp with it.
Effective ordinary vinegar, which should be diluted with lemon juice or tea and wiped with the resulting composition of the head, neck.
To prevent excessive sweating, you should monitor the hygiene of the head and skin. If hyperhidrosis appears on the face, then it is better to use hypoallergenic wet wipes. A contrast shower is recommended, which normalizes the nervous system and blood vessels, sweat glands do not work so hard.
Women are better off using only natural cosmetics. With prolonged symptoms of hyperhidrosis in any part of the body, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a full examination of the body.
But in most cases, you only need to change your attitude to life, it is easier to relate to problems - both at home and at work, and everything will quickly fall into place.