Ankle joint: pain.

Unfortunately, a person does not pay due attention to such a part of the body as the ankle joint, although it is he who accounts for the main load. It consists of three bones connected by tendons:

- ram

- tibial,

- fibular.

The main function of the talus is to ensure the stability and stability of bone tissue. This is achieved due to its special shape: the back is slightly narrower than the front, which contributes to a reliable connection. Lateral displacement is not allowed due to the peroneal ligaments securing the ankle joint from the outside. Tibial ligaments envelop the joint in front and behind, preventing dislocations. And for the strength of the connection of the bones, the interosseous ligament is responsible.

The ankle joint contains muscles that provide the fingers with the fulfillment of their functions, that is, it helps to bend and unbend them. Thanks to all the muscles of the joint, the foot is bent and rotated. Most of the damage to this part of the body is associated with displacement of the talus or sprain of the ligaments that restrain it.

If the ankle joint hurts, then this may indicate arthritis or dislocation. Moreover, in the presence of the first , the affected area is extensive and includes more than one joint. Usually the patient is tormented by aching pain, especially at night or during intense and prolonged movement. The ankle joint is strongly swollen.

The causes of pain are primarily in the selection of shoes. Most people do not attach much importance to the selection of quality things, although well-being over time depends on this. Shoes for every day should be as comfortable as possible, of the right shape, sized and made of natural material. It is worth remembering that these recommendations must be taken into account with particular care by athletes. After all, long workouts in low-quality shoes lead to excessive sweating and openness of the feet.

An ankle joint can disturb a person in case of damage. One of the most common types of injuries is sprain. It can be recognized by severe swelling of the limb and acute pain when moving it. The patient experiences increasing pain in the area at the base of the ankle. Ankle fracture has similar symptoms, only the peculiarity is that the pain extends to the entire lower limb when the ankle joint swells.

Less common is an ankle fracture with subluxation of the foot. In this case, the ankle joint significantly swells, and each movement leads to sharp pain. Moreover, the foot foot takes an unnatural arrangement: it is tilted in any direction, depending on the nature of the dislocation. When examining a limb, the patient himself can feel bone fragments. A calcaneal fracture is considered one of the most severe injuries of the foot, since it takes a long time to recover. As a rule, the patient is limited in movement and cannot even get up, because when resting on the heel there is acute pain. This type of damage is also characterized by swelling. No less serious is a fracture of the metatarsal bone. In this case, the appearance of a hematoma in the area of ​​injury is observed, the foot is completely swollen and becomes like a pillow. Painful sensations with any movement of the ankle joint are characteristic.

Dislocations or subluxations, as a rule, are associated with the occurrence of a fracture of the talus. This type of damage is distinguished by the presence of edema in the joint and heel, as well as hematoma. At risk are people who are overweight, with weak and atrophied muscles. As practice shows, the usual dislocation that occurred for the first time can pass after a couple of weeks, and a full restoration of the joint should be expected in two months. But patients with weak muscle tissue should not be surprised at the recurrence of dislocation. Without proper treatment and help from the body, frequent dislocations lead to a violation of the cartilage tissue and the emergence of a disease such as arthrosis.

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