Endometrial polyp - treatment with modern means gives a quick and stable result

Endometrium is the uterine mucosa. She almost instantly reacts to various changes in the hormonal background of a woman. Endometrial polyps occur due to nerve, endocrine and other malfunctions, as well as a consequence of abortions and curettage of the uterus. They are a limited form of hyperplasia (excessive proliferation of tissue cells). Endometrial polyps can have the following forms: glandular, glandular-fibrous , fibrous, atypical or adenomatous.

For some reason, there is an opinion that if an endometrial polyp is found , treatment can only be surgical. And many patients immediately panic if they are given such a diagnosis. Achievements of modern medicine can cure some types of polyps with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, in just a week or a little more.

Such an formation as an endometrial polyp often develops as a result of disorders that have arisen in the hormonal sphere. This is due to the fact that estrogen is produced in excess, and this process is combined with a lack of progesterone. In this case, if, of course, there is an endometrial polyp, hormonal treatment is prescribed, which the doctor selects individually. This takes into account the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, tolerance to drugs. The duration of hormone therapy is usually from 2 to 3 months.

It should be noted that often women do not undergo a routine examination if they do not feel any discomfort in the genital area. But most diseases in the early stages do not have pronounced symptoms. These include endometrial polyps. There are frequent cases when women seek help only when the pain becomes strong and the polyps are large. Although everyone knows that in the early stages of the disease, treatment is much faster and more successful. In complex and neglected cases, when a large endometrial polyp develops, treatment is possible only surgical. It is very important that this neoplasm is completely removed. Currently, hysteroscopy is widely used for this purpose. This method allows you to detect the location of the polyp, as well as extremely accurately remove it and control the bed of the tumor after surgery. The removed material must be sent for histological examination. After receiving his results, the doctor prescribes further treatment.

As a rule, after the polyp is removed, hormone therapy is prescribed. It is necessary in order to restore the menstrual cycle and prevent relapse. But if the diagnosis is "endometrial fibrous polyp", hormone treatment is not used. This type is much less common than neoplasms with a glandular structure, and mainly in older women.

If an adenomatous endometrial polyp is detected, it is necessary to tune in to serious treatment. This condition is considered precancerous. According to various sources, the percentage of transition of such a polyp to cancer varies quite a lot, but on average it is 10%. Therefore, the doctor needs to be very careful, and the patient to perform all necessary appointments. If such a diagnosis is made to a woman who is in premenopausal age and has a number of metabolic-endocrine disorders, then removal of the uterus and a thorough revision of the ovaries are usually performed. Such an operation is especially important if obesity, hypertension, various liver diseases, and diabetes mellitus are observed. If the patient has already stepped over menopause, then surgical intervention is indicated, in which the uterus is removed along with the appendages.

Women should monitor their health more carefully, and then the endometrial polyp, whose treatment in the early stages is fast enough and does not cause any complications, will not cause infertility or other serious disorders.

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