Aurican ear drops: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, analogues.

Veterinarians often include Aurican ear drops in the treatment regimen for cats and dogs. This is a multicomponent agent with powerful antibacterial and local anesthetic properties. The composition of the drug is represented by an antibiotic, antiseptic and glucocorticosteroid. Their simultaneous action in a short time helps to stop the inflammatory process. In addition, tetracaine hydrochloride is also an active component. It is this substance that quickly eliminates the painful and other uncomfortable sensations characteristic of otitis media.

Otitis in cats

Indications and contraindications

Veterinarians prescribe Aurican ear drops to cats and dogs if they have the following diseases:

  • Otitis externa. In this case, the pathological process can be both acute and chronic.
  • Otitis media. Aurican ear drops are effective in the acute phase, but the disease should be at a stage that is not accompanied by perforation.
  • Chronic otitis exudative nature.

In addition, the drug is prescribed after surgical interventions, complicated by the formation of purulent foci of pathology.

Like any other drug, the drug has a number of restrictions for use. The presence in an animal of individual intolerance to any component that is part of the medication is the only contraindication, according to the instructions for ear drops "Aurikan".

The price of the drug is not high. The cost of a bottle with a capacity of 25 ml is an average of 450 rubles. In this case, the tool is very economical, it is enough for a full course of treatment.

Otitis in dogs

Dosage regimen

According to the instructions for use, Aurican ear drops are allowed to be used only topically. The algorithm for therapeutic measures is as follows:

  • Clean the animal’s external auditory meatus from debris and sulfur mass.
  • Using a pipette purchased in advance, it is necessary to drip the liquid into the ear. In this case, it is desirable to exclude contact of the medical device and the skin. You can bury the product directly from the bottle.
  • Tilt the animal’s head to one side and fix it in this position for several minutes. For convenience, doctors recommend that you initially give your cat or dog a horizontal pose. It is advisable to massage the treated ear for a better distribution of the product.

The treatment regimen is being developed by a veterinarian. The specialist takes into account not only the severity of the disease, but also the individual characteristics of the animal's body. Unless the doctor has indicated otherwise, it is necessary to take the information reflected in the instructions as a basis.

According to the annotation, the dosage regimen directly depends on the body weight of the animal. If the weight of the cat or dog is less than 15 kg, they are assigned 5 drops of the drug. With a mass of 15 to 30 kg - up to 15 drops. Large dog breeds weighing 30 kilograms or more, the veterinarian prescribes 30 drops of the drug. It is necessary to process the external auditory meatus 1 time per day.

Judging by the reviews, drops "Aurikan" well tolerated by most pets. In isolated cases, signs of an allergic reaction appear. They go on their own right after the completion of the course of treatment.

Drops "Aurikan"


Aurican ear drops are a unique multicomponent remedy. Currently, the pharmaceutical market sells a large number of drugs for the treatment of otorhinolaryngological pathologies in animals, but there is no identical medication.

Means with a similar action:

  • The Otiphone. The average cost per bottle of 10 ml is 350 rubles.
  • "Surolan." The price of the drug averages 650 rubles per 15 ml.
  • "Tsipam." The cost of the tool is about 200 rubles.

If for some reason Aurican ear drops are not available in pharmacies, it is not recommended to prescribe analogues to animals on their own. This is due to the fact that they have an impressive list of contraindications. Prescribe any other drug can only be a veterinarian.

The analogue of "Aurikan"


Aurican is an ear drop with powerful anesthetic and antibacterial properties. The effect of the drug is due to the components that make up its composition. "Aurican" is most often prescribed for the treatment of otitis media in cats and dogs, but can also be recommended in the presence of purulent complications arising after surgical treatment.

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