Swelling of the eyelids: causes and treatment

Swelling of the eyelids is a problem that many people face, regardless of gender and age. However, among those who have reached thirty years of age, the likelihood of this phenomenon increases. Swelling in the upper eyelids can occur for many reasons. This may be the excess fluid that accumulates in the deep layers of the epidermis.

edema of the upper eyelid

Swollen eyelids spoil the appearance, making the look painful and tired. The appearance of puffiness is a reason for contacting a specialist and conducting an examination. This may indicate serious pathological processes in the body.


To avoid unpleasant complications and eliminate the problem, it is necessary to accurately determine the factor that provokes swelling of the eyelids. Depending on the cause of development, doctors divide edema into two groups:

  1. Inflammatory
  2. Non-inflammatory.

Inflammatory swelling is fairly easy to recognize. The eyelid swells and turns red, it hurts to touch it, in some cases there is a tingling and itching. Quite often, these symptoms are supplemented by high body temperature.

Possible pathologies that caused swelling

A similar condition can provoke some diseases:

  1. Conjunctivitis.
  2. The inflammatory process caused by purulent diseases like cellulitis, barley or boils.
  3. Disorders in the work of the lacrimal organs.

If an inflammatory process occurs in the body, blood vessels tend to expand, which leads to the development of edema. It is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist in a timely manner to prevent complications in the future. If it is impossible to determine the disease by external signs, the specialist prescribes an additional examination.

swelling of the eyelids

Causes of edema in the eyes

Consider a number of factors that can trigger the development of edema of the eyelids.

If a symptom appears in the morning, in this case its nature does not apply to the inflammatory process. Especially if there are no concomitant symptoms such as itching, redness, pain, or temperature. Puffiness in the morning is not always worrying, but from time to time. At the same time, not only the eyelids swell quite often, but also other parts of the body. Most often, the cause of edema of the eyelids in this case is a lifestyle and bad habits, for example:

  • Drinking plenty of fluids, especially in the evenings.
  • Excessive consumption of spicy, salty, fatty and smoked foods.
  • Late dinner.
  • Regular lack of sleep.
  • Take a hot bath immediately before going to bed.
  • Smoking.
  • Inconvenient posture during sleep.

A cool compress can save you from such edema. Diuretic herbal teas are also good for swelling in the morning.

swelling of the eyelid

Other reasons:

  • Disruption of the cardiovascular system. If a person observes the drinking regime and does not have bad habits, and edema of the eyelids regularly appears, this may indicate a malfunction in the heart. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist.
  • Allergic reaction. Sometimes swelling of the upper eyelid, not accompanied by pain, can occur due to allergies. Various foods, pollen, household chemicals and medicines can provoke it. Hypersensitivity can lead to edema, and in the future - to ophthalmic pathologies. As a rule, an allergic reaction does not lead to redness, however, itching. Puffiness passes, as a rule, if the factor provoking the appearance of an allergy is eliminated. Also, people prone to allergies need to strengthen their immunity. For prevention, drugs that are responsible for the normalization of the liver should also be taken. What are the other causes of edema of the upper eyelid?
  • Contact lenses. Swelling of the eyelids with the use of lenses occurs as a result of the reaction of the body to a foreign body. This can occur due to improperly selected contact lenses or against the background of increased sensitivity of the eyes. Edema in this case is accompanied by increased lacrimation and a runny nose.
  • Genetic predisposition. If the membrane that separates the upper layers of the epidermis and fiber is thin by nature, then it will become thinner with age. In this regard, any malaise or stress will provoke the appearance of edema of the eyelids.
  • Injury. This refers to mechanical damage leading to hemorrhage under the skin. The skin in the damaged area at the same time takes a cyanotic color.
  • Cosmetology procedures. Sometimes after tattooing or the introduction of Botox, swelling of the eyelids occurs, which is a reaction of the body to substances introduced under the skin. Edema, as a rule, subsides a day after the procedure. It is very important to choose a qualified and experienced specialist for such manipulations. It is important to familiarize yourself with contraindications to the administered drugs. The cause of the swollen eyelids of the eyes should be determined by the doctor.
    swelling of the upper eyelid cause

Symptoms of this pathology

What does it all look like? The onset of edema can be determined by the appearance of the eye and the sensations that occur in the affected area. The following symptoms deserve special attention:

  1. Change in the natural color of the skin.
  2. Sensation of skin tension.
  3. Thinning of the skin and the appearance of shine on its surface.
  4. Blood vessels are clearly visible.
  5. The rash is in the form of small dots.
  6. Reduction of the palpebral fissure.
  7. Soreness when touching the eyelid.
  8. Inflamed lymph nodes behind the ears.
  9. Compaction of tissues around the eyes.
  10. Tingling and itching, sometimes irritation and burning also occur.


Therapy of eyelid swelling depends on the reasons that provoked it. The decision on treatment should be made by the doctor on the basis of the collected medical history, examination and additional studies. Self-treatment can aggravate a person’s condition and lead to undesirable consequences.

If the cause of the development of edema is an allergic reaction, antihistamines, special drops and ointments are prescribed to relieve itching and inflammation (Celestoderm-B, Hydrocortisone, Cromohexal). However, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the irritating factor - an allergen. After the swelling subsides, doctors recommend a special therapeutic diet, avoiding highly allergenic foods.

Celestoderm ointment

Plastic surgery

If swelling of the lower eyelid is provoked by fatty hernias, then only plastic surgery will help get rid of them. The qualification of the surgeon performing the operation should be very high, this will help to avoid postoperative complications. There are also a number of effective procedures for relieving edema:

  1. Mesotherapy
  2. Lymphatic drainage massage.
  3. Dermotonia.
  4. Electrical stimulation.
lower eyelid edema

Such cosmetic procedures deeply affect the skin, normalize blood circulation and improve metabolism at the cellular level. As a result of these procedures, edema subsides and the risk of relapse is reduced.

Complex therapy

If the inflammatory process has become the cause of edema of the eyelid of the eye, then complex therapy is needed, which includes:

  1. Reception of special antibacterial, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Washing.
  3. Physiotherapy.

Puffiness resulting from injury requires treatment of damage with disinfectant solutions. Next, local treatment is performed. Ice compresses are good for relieving eyelid edema in the morning.


If edema occurs regularly in one or both eyes, it is first necessary to eliminate the factors that can provoke this process. In particular, experts recommend the following preventive measures:

  1. To refuse from bad habits. The abuse of tobacco and alcohol greatly reduces the protective properties of the body, which leads to frequent infectious diseases and, accordingly, edema.
  2. Spend a minimum amount of time at the computer, establish a sleep and rest regimen, temper the body and exercise regularly.
  3. Try to avoid overwork and stressful situations.
  4. Maintain a proper, balanced diet.
  5. Reduce salt intake.
  6. Provide the body with vitamins and minerals in the required amount.
  7. Follow the drinking regimen.
  8. Strengthen the immune system. A decrease in the protective properties of the body leads to frequent colds, which provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  9. Monitor blood sugar.
  10. Observe hygiene and safety precautions when working with various chemicals.
  11. Use special diuretic teas.
  12. Avoid insect bites.
  13. Do not use various preparations in the form of eye ointments and drops longer than the period specified in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor.
  14. Read the composition of cosmetics before use. It is better to give preference to products based on natural ingredients. Do not use cosmetics after the expiration date.
    the cause of swollen eyelids

Who else can I contact?

If the cause of the appearance of puffiness of the eyelids cannot be found out by a dermatologist, cardiologist or ophthalmologist, then you need to seek help from an endocrinologist. Swelling on the eyelids can appear as a result of incorrect thyroid function. In the case of the fair sex, a trip to the gynecologist is also important. Eyelids can swell against the background of hormonal disorders in the body.

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