Mumps, or “mumps,” is a viral disease whose main symptom is inflammation of the salivary glands. More often, children and adolescents aged 5-15 years get sick, but the appearance of infection in an adult is not excluded. Mumps in adults is rare, but is accompanied by serious complications.
This disease can occur in a “calm form”, if everything is in order with the immunity of your body. Otherwise, the pig does not pass without a trace. Complications can occur during and after illness. In order to prevent this unpleasant ailment, prevention is necessary. A vaccine will help protect the body from the disease.
Reasons for the appearance of mumps:
The main route of infection is airborne. A person is a carrier a couple of days before he has signs of the disease, and 9 days after the onset of the disease. The most dangerous period for infection with a mumps is days three through five. After the virus enters the human body, it begins to rapidly develop and affect almost all the glands - salivary, genital, thyroid and pancreas.
Mumps: Symptoms in Adults
The disease develops rapidly and in an acute form. Body temperature reaches 40 ° C, pain near the ear appears, especially during eating and chewing food, salivation also increases. The first symptom that immediately shows that it is mumps will be a swollen throat or swelling near the auricle. This place is very painful. In addition, the temperature rises and lasts for several days. With such a disease as a mumps appeared, the symptoms in adults will be almost the same as in children.
Consequences and complications of mumps:
Mumps causes complications in the gonads and pancreas. Although it is possible inflammation of other glands of the body. In rare cases, there is a damage to the nervous system, which appears in the form of diseases such as meningitis and encephalitis. If the mumps gives complications to the pancreas, pancreatitis develops. The patient's stomach begins to hurt, vomiting appears, there is no appetite and stool is disturbed. If such symptoms are noticeable, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Mumps affects the gonads in boys and girls. Their mumps proceed in different ways: if the boys immediately understand what the disease is (the testicles hurt, the temperature appears, the skin condition around the testicles changes), then the girls’s symptoms are not so obvious, and it will be a little more difficult to determine the mumps.
Mumps - a disease in adults
If an adult has become infected, the main task now is to prevent complications from developing (testicular atrophy in men, menstrual irregularities in women).
Notes for the patient
With such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as mumps (mumps), the symptoms in adults will be similar to those in children: inflammation of the salivary glands, fever and others. Pig is especially dangerous for the male half. The most dangerous period of the disease is the time when puberty occurs in boys. Just at that moment they are the most vulnerable. Remember: no home self-medication. Treatment should be carried out only by a doctor. Medications are prescribed only by a specialist after examining the patient.
What does the doctor do in this case
Firstly, after a doctor is diagnosed, treatment begins. Secondly, the doctor will monitor the course of the disease to avoid complications. After it turns out that the patient has mumps, the symptoms in adults (both women and men) will be slightly similar, but treatment will be prescribed individually for everyone.