Just about the drug "Teopec": instructions for use for patients

Air is easy to overlook if enough. But some categories of patients have to fear a lack of air. We are talking about diseases in which the lumen of the bronchi is narrowed, and therefore the condition becomes very serious. And attacks of this kind are often difficult to predict. And in order not to be afraid, more and more patients choose the drug โ€œTeopecโ€.

Instructions for use indicate that this medicine helps a lot with bronchial asthma, narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi for various reasons, inflammatory processes in the bronchi (the โ€œTeopecโ€ medication in this case is an adjuvant), and also with some types of emphysema (in this case, the bronchi narrow , and the total density of the lungs becomes less).

Do you know what coffee and Teopec have in common? Instructions for use say that their effect of stimulating the body is similar, so the heart contracts more when taking this medicine. But unlike the action of caffeine, there is a not very strong expansion of blood vessels inside and outside the heart, which allows you to slightly reduce the total pressure. The vessels in the kidneys also become wider, the likelihood of the formation of blood clots decreases due to a change in the properties of platelets. Allergic processes also weaken at the cellular level. But most importantly, the drug expands the bronchi, for which it is usually prescribed such drugs.

What is the mechanism of action of the drug "Theopec"? Instructions for use explain this by the effect at the cellular level on the process of muscle relaxation of blood vessels and organs. Of course, the effect on the whole body gives some side effects, but they are usually neglected. Theopec medicine (tablets) is absorbed slowly, the process can take up to 6 hours. You do not have to wait for quick results, this tool is used for 2 months or more, until the drug is built into internal processes and does not act constantly. Here, the regularity of taking this medicine is of key importance. If there are breaks, often the treatment can take a very long time. These are pills for the patient. However, the choice in patients with serious pulmonary diseases is usually small.

The tablets are designed so that the active substance is not absorbed immediately. They use a special polymer, so you canโ€™t crush them before taking them or dilute them with water, you can break the structure - and the concentration in the blood will increase too quickly, which will adversely affect the liver, kidneys, and hence health. In addition, in this case, the drug leaves the body faster, which will make the effect of the drug insufficient for the prescribed dose. The tablets are small, so donโ€™t crumble them!

How is the dose of Teopec prescribed? Instructions for use say that they usually start with 0.15 g, then it can increase to 0.6 g (twice a day). The amount administered is affected by the weight of the patient. It is also important whether he tolerates Theopec well or not. It also matters whether the symptom of narrowing of the bronchi is very pronounced. The doctor asks a question about concomitant diseases. Based on all the information received, he can calculate the optimal dose for a particular patient.

Contraindications are too hard work of the thyroid gland, narrowing of the left ventricle, myocardial infarction, epilepsy, extrasystole (a type of arrhythmia). Any convulsive conditions are also contraindications, since the Theopec medication affects calcium metabolism, which is important in the formation of seizures. In case of gastric ulcer, this drug is prescribed, but with caution, so as not to aggravate these conditions.

Side effects - a feeling of anxiety, increased heart rate, unwillingness to eat, headache. The dream suffers. In these cases, the doctor may change the dose to make you feel better.

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