Star Wars: Episode 9: Release Date

Tens of millions of fans in most countries of the world, the highest grossing movie blockbusters and a gorgeous fantasy universe with a large number of characters - this is what the Star Wars franchise represents. Episode 9, the release date of which is scheduled for December 20, 2019, is one of the most anticipated films of the next year.

star Wars

This is another cosmoopera, which will continue the main story of the saga. Although this is not the last Star Wars movie, it will be the final storyline of the new trilogy. It should be a very spectacular and powerful movie, which will cause a huge amount of positive emotions.

About the film

Initially, Colin Trevorrow was selected to be the director of the sequel to Star Wars Episode 9, the release date of which has already been determined. But he had significant differences in his views on creating a picture with the producers, because of which he decided to leave the project.

In his place was taken J.J. Abrams, who already has experience in creating paintings from this franchise, since he worked on the filming of the seventh episode. Therefore, many fans of the saga hope that the IX episode will turn out no worse than 7.

It was originally planned to release the film in May 2019, that is, according to tradition, but the owners of Disney, which own the rights to the film, came to the conclusion that it was much more expedient and more profitable to commercially release the picture in December.

Star Wars Story

The exact information about the plot is still unknown, so it is difficult to say what exactly will be shown in the film. However, the picture is a direct continuation of the main plot arch, so most of the characters and events will be transferred from the previous two films.

continuation of star wars

Most likely, the action of the blockbuster will begin approximately from the same place where the previous picture ended, and how they will develop further will become known later, when the script is completed and the film is released.

Despite the fact that the plot is still unknown, it is safe to say that there are a huge number of action scenes and high-quality special effects in the spirit of the best traditions of the franchise. This is not surprising, because this is precisely what captures the audienceโ€™s attention in every part of the saga, starting with the movie Star Wars Episode 1.

Interesting Facts

Since K. Trevorrow was originally involved in the creation of the film, the blockbuster began to be shot on 65 mm film. Star Wars: Episode 9, the release date of which can be found in this article, is the first and so far the only franchise tape created in this way.

Although there is no exact name for the future painting, it is affixed with the working name Black Diamond, which in translation means "Black Diamond". Why this name is chosen is still unknown, but this, of course, is associated with the script and the events taking place in the picture.

Upon learning that the creator of Jurassic World K. Trevorrow was chosen as a director, many franchise fans signed a petition asking them to change him to the founder of the saga J. Lucas. However, the petition did not have the desired effect, and the director changed for a completely different reason.

star Wars

Of course, in the process of creating the picture there will be many more interesting facts related to the film. Now the film is in its infancy, at the stage of development and planning. Almost 2 years before its release, so much more can happen and change.


The new trilogy was not received very positively in Russian-speaking society. The situation is about the same as it was in the West when the film "Star Wars. Episode 1" was released, which was crushed by critics and viewers. Itโ€™s difficult to say exactly why films are so differently accepted in America, Europe and Russia. Perhaps due to the mental characteristics of the population.

star Wars

Be that as it may, Star Wars Episode 9, the release date of which is already known, will be the completion of a new trilogy, so the film is equally expected both in the West and in the CIS countries. It is extremely important for all people that the picture turns out to be successful, interesting, because an entire era is associated with Star Wars, several generations of people grew up on these fantastic films.

It will be an epic spectacle that will certainly bring a lot of fun to fans of the franchise and space fiction in general. Fans expect a lot from the picture. Whether their hopes will be justified will become known at the end of 2019, but for now it remains only to wait.

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