"Pectusin": instructions for use, indications and reviews

For diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough, doctors recommend taking pectusin resorption tablets. Instructions for use informs that this preparation consists entirely of natural components and is well tolerated. It is a safe and inexpensive drug. Tablets have been produced for several decades, and their effectiveness is time-tested. The essential oils that make up the drug destroy bacteria, stop inflammation and help discharge sputum.

Composition and action of tablets

The drug is a combined drug, which consists of two active plant components:

  1. Eucalyptus oil. This ingredient irritates the nerve endings of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and thereby facilitates sputum production during coughing. Essential oil has disinfecting properties. And also it can relieve pain and inflammation in the airways.
  2. Levomenthol. This substance is obtained from peppermint essential oil. It cools the inflamed mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, relieves pain and reduces swelling. Levomenthol also has a locally irritating effect and promotes coughing.
cough in a man

The medicine is produced in the form of white lozenges. Each of them contains 0.5 mg of eucalyptus ether and 4 mg of levomenthol. And they also include additional ingredients: talc, sugar, sodium carmellose, cellulose, calcium stearate. The tablets have a pleasant smell and sweet taste with a hint of mint.

Often in pharmacies, people ask for Pectusin syrup. Instructions for use informs that this drug is produced only in tablet form. In the form of syrup, another drug with a similar name is released - Pertussin. Patients often confuse these two drugs. Pertussin is a phytopreparation that is also used for coughing, but has a completely different composition.

Syrup "Pertussin"


Instructions for use of tablets "Pectusin" recommends prescribing the drug for the following diseases:

  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis (except for stenotic form);
  • angina;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis.
Cough for bronchitis

The drug can also be taken with a runny nose, as a distraction. Essential oils help relieve nasal breathing.


This drug has a small number of contraindications. Instructions for use "Pectusin" prohibits taking the drug in the following cases:

  1. With bronchial asthma and stenosing laryngitis.
  2. With a tendency to cramping with rickets in children (spasmophilia).
  3. The drug should not be used if the patient has poor tolerance to any ingredient in the tablets.
  4. The medicine is contraindicated for diabetics, since each tablet contains a large amount of carbohydrates (750 mg).
  5. Tablets are not prescribed for children under 7 years of age.

As for the use of tablets during pregnancy, there are no direct contraindications to their use. However, the possibility of taking this medication should be discussed with your doctor. Only a specialist can evaluate all the possible risks, taking into account the patient's condition. If the pill is taken during lactation, it is better to temporarily interrupt breastfeeding.

Unwanted effects

Instructions for use "Pectusin" reports only one undesirable effect - allergies. Such reactions usually develop in people with hypersensitivity to essential oils and menthol. In this case, you need to see a doctor and consult about the replacement of the drug.

How to take pills

Adults are recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day. The medicine is slowly absorbed under the tongue. The tablet can not be chewed and chewed.

Instructions for use "Pectusin" for children recommends taking the drug 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. The method of use is the same as in adults. It is important to remember that children under 7 years of age should not take these pills.

Laryngitis in a child

Storage and price

Tablets are stored at a temperature of no more than +15 degrees. It is necessary to protect the medicine from overheating and sunlight. It is best to place the pill pack in the refrigerator. The drug is suitable for use within 1 year. Such a shelf life is indicated in the instructions for use of Pectusin.

You can buy tablets in pharmacy chains. A doctor’s prescription is not required. However, this does not mean that you can self-medicate. This medicine has contraindications, therefore, before using it, it is better to consult a doctor. The drug is quite inexpensive - from 30 to 50 rubles.


You can find many positive reviews about the drug. The pleasant mint flavor of these tablets has been familiar to many patients since childhood. The medicine quickly eliminates cough and sore throat, and also facilitates breathing through the nose. People believe that this drug can replace eucalyptus inhalations.

There are practically no reports of side effects of the tablets. Most patients tolerate a phytopreparation well.

In this case, patients note that the drug is better to take as part of a comprehensive treatment. If the tablets are used as monotherapy, then they can help only at the initial stage of the disease. In severe cases, "Pectusin" must be supplemented with other drugs.

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