What is an antiseptic used for? This is one of those topics that require a special, attentive approach. The fact is that there are many types of antiseptics. All of them should be used as directed, in a strictly defined dosage. The article presents the main types of antiseptics and their application. Let's start with the definition.
What is an antiseptic?
This is a tool that destroys putrefactive bacteria and prevents decomposition. The origin of the word greek. Translated,
“άντί” means
“against” , and
“σηπτικός” is translated as
“putrid” or
“festering” .
Some antiseptics are germicidal and able to destroy microbes, others are bacteriostatic and can only prevent or suppress their growth.
An antiseptic is a drug whose effectiveness has already been proven. Microbicides that have the ability to destroy viral particles are called "antiviral drugs."
In order for bacteria to grow, they need a favorable nutrient medium (temperature, oxygen, moisture). Every housewife in life is faced with these conditions when preserving food. Another example is the ancient practice of embalming the dead. Why, after many centuries, scientists find perfectly preserved mummies? The answer is simple: antiseptics were already used.
Before the concept of microbes was formed, attention was focused on the prevention of decay. Initially, the amount of the desired agent was determined, as they say, "by eye". This method was inaccurate, but experience, as you know, comes with time and in practice. Today, antiseptics are evaluated by their effect on a pure culture of a certain type of microbes or spore and vegetative forms. To compare the strength of action, a phenol solution (aqueous) taken as a standard is used.
So, an antiseptic is an antiseptic disinfectant. Now let's figure out in which areas it is most often used.
Antiseptic in medicine
In this area, disinfection is especially important. Before the advent of modern high-quality antiseptics, "mechanical cleaning" was widely used, consisting in the opening of purulent formations. By the second half of the XVIII century. Lister studied the "microbial theory of decay," written by Louis Pasteur. Inspired by the idea, he soon published a work revealing antiseptic principles in surgery.
Particular attention was paid to carbolic acid. It was a new way to treat abscesses and open fractures. Its essence was the application of dressings with a solution of this acid. Lister became the founder of an antiseptic that helps to effectively fight infection. Moreover, a five percent solution was applied to the wounds, and suture and dressings, surgical fields, and hands were treated with two percent.
Lister antiseptics had not only supporters, but also ardent opponents. This was due to pronounced irritating and toxic effects both on the patient’s tissue and on the hands of the surgeon himself. Therefore, work in this area continued intensively. A quarter of a century later, the aseptic method was discovered. The opening results were impressive. And so much so that proposals were made to abandon antiseptics. However, it turned out to be impossible. The work continued.
Soon new antiseptic agents were proposed that were less toxic to the body. The same substances began to process surgical instruments and objects surrounding the patient. Thus, antiseptic and aseptic intertwined, and very tightly.
Types of Antiseptics
Mechanical It allows you to clean wounds and non-viable tissues from germs (washing the purulent cavity, excising (processing) the bottom of the wound and its edges).
Physical (dressing, the use of drying powders, a laser, ultraviolet rays).
Chemical. It is very important not only in the treatment of wound infections, but also in their prevention. It has a detrimental effect on microorganisms.
Biological It is based on the use of a rather diverse and large group of drugs that affect both the microbial cell itself and its toxins, thereby increasing the protective forces of the whole organism (bacteriophages, antibiotics, antitoxins (most often these are serums), proteolytic enzymes).
Mixed. The most common, includes several species at once (for example, primary treatment of wound surfaces (mechanical), and the introduction of tetanus toxoid (biological)).
The number of antiseptics is huge today. But their application is almost always complex. In other words, the statement “antiseptic is an antibiotic” is, in fact, correct. However, today's medicine does not do without “additional support” in the form of wound treatment and disinfection of rooms.
Now consider the most common antiseptics in medicine.
Ethanol, isopropyl, propyl. Concentration from 60% to 90%. They are used both in pure form and in mixed form. Allows disinfection of the skin before injection and surgery. Often these alcohols are combined with tincture of iodine or with surface-active cationic substances (chlorhexidine, benzalkonium chloride, octenidine dihydrochloride).
Ammonium compounds
Another common name is HOUR. They contain a number of chemicals (benzalkonium chloride (BAC), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTMB), benzetonium chloride (BZT), cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC or Cetrim)). Benzalkonium chloride is added to some disinfectants. Needed for skin treatment before surgery. It is used to impregnate antiseptic towels. The antimicrobial effects of QAS are inactivated by surface-active anionic substances (for example, soap).
Boric acid
It is added to suppositories intended for the treatment of the vagina from fungal infections. Boric acid perfectly fights against herpes virus attacks. It is also added to burn creams and to solutions for lenses.
Chlorgescidine Gluconate
It is a derivative of biguanidine. Recommended concentration is from 0.5% to 4%. It can be used both independently and in combination with alcohols. Used as an antiseptic for the skin. It is used in the treatment of gingivitis.
Brilliant green
It is popularly called "green". A very common drug. Used to treat wounds, small abscesses. It has a detrimental effect on gram-positive bacteria.
Hydrogen peroxide
It is an antiseptic used to deodorize and cleanse ulcers and wounds. In everyday life, they are most often treated with scratches, an umbilical cord. 6% and 3% solutions are available.
Most often used in alcohol solutions, Lugol solution. Pre- and postoperative antiseptic. It is not recommended to disinfect small wounds with them, since it contributes to scarring. Among the main advantages - high antimicrobial activity. With prolonged exposure, it kills the main pathogens, including spores of complex forms of microorganisms.
Means "Miramistin"
This is a new generation drug. The Miramistin medication is an antiseptic that is used in the treatment (or prevention) of fungal, viral and bacterial infections. Russian production. For the treatment of a number of infectious (colds) diseases, this particular antiseptic is often recommended. Reviews about him for the most part are very positive. The drug is active against a wide range of microbes that cause inflammation and suppuration of wounds, tonsillitis, fungal diseases, chlamydia, herpes, etc. The activity of Miramistin does not depend on the concentration of the pathogen.
The second name is an antiseptic stimulant. It has pronounced antimicrobial and stimulating properties. Helps increase overall tone, reduces intoxication. It is active against staphylococci, tubercle bacillus, etc. It has a rather unpleasant pungent odor, therefore it is often used for veterinary purposes.
As a solution, it is used to treat the doctor’s hands immediately before surgery. Recommended for rinsing the throat, mouth. Navel is sprinkled with phenol powder during healing. It has both antiseptic and analgesic effects.
Antiseptics outside medicine
They are in demand in the food industry. As a rule, these are preservative antiseptics, most often acids (for example, acetic acid known to everyone). Thanks to them, it is possible to store canned foods for a long time. Antiseptics are very actively used in construction. They are added to most paints and varnishes. This allows you to neutralize saprophytic microflora. Wood antiseptic is a powerful weapon against blue stain, mold, rot, fire. In addition, it increases the shelf life of freshly sawn trees.
Especially in demand is a glaze antiseptic. What it is? This is the name of the drug, which allows you to preserve the wood texture and at the same time emphasizes its beauty. Glaze antiseptic reduces the harmful effects of moisture, ultraviolet rays, temperature changes, effective against insects. Antiseptics are used in everyday life. They are added to detergents, they process the premises.