Victoria Klinkova: biography, filmography and personal life of the actress

Klinkova Victoria is a Russian model and aspiring theater and film actress. Born in Moscow on December 6, 1994. Known to many viewers thanks to the comedy series "Fun at Break" and "Fizruk." Before she finally decided on the profession, she was involved in football, volleyball and baseball.


From an early age, the girl loved to imitate her favorite characters, trying on themselves their images. The desire to constantly be different, and not the thirst for universal recognition, led the young girl into the modeling business. Despite her low growth (1.60 m) in this area, she achieved good results. However, after several years, she interrupted cooperation with a modeling agency for the sake of filming. As a schoolgirl, Klinkova considered the exact sciences boring. According to Victoria, teachers often put her undeserved fours and expressed their hope to see one day on television.

The actress began to demonstrate clothes on the catwalk and participate in fashionable photography at the age of thirteen. In 2015, photographs with Victoria Klinkova were published in the popular men's magazine Maxim. After the first experience working on an episodic role in the youth series โ€œVoroninโ€, the young actress realized that she needed a specialized education. Victoria is a graduate of the theater department of the International Institute. G.R.Derzhavin (course of Julia Avsharova and Vladimir Poglazov).

Actress Victoria Klinkova

Filmography of Klinkova

At the age of 17, the girl underwent a difficult casting for the main role in the series "Fun at the Break." The heroine Klinkova brought her some recognition, but she achieved real success in 2014, playing in the first season of the series โ€œFizrukโ€, beloved by everyone. Vika got the role of the frivolous and mercantile high school student Alena Lazukova, nicknamed "Navel". The actress shared that her character has practically no similarities with the character from "Fizruk". Victoria Klinkova can also be seen in the films Happiness to Everyone, Green Carriage, and Champions. In the mystical series Anna Detective, the girl played a minor character in an episode called Family Values.

In 2017, the premiere of the crime drama Death Track took place. In the picture, Victoria Klinkova played Lisa. Currently, the actress starred in the Ukrainian twelve-episode melodrama "Deception".

Russian actress Victoria Klinkova

Personal life

For some time, Victoria Klinkova was in a relationship with the eldest son of Evelina Bledans. At the moment, a twenty-three-year-old girl has never married, probably because she devotes all her time to her beloved work. The weekend the actress devotes to dancing, aerobics, fencing and a musical ensemble. Vika also speaks spoken French.

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