How to cook potatoes in the oven in prvvin? Oven-fried meat with potatoes

Many love potatoes. In Russia, they prefer to include in different dishes in all kinds: fried, boiled, steamed, stewed. However, the most delicious it will be cooked in the oven on a baking pan. I must say that it is more correct to say “baking sheet”, but in Russian this word, which came to us from the German language, has taken root as “push through”. That is what most housewives call a metal sudok, designed to bake all kinds of products on it in the oven.

Consider how you can cook potatoes to make it especially tasty.

how to cook potatoes in the oven in prvvin

Classic baked potato

If you don’t know how to cook potatoes in the oven on a baking pan, you need to start with its simplest baking - without adding additional ingredients. This recipe will be the easiest to learn potato baking skill. The output will be a fragrant dish that can serve as an excellent side dish for a salad, separately prepared pieces of meat, pickles or as an independent dish.

For cooking, you need to take a kilogram of medium potato tubers, peel them, cut each in half or 4 parts and sprinkle with a simple seasoning mixture, in which you need to include salt and red pepper to taste. All this must be laid out on a prepared pan, which must be greased with oil, and baked for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. Once the dish is ready, it needs to be taken out of the oven and sprinkled with thinly chopped garlic (2 cloves).

potatoes with chicken in the oven

Potatoes with bacon

Very tasty and easy to prepare dish - baked potatoes with bacon on a baking sheet in the oven. It turns out juicy and very fragrant. Such a dish homemade will certainly appreciate.

Potatoes must be washed and peeled, then cut in half. Next, each tuber must be wrapped in a separate piece of foil so that between the halves there is a piece of fat. This dish is prepared on the basis of: three slices of slightly salted fat per potato tuber. Tubers need to be seasoned with salt and pepper. Each of them must be wrapped in a bag and put on a baking sheet. Such a dish should be baked from half an hour to an hour at a temperature of 100 degrees.

With mushrooms, cheese and sour cream

Another dish that will also delight the household is cooked potatoes with mushrooms, cheese and sour cream in the oven on a baking pan. How to cook such a dish?

To do this, generously grease the butter with a butter pan and put on it four potatoes cut in circles, which on top need to be covered with a pair of onion rings chopped. Now you need to salt the vegetables a little bit, lightly fry 0.5 kilograms of mushrooms in a separate frying pan and put them on a pan onion, then add salt and pepper a little. A glass of sour cream is poured on top of the laid out ingredients and everything is sprinkled on top with grated hard cheese (150 grams). The baking sheet must be sent to the oven for baking for 40 minutes.

pork with potatoes in the oven

With chicken

Any family dinner can be decorated with potatoes and chicken cooked on a baking pan in the oven. The recipe is also simple. In order to make such a wonderful dish, you must marinate the chicken carcass in advance. To do this, it should be placed in an ordinary clean bag and separately made marinade, in which you need to add 3-4 crushed cloves of garlic, salt, black pepper and your favorite set of spices for cooking chicken, as well as a small amount of vegetable oil. With this composition, you need to thoroughly coat the carcass and leave to insist in the bag. In the meantime, you can do the preparation of vegetables: peel and chop 2-3 onion heads with rings, cut into slices 5 potatoes and peel a couple of garlic cloves.

After all the preparations, put the chicken right in the bag on a greased bake, put the prepared vegetables around and send to bake until ready. At the output, the potato with chicken in the oven on the baking pan is very aromatic and mouth-watering.

Under the cheese crust

The recommendation on how to cook potatoes in the oven in the baking oven will certainly appeal to all fans of cheese. The dish is prepared very quickly and easily.

Grease the baking sheet with plenty of vegetable or melted creamy butter, put half a kilogram of finely chopped meat or the same amount of minced meat, which must first be soaked in a small amount of soy sauce. Separately, grate 3-4 carrots, cut a couple of onions in half rings, crumble one bunch of parsley and dill. All this should be mixed with mayonnaise and put on top of the meat and cover with two kilograms of sliced ​​potatoes, pre-sprinkled with salt, pepper and crushed garlic (5 cloves). Now you need to cook the potatoes in the oven on the baking pan for 40 minutes. Shortly before the dish is ready, it should be sprinkled with grated hard cheese (200-300 grams) and sent back to the oven, but only for a few minutes, until the cheese is melted.

meat with potatoes in the oven

Potato Chests

The original version of how to cook potatoes in the oven on a baking tray is to make an excellent hot snack from it, which will visually resemble chests. All the ingredients listed here are designed for a couple of large tubers. They must be peeled in advance, and a small part cut from each, which subsequently serves as a “cover” for the “chest”, and also cut out the core from the remaining parts to make “boats”. A small onion and 30 grams of ham should be finely chopped and fried in olive or butter. In a separate pan, you need to mix a small amount of greens, three crushed cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste, as well as a tablespoon of sour cream. The resulting sauce must be set aside.

In a separate deep frying pan, you need to melt a spoonful of butter and fry the potatoes on it so that it acquires a golden crust. After that, it should be stuffed with onions and ham, pour a small amount of sauce and, wrapped in foil, send to bake for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees. This is ideal for frying potatoes in a baking oven. Serve such an original dish with the remaining sauce, prepared for the filling.

With eggplant and minced meat

This dish is good to cook in the summer or early fall, when eggplant can be found on the market. To prepare it, put the potato tubers cut into circles at the bottom of the baking pan and cover them with a pair of medium onions, cut into half rings, which must first be salted. Next, you need to put 0.5 kilograms of minced meat, which also needs to be salted and pepper to taste. Now on top of all the ingredients you need to lay out pre-salted eggplant slices. Before sending the dish to bake, it is advisable to add a little water to the ingredients so that the potato slices in the oven on the baking pan do not burn, pour everything on top with a glass of sour cream, salt, sprinkle with ground pepper and send to bake for an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

potatoes in the oven

Baked potato with beef ribs

An original dish that will decorate any holiday table can be whole potatoes baked on a baking sheet in the oven with beef ribs.

At the very beginning of the preparation of such a dish, you need to make a simple marinade, which consists of a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce, the same amount of wine vinegar, four tablespoons of honey, a spoon of brown sugar, three tablespoons of tomato paste and pepper and salt to taste. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and set aside.

On the parchment covered with parchment, lay the ribs, previously washed and cut into portion pieces, which are smeared with all the cooked marinade (ingredients are calculated for 1 kg of ribs). In this form, they need to be baked for an hour. Approximately 30-40 minutes before ready, you need to remove the pan and put into the empty places peeled, washed and dried with a paper towel potatoes. The dish can be sprinkled with herbs for a greater flavor.

Beer potato snack

In the oven, you can also quickly and easily prepare a wonderful beer snack. To do this, take 4 medium tubers and, cutting them into slices, put on a baking sheet covered with foil, sprinkled with oil and sprinkled with salt. On top of it, you also need to salt, pepper and drizzle with olive oil. All this is baked in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

While the tubers are preparing, you need to make the sauce, for which it mixes until homogeneous zest of one lime, half a glass of mayonnaise, a couple of tablespoons of hot ketchup, a spoonful of lime juice, herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Once the potatoes are ready, they need to be taken out, sprinkled with grated Parmesan, sprinkled with herbs.

how to fry potatoes in the oven

With fish

You can make a delicious oven-baked potato with fish. For such a dish, mackerel is ideal, as it has fewer bones and they are very easy to remove.

Whole fish needs to be gutted well, removed bones, all unnecessary parts and cut into medium pieces. 4 potatoes should be peeled, cut into thin circles and put on a pan covered with foil and oiled. From above, all this is poured with a small amount of vegetable oil, sprinkled with salt and pepper. Next, a layer of fish is laid out and the onion head cut into rings. All ingredients need to be poured with a small amount of mayonnaise and crushed with grated cheese (100 grams). Now all the ingredients can be sent to the oven and baked until cooked.

With pork

Baked pork with potatoes on a baking sheet in the oven turns out to be especially tasty if cooked according to this magic recipe.

potatoes with bacon in the oven

First of all, it is necessary to fry over high heat for a couple of minutes 6-7 pork steaks. After that, about a kilogram of potato, cut into large cubes and chopped onion, is laid out on a baking sheet greased with butter or sunflower oil. All this should be sprinkled with grated cheese on a coarse grater (250 grams), put on top of the meat and pour a glass of cream mixed with a teaspoon of spices to taste and a pinch of salt. All this is baked at a temperature of 190 degrees until ready.

Baked pork with potatoes in a baking oven , cooked according to this recipe, turns out to be especially juicy and tasty. This dish can definitely surprise anyone!

Spiced Potato with Bacon

As an appetizer, and just the main dish, potatoes baked with bacon can serve. He will conquer any gourmet with his wonderful aroma, which will fill the whole house.

To prepare the dish, you need to peel half a kilogram of potato, cut it into large slices (ideally - slices) and lay on a baking sheet lined with foil for baking. Now here you need to add 150 grams of bacon, cut first into longitudinal strips, and then into medium-sized cubes. After that, the ingredients are sprinkled with a mixture of peppers and basil - each seasoning should be taken one teaspoon and baked all this in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 2530 minutes.

With chicken and ginger

Very tasty ginger and chicken with potatoes in the oven in the baking pan, baked according to this recipe. To prepare fragrant potatoes, you need to finely chop a couple of onion heads, add a couple of garlic cloves, 50 grams of peeled and chopped ginger root, 2/3 cup sour cream, a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste, as well as salt and black pepper to taste. The entire contents of the plate should be thoroughly mixed and pickled in this sauce a kilogram of chicken meat, previously thoroughly washed (you can use hips instead of fillets).

Now you need to grease the baking pan with butter, put a kilogram of potato cut into circles on it and pour it with a small amount of purified water so that it is the thickness of a finger. Above all, you need to carefully decompose the marinated fillet and cover it with foil. In this form, meat and potatoes are fried in the oven on a baking pan until they are fully prepared, which takes about 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. After this time, you need to remove the baking sheet from the oven and, removing the foil, grease everything from above 1/3 cup of sour cream. In this form (without foil), chicken and potatoes must be simmered in the oven for another half an hour.

Potatoes so baked in this way will surprise you with their taste and divine aroma.

Try, experiment and enjoy your meal!

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