Beef liver is a healthy product that is recommended to be periodically included in the diet. But not everyone eats it. Some do not like the taste, others consider it to be rubber, others do not know how to cook deliciously. Beef liver with sour cream is tender, soft and tasty. This is not the easiest product to prepare, but worth learning.
How to choose
This is an important step towards healthy food. Fresh liver is elastic and moist, it has an even color of ripe cherries and a sweetish smell. If it is dark, it means it has been stored for a long time. If the smell is sour, there are blood clots, buying a product is not recommended.
Cooking features
It is better to cook from a liver that has not been frozen. If she lay in the freezer, it is recommended to defrost gradually, in the general chamber of the refrigerator.
In order for the liver to retain a maximum of useful substances and remain soft, it should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment.
It is important to remove all films and vessels that will make it stiff, even if it is properly prepared.
Another secret of a soft and tasty liver is pre-soaking in milk. This process takes 1 to 2 hours, then remove the moisture with a paper towel and begin cooking.
The beef liver with sour cream is especially tasty if it is breaded in flour. It must be remembered that the calorie content of the finished dish in this case increases.
The liver goes well with spices, fresh herbs, vegetables. In addition, vegetables as part of such a dish will give it juiciness.
Serve the liver with sour cream with mashed potatoes, pasta, vegetable stew. Usually homemade people really like this kind of food.
And now about how to cook delicious liver beef with sour cream. Recipes are presented in the article.
Classic dish
What to take:
- 600 g of beef liver;
- 100 ml sour cream;
- 200 g of onion;
- vegetable oil;
- flour;
- hot water;
- salt pepper.
How to cook beef liver with sour cream:
- Dice the onions and bring to a golden color in a pan in vegetable oil. Then shift to a plate.
- Rinse the liver, remove films and blood vessels, cut into layers the size of small chops 1 cm thick.
- Mix flour with salt and pepper. Roll pieces of liver in flour.
- Pour oil into a pan and fry the liver over medium heat for 2 minutes on each side. Remove from pan and start frying the next batch.
- Put the finished liver in a pan mixed with fried onions.
- Pour a small amount of hot water into the sour cream, about half a glass, add salt and pepper, mix and pour the liver.
- Put on low heat, simmer after boiling under the lid for 20 minutes.
In a slow cooker
Delicious beef liver with sour cream and vegetables can be cooked in a slow cooker.
To do this, take:
- 0.5 kg of liver;
- two sweet peppers;
- two onions;
- one carrot;
- 200 ml of sour cream;
- vegetable oil;
- salt pepper;
- fresh greens.
Consider how to cook a beef liver with sour cream in a slow cooker:
- Wash carrots, onions and peppers, peel and cut into thin strips.
- In the slow cooker, set the program “Frying”, pour a little vegetable oil, put vegetables and sauté for five minutes - seven without a lid. Then close and cook for another five minutes.
- Cut the liver into small strips and send to a slow cooker. Fry without a lid for seven minutes, then mix, salt and add ground pepper.
- Close the multicooker with a lid, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of the program add sour cream.
Serve the finished liver with fresh chopped herbs. As a side dish, rice, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes are suitable.
With tomato and garlic
The following ingredients will be required for this beef liver recipe with sour cream:
- one and a half kilograms of the main product;
- 300 g of onions;
- 200 ml of sour cream;
- 50 g of tomato paste;
- three cloves of garlic;
- vegetable oil;
- pepper;
- a bunch of fresh parsley;
- water;
- salt.
Go directly to the recipe.
How to cook beef liver with sour cream and tomato? To do this, follow the instructions:
- Release the liver from blood vessels and films, cut into small bars.
- Dice the onion.
- Pass the garlic through a press, chop the greens with a knife.
- Mix tomato paste with sour cream, salt and pepper.
- In a pot with thick walls (ideally in a cauldron), heat the vegetable oil and bring the onion to a golden color.
- Add the liver to the onion and fry until it brightens.
- Reduce the flame, put sour cream with tomato in a cauldron.
- Pour in water so that it covers the contents of the cauldron.
- Simmer for about 20 minutes under a lid over low heat. Make sure that the liquid does not evaporate completely and add if necessary.
- After 20 minutes, add the garlic and chopped herbs and mix.
- Cook for another five minutes and remove from the stove.
Serve the liver with a side dish; use the tomato and cream sauce remaining in the cauldron as gravy.
With wine
How else can you cook beef liver with sour cream? The recipe with wine is suitable for a festive table.
Have to take:
- 0.5 kg of liver;
- 200 ml of dry red wine;
- 100 g cooked smoked bacon;
- two onions;
- 200 g sour cream;
- salt;
- vegetable oil;
- milk;
- pepper.
Consider how to cook:
- Soak beef liver in milk for half an hour. Then dry and cut into small bars and slices.
- Heat vegetable oil in a pan and quickly fry the liver on both sides until a brown crust appears.
- Remove liver slices from a pan and put in a pan, pour wine and simmer for ten minutes on low heat.
- Fry in a pan where the liver and bacon were cooked.
- Cut the onions into small slices and send to the pan, salt, add pepper, put sour cream. If sour cream is too thick, dilute it with a little water.
- Transfer the bacon with onions in sour cream into a pan with the liver and simmer for another ten minutes under the lid.
With potatoes
This recipe is very old and came to us from Poland. It will require the following ingredients:
- 0.5 kg of beef liver;
- two onions;
- five potato tubers;
- two tablespoons of flour;
- 100 ml dry wine (white or red);
- 300 g sour cream;
- vegetable oil;
- fresh greens;
- coriander and thyme;
- salt;
- pepper.
How to cook:
- Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into thin circles. Dry it with a towel and put in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry until golden brown.
- Cut off all unnecessary from the liver, cut into small cubes, salt, sprinkle with pepper. Then put in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and fry very quickly on each side.
- Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings. Put it in a pan with liver and fry for five to seven minutes. Then reduce the flame and pour the wine.
- While the liquid is evaporating, mix sour cream with coriander, thyme and salt.
- Transfer the seasoning sour cream in a pan with the liver, mix and simmer under the lid for about ten minutes.
- Put the finished dish on a plate: in the center of the liver, along the edge of the plate - potatoes. Sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs.
With cheese
What to take:
- 0.5 kg of calf or beef liver;
- 100 g of hard cheese;
- 100 g of sour cream;
- four tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- four tablespoons of flour;
- boiled water;
- parsley;
- black pepper;
- Bay leaf;
- Provencal herbs;
- salt.
It is better to use the fresh liver of a young calf, it will cook much faster.
How to cook:
- Cut the liver into small pieces, pepper, salt, sprinkle with Provencal herbs, lightly beat off with a kitchen hammer. Leave for ten minutes to soak in the aroma of herbs.
- Pour flour into a suitable container, roll each piece in it.
- Heat a frying pan, pour oil on it and put the liver.
- Fry quickly over medium heat until golden brown.
- Put sour cream in a pan, pour in water, throw a bay leaf. Stir with a wooden spatula. Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes.
- Sprinkle with grated cheese a few minutes before cooking.
Remove the finished dish from the heat, let it brew for about ten minutes. Garnish with sprigs of parsley and serve. It can be eaten both hot and cold, with or without a side dish. The main thing is that his taste is spicy, the liver is tender and very tasty. With pleasure it is eaten by households.
Now you know how to cook delicious beef liver with sour cream. If you follow a diet, you don’t need to offal in flour, it is advisable to exclude the frying process and do the stewing.