What is hemorrhoids and how to deal with it?

Today, not everyone knows what hemorrhoids are. It is worth noting that such a disease is now very common. Knowing the causes, the main clinical manifestations, as well as methods of treating this ailment is unlikely to hurt anyone.

What is hemorrhoids

What is hemorrhoids?

This disease is a pathological expansion of hemorrhoidal vessels. Such an ailment is a rather complicated social problem. The fact is that if the severity of this disease is too high, a person loses the ability to perform his professional duties normally.

Causes of occurrence

Today several etiological factors of this disease are known at once. First of all, it should be remembered that the pathological expansion of certain sections of hemorrhoidal vessels occurs due to a significant increase in pressure in them. This happens during weight lifting. In addition, a large increase in pressure in such vessels can occur during childbirth. Strong constipation also contributes significantly to this.

Hemorrhoids photo

Do not forget that hemorrhoids is a disease with a hereditary predisposition. The fact is that weakness of the vascular wall can be transmitted from parents to children.

Clinical manifestations

Many people begin to think about what hemorrhoids are only when sufficiently pronounced symptoms of the disease appear. In this case, the first manifestations are usually pain during defecation. This occurs when damage occurs to the hemorrhoid that protrudes into the lumen of the rectum.

In the future, scarlet blood appears. It can be seen both on toilet paper and on excreted feces.

It is worth noting that the pain that occurs during the act of defecation usually lasts for several minutes. Then they transform into itching and / or burning.

In the event that external hemorrhoids are observed, then you can detect a protrusion on your own. Often it is well palpable in the perianal region. Some people begin to confuse such a pathological formation with others. It will help to independently establish a hemorrhoids photo, in which manifestations of this disease are visible.

External hemorrhoids treatment


It is customary to fight this disease with both conservative and operational methods. In the event that the hemorrhoids are not very pronounced, then you can try to cure it without surgical intervention. In this case, the patient is prescribed a diet with the exception of seasoned, salty dishes. In addition, it is not recommended to eat fried and smoked products. In the presence of constipation, it is very important to add cabbage to your diet. It perfectly softens the stool. To facilitate their passage through the lumen of the rectum, often patients are prescribed drugs in the form of suppositories for rectal administration. They include a large number of natural oils.

Each specialist who knows what hemorrhoids is sure to prescribe Ascorutin to a patient suffering from this disease. This tool strengthens the vascular wall, reducing the rate of progression of the pathological process.

Surgical treatment is prescribed when it becomes clear that conservative methods fail. In this case, the most common version of the operation is flashing followed by removal of the hemorrhoid. It should be noted that if a person has external hemorrhoids, surgical treatment will not always involve the introduction of a patient into general anesthesia. For people with an internal form of the disease during surgery, it is mandatory.

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