How to remove a wen on the eyelid? Reasons and treatment

Zhirovik on the eyelid (lipoma) can appear in an adult and in a child. This skin defect in most cases does not pose a threat to health. However, its transformation into a malignant tumor cannot be ruled out. In addition, this neoplasm can grow, which negatively affects the appearance. What are the causes of lipoma and how to get rid of it? The answers to these questions are contained in the article.

Reasons for the appearance

First you need to understand what is associated with the appearance of this benign formation. Possible causes of a wen on the eyelid are as follows:

appeared wen on the eyelid
  • hormonal disorders;
  • heredity;
  • failures in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the liver, thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • bad ecology;
  • improper diet (fatty foods, fast food, lack of vitamins);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits (alcoholism).

We must not forget that all these are just assumptions. The doctors still have not been able to establish the exact causes of the formation of lipomas.


Benign formations can be divided at the place of deployment:

  • Zhirovik on the upper eyelid. Such lipomas cause the greatest inconvenience to their owners. If they grow in size, this can interfere with visual vision. However, it should be noted that it is easiest to remove such neoplasms.
  • Zhirovik on the lower eyelid. Such growths are also quite common. They do not deliver much discomfort. However, their appearance negatively affects the appearance, so you should not put up with this.
  • Lipoma in the inner eyelid. This neoplasm is difficult to remove due to inaccessibility. It is impossible to self-medicate in this case, you should definitely seek medical help at the first sign of appearance.

The danger of self-medication

People do not always go to the doctor, noticing a wen on their eyelids. Many are trying to self-medicate. Often, fatal mistakes are made that negatively affect health.

eyelid wen

What method of combating lipomas on the eyelids at home is considered the most dangerous? In no case can a growth be pierced independently, squeezed out using sharp objects. Such actions can lead to an even greater spread of benign neoplasms, to partial loss of vision. There is also the possibility of infection, the preservation of scars.

Drug treatment

How to remove a wen on the eyelid? Fortunately, surgical intervention is not always required. In many cases, drug therapy helps to cope with lipoma. She shows the best results in the fight against small tumors.

Injections of an anti-inflammatory drug (for example, Diprospan) are an effective treatment. An injection is made directly into the body of the lipoma. The procedure is safe for health, minimally traumatic, leaves no scars. However, this method is not suitable for people who dream of getting rid of a wen quickly. It will take two to three months for the gradually decreasing lipoma to completely disappear.


How to get rid of a wen on the eyelid with the help of pharmacy drugs? People who do not have the opportunity to see a doctor use the tools described below.

ointment against a wen on the eyelid
  • Ointment "Videstim". The composition of this drug contains components that cause the breakdown of lipoma tissues. Gradually, the neoplasm decreases in size. The tool is used until the growth completely disappears. Use this ointment can adults and children.
  • Balm "Vitaon". The components of this remedy include extracts of medicinal plants, for example, calendula, St. John's wort, celandine, yarrow, mint. The balm produces an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, promotes the healing of the affected area. It is also suitable for representatives of any age group.
  • Ichthyol ointment. This drug has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Among its components are ichthyol and medical petroleum jelly. They stimulate the flow of blood to the wen, contribute to its resorption. You can use the ointment at any age.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. With the help of this drug, it is also possible to achieve resorption of a benign neoplasm, removing its tissues out. The ointment has an antibacterial, astringent and drying effect.

Surgical intervention

How to get rid of wen on the eyelids? In some situations, it is not possible to do without surgical intervention:

  • Classic surgical incision. Perhaps this is the easiest way to fight lipomas. The capsule is removed along with the contents, the probability of relapse is completely eliminated. The main disadvantage of the method is the ability to save subtle scars.
  • Endoscopic incision. This method allows you to achieve the best cosmetic result, its use practically leaves no traces. Unfortunately, in this case, a small probability of relapse persists. What is an operation? Zhirovik is peeling through a small incision.
  • Liposuction This method involves a miniature incision (not more than 0.5 cm). A special device is used to suck out the lipoma. The main disadvantage of this method is the rather high risk of relapse.

Electrocoagulation, laser removal

You can also remove the wen on the eyelid by electrocoagulation. This method is often given preference for multiple neoplasms. One procedure is enough to completely get rid of lipoma. High-frequency electric current affects adipose tissue, then the body rejects it. It takes no more than eight to ten days to heal a wound. Scars do not remain, although a pigmented spot may remain for some time.

Removal with a laser beam is a method that is preferred when dealing with small and medium sized wen. The operation does not involve the use of anesthesia, since the method is painless. Using a laser eliminates the risk of relapse, lipoma disappears without a trace. Also among the advantages of the method can be noted the rapid healing of the wound. However, we must not forget that this method does not allow a histological analysis to be performed on the benignness of neoplasm cells.


How to get rid of a wen on the eyelid at home? Celandine will help to cope with this task. Daily apply the juice of the plant to the affected area. Regular repetition of the procedure should lead to the fact that the wen will break through.

celandine against wen on the eyelid

Vinegar and iodine

Another effective home recipe involves the use of vinegar and iodine. It is necessary to mix half a teaspoon of iodine with the same amount of table vinegar. The mixture is applied to the lipoma in the form of a compress. It must be ensured that it does not get into the eyes.

Onion garlic

Onions - a product that will also help in the fight against wen. It must be grated. In the resulting slurry, it is necessary to moisten a cotton wool or tampon, apply to the eyelid, fix it with an adhesive plaster. It is important that the onion juice does not get into the eyes. After several sessions, the wen should break through.

garlic vs wen on the eyelid

Garlic is a product that will help those who are ready for a long time to wait for the result. It will take several weeks of regular procedures for this remedy to work. A clove of garlic must be crushed with a crush, add a few drops of vegetable oil. Apply this mixture to the eyelid in the morning and at night, the procedure is repeated daily. Keep the compress only a few minutes.

There is another recipe that involves the use of garlic. In a blender, you need to chop a piece of fat and a clove of garlic. The resulting mixture must be applied as a compress. The procedure is repeated until the benign neoplasm disappears completely.

Aloe and Kalanchoe

A quick opening of the wen can be achieved with aloe or Kalanchoe. The juice of one of these medicinal plants must be applied daily to the lipoma with a cotton swab or swab. Before use, it is advisable to keep the liquid in the refrigerator for some time.

aloe against wen on the eyelid

Salt, sour cream, honey

What other recipe will help a person who has formed an unattractive wen on the eyelid? You can mix sour cream, honey and salt in equal proportions. All products must be thoroughly mixed, and then apply the mixture to a pre-steamed eyelid. It is convenient to do this with a cotton swab. The procedure is repeated until the wen is opened.

Oak Bark Infusion

With this product you can also get rid of lipomas. In a glass of pre-warmed vodka, it is necessary to dip 50 g of oak bark. The solution should be infused for three days, then it should be filtered. Zhirovik soaked several times a day with an ear stick. The procedure is repeated for a week.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is a product that will also serve well in the fight against wen. Before use, it must be warmed up to a pleasantly warm state. A teaspoon of oil should be mixed with a pinch of salt, then mix it all thoroughly. The mixture is applied to the eyelid with an ear stick. The mild burning sensation that a person feels during the procedure is normal. Several sessions will allow the lipoma to transform into a crust, which will gradually fall off on its own.

Preventive measures

The above describes where the neoplasm comes from and how to remove a wen on the eyelid. The photos in the article will help to understand what a lipoma looks like.

lower eyelid adipose

Preventing a benign neoplasm is easier than fighting it. Not always wen arises in connection with a particular disease. What should be done to never encounter such a problem?

  • Basic hygiene rules must be observed. Often, it is their violation that leads to the formation of lipoma.
  • You should lead a healthy lifestyle. Sports, regular stay in the fresh air, refusal of bad habits are meant.
  • You need to eat right. Spicy, smoked and fried foods should be excluded from the diet or minimized. It is also extremely dangerous to eat fast food. The menu should be dominated by vegetables and fruits.

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