The medicine "Lidocaine". Instructions for use and description

The medicine “Lidocaine” is an analgesic that, in its structure, relates to derivatives of acetanilide. The medication has a local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic effect of a pronounced nature. The tool helps to inhibit nerve conduction by blocking the sodium channels in nerve fibers and endings. The local anesthetic effect of the drug “Lidocaine” (reviews of experts confirm this) significantly exceeds the effect of the drug “Procain” in intensity.

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The activity of the first develops faster and persists for a longer period. When combined with the use of the medicine "Epinifrin", the duration of action increases to two hours. The antiarrhythmic effect is determined by its ability to normalize the cell membrane, inhibit sodium channels, increase membrane permeability for potassium ions. The drug "Lidocaine" (instructions for use indicates this) practically does not affect the electrophysiological state of the atria. At the same time, repolarization in the ventricles is accelerated. Within five to fifteen minutes after intravenous administration, the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is noted. Without an initial saturating dose with slow infusion (iv) - after five to six hours. About 50-80% of the drug binds to plasma proteins. The distribution of the drug to tissues and organs is carried out quickly enough.
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The medicine "Lidocaine" (instructions for use warns about this) is not recommended during pregnancy, intolerance, the presence in the history of data on the presence of epileptiform seizures due to the administration of the drug. Contraindications include cardiogenic shock, atrioventricular block, sinus node weakness, myasthenia gravis, severe liver pathologies.

The medicine "Lidocaine". Instructions for use. Side effect

The medication can provoke excitement or depression of the central nervous system, euphoria, nervousness, drowsiness, photophobia, flickering of flies in front of the eyes. Patients may experience headache, diplopia, disorientation, dizziness, convulsions, respiratory arrest or respiratory depression. The negative effects should include tremors, muscle twitches, impaired consciousness, tinnitus.

lidocaine instructions for use
The drug provokes a transverse blockade of the heart, bradycardia, collapse, change (decrease or increase) in pressure. When using the medicine, numbness of the extremities, a feeling of heat, anaphylactic shock, and exfoliative generalized dermatitis are likely. The negative consequences include vomiting, angioedema, nausea, dyspepsia, discomfort in the abdomen. Patients may also experience immunosuppression.

Dosage regimen

The medicine "Lidocaine" instructions for use allows you to enter subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously (depending on the type of anesthesia). The maximum dosage is four hundred milligrams.

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