In this article, we will tell you about the calorie content of dried papaya, its beneficial properties and composition. In addition, you will learn how to choose and store this product. At the end of the article you will find a pleasant surprise - a simple recipe for breakfast using papaya.
Product Description
Papaya is a juicy and aromatic fruit of a large plant of the family Karik. This product is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Papaya is eaten fresh, dried, and also in combination with other products. The most popular dishes from this ingredient: sweet cakes, juices, salads, simple snacks and cakes.
Ripe papaya has a soft, slightly oily texture and tart taste. Inside the fruit itself, small black grains lurked. In most cases, they are used as decoration for desserts or salads. Sometimes such grains act as spices.
Papaya composition
Having figured out what this fruit is, we can safely proceed to the study of the composition. Thanks to many useful substances and minerals that include papaya, the product has a positive effect on the human body.
Since the fruit itself is an expensive pleasure, papaya is often sold in dried form. The price for 100 grams of the finished product is quite affordable, and everyone can please themselves with a tasty and healthy treat. In addition, these candied fruits can be used for making oatmeal, a quick snack from cereal, dried fruit and milk, and also replace them with delicious but far from healthy chocolate.
So, what is in the composition of this product:
- vitamins A and C, which are responsible for improving vision, skin and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease;
- folic acid;
- fiber, due to which the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins;
- magnesium;
- enzymes;
- glucose;
- fructose;
- organic acids;
- papain;
- chymopapain.
How many calories in dried papaya we will consider a little later.
Many nutritionists strongly recommend not to freeze fruit slices, but to dry. Thus, you do not kill useful substances, and the shelf life of the product itself is significantly increased.
In addition to cooking, this product is also actively used in cosmetology. Often, papaya pulp is the main component of face masks. It is believed that this contributes to the rapid regeneration and restoration of the skin.
Dried Papaya: Calories per 100 grams
After we told you about the composition and use of this product, its nutritional value should be noted. Like any other fruit, it is not very large and easily fits into the daily calorie intake for an adult. In this section, you will find out the energy value and amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in papaya.
BZHU and calorie content of dried papaya per 100 grams:
- proteins - 1.1 grams;
- fats - 0.6 grams;
- carbohydrates - 67.4 grams;
- calories - 309.1 kcal.
As for the fresh fruit, the values ββare slightly different:
- proteins - 0.6 grams;
- fats - 0.1 grams;
- carbohydrates - 9.2 grams;
- calories - 48 kcal.
Now you know how many calories are in dried papaya and fresh.
Beneficial features
The main positive qualities of dried papaya include the following:
- digestion improvement;
- normalization of acidity in the stomach;
- removal of toxins from the human body;
- improvement of nails, hair and skin;
- strengthening bones and teeth;
- papaya is very useful in diseases such as gastritis, colitis and ulcers;
- normalizes blood sugar;
- activates the liver;
- is an anthelmintic;
- It is used to treat wounds, burns and abrasions;
- helps to increase and strengthen immunity;
- especially useful for women during pregnancy and lactation, due to the high content of folic acid;
- contributes to weight loss;
- reduces the risk of developing oncology and malignant tumors;
- actively fights cardiovascular diseases.
Do you know that papaya juice is used to make medicines that fight intervertebral osteochondrosis?
However, excessive passion for candied fruits can lead to complications and gain extra pounds. Therefore, more than 30-40 grams of the finished product per day is not recommended.
Now that you know the calorie content of dried papaya, its beneficial properties and composition, we move on to the next section.
How to choose a product?
When choosing a papaya, you need to pay attention to the appearance and condition of the fetus. It should not be excessively soft or blackened. You can only eat ripe fruits, so do not hesitate to feel, smell and examine them in detail. If possible, ask the seller to cut the fruit into two equal parts to check its maturity.
As for dried papaya, the calorie content of which you already know, such candied fruits are sold either in transparent packaging or by weight in specialized stores. The package should not be garbage, excess particles and rotten pieces. The smell of this fruit is a little sharp, so do not be alarmed. The container itself must be tightly sealed and without damage. Also pay attention to expiration dates.
A delicious and simple breakfast recipe
- yogurt - 250 grams;
- strawberries - 100 grams;
- dried papaya (calorie content of about 310 kcal) - 50 grams;
- Muesli - 75 grams.
Cooking method:
- Pour muesli into a deep bowl.
- Pour the yogurt into the mixture.
- Cover the bowl with a lid and detect for five minutes.
- Add strawberries, previously washed and cut into slices.
- Garnish with dried papaya.
Now you know not only the composition and calorie content of dried papaya, but also an interesting version of the dish with its use.