Strathisla 12 Years Old Whiskey Review

What is known about Strathisla whiskey? Who is the manufacturer of the drink? What unique qualities does the presented brand have? I would like to consider the answers to these and other questions in our publication.

About the manufacturer

The company that manufactures this magnificent spirits is located in the north of Scotland. The distillery was originally called Milltown. However, later it was decided to rename the company into "Stratail", in honor of the river, which flows nearby.

According to information from ancient chronicles, in the area presented for centuries engaged in the manufacture of alcohol. Beginning in 1208, the monks brewed heather ale here. In the 18th century, production was reoriented to produce traditional Scottish scotch tape. This decision seemed logical, because the region had excellent barley yields. In addition, the Strathail River was an excellent source of pure spring water.

A full-scale whiskey distillery was built in the area in 1786. The idea of ​​organizing large-scale production was able to translate into reality the successful Scottish businessman George Taylor, who had previously built up capital to sell flax. The entrepreneur leased land, making a deal with Count Sisaydsky. In order to reduce costs, Taylor decided to take a trick, withholding from the authorities the fact of installing one extra distillation cube at the enterprise. However, the secret was quickly revealed, which forced the owner of the plant to pay the state a fairly impressive fine of 500 pounds at the time.

In 1820, the company's business began to decline. The reason was the poor state of health of Taylor, who crippled while riding a horse. George could no longer personally control the production processes for the production of Strathisla whiskey, so he had to put up the shares of the plant for sale. Soon, the directors of William Longmore Ltd. became the new owners of the successful venture.

In the 40s of the last century, the entrepreneur Jay Pomroy acquired the rights to make Strathisla whiskey, who began selling alcohol produced here on the black market under other brands. For such actions, the businessman was accused of fraud and sentenced to pay a fine of more than 100,000 pounds, which led to bankruptcy. To compensate for the loss, Pomroy was forced to sell the company to the owner of Chivas Brothers, James Barclay. However, a series of dramatic changes absolutely did not affect the quality of Strathisla whiskey and a decrease in production volumes.

Drink quality

whiskey strathisla 12 years

Whiskey Strathisla 12 Years Old - a first-class drink of long aging. It stands out for its extremely attractive amber shade with golden tints. Customer reviews of Strathisla 12 Years Old whiskey speak of it as a soft, slightly oily drink with a pronounced fruity aroma and smoky notes in the train.

If we talk about the taste of alcohol, pleasant sherry intonations, unobtrusive creamy tones and peaty nuances come first. After a few sips, notes of roasted nuts come into effect. The long-lasting warming aftertaste reveals refreshing woody motifs.

Reviews on Strathisla 12 Years Old whiskey confirm that the drink is an excellent digestif. Gourmets recommend eating it after a feast with a plentiful amount of nutritious dishes. The alcohol of the brand presented in the best way reveals its non-trivial taste when drunk in its purest form. In order to activate a saturated bouquet of aromas, a few drops of spring water or a small amount of ice can be added to the glass.

Manufacturing Features

whiskey strathisla reviews

Whiskey Strathisla 12 Years Old is made on the basis of barley malt, slightly smoked on peat smoke. This approach is traditional for Scottish scotch tape. At the enterprise distillation cubes with a beveled neck are used. Local blenders believe that this solution helps to produce the most oily, hard-to-absorb spirits.

Wort fermentation takes place in selected oak containers. It is easy to guess that the aging of whiskey is 12 years. At the end of the specified period, the manufacturer pours the finished drink into a glass container, which acquires a somewhat sweet, soft character.

Interesting Facts

bottles of whiskey strathisla

Despite the fact that the famous Scottish company throughout its history had to go through wars, fires and other disasters, the production of Strathisla whiskey never stopped. Reserves of alcohol raw materials have always been replenished, however, with varying intensities.

The owner of the shares of the old distillery - the company Chivas Regal is engaged in the supply of only one type of whiskey under the brand Strathisla 12 Years Old. However, there are a number of independent enterprises that have the rights to sell their own drinks, with an addition to their brand name “Stratail”.


photo whiskey strathisla 12 years

Whiskey Strathisla 12 Years Old is a vivid example of Scotland's traditional spirits. This type of alcohol is extremely balanced and easy to drink. Gourmets note the presence of almost identical notes, both in taste and in the trail of aromas. All this is the key to the extreme popularity of the drink for many years.

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