Some people consider liver to be a second-rate product that is better not to eat, and neglect it. Although in fact this is a completely normal and useful product that almost all people can eat (if there are no medical contraindications). Meanwhile, meat offal is a source of protein, which performs a building function in our body and helps muscles and bones to develop. In addition, meat offal contains iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins A and B. If you like to cook in the kitchen, then this product is suitable for a sufficiently large number of dishes, but we will focus on one of them.
We suggest you try baking pies with liver, this is a very tasty dish made from inexpensive products, which even an inexperienced housewife could well manage to do. Pies can be eaten hot or cold, a separate dish or instead of bread - in any case, you will get not only pleasure from the taste perception, but also a hearty dinner. From the recipe below you get a whole bowl of pies, and if you don’t need so much, just divide the number of products by 2 or 3. Carefully read the recipe and try to remember everything so that the first pancake does not turn out to be lumpy.
Liver pies - recipe
So, to prepare pies with liver, for the filling, take 0.9 - 1 kg of beef offal - liver, heart and lung, rinse them thoroughly in running water. Remove the films and bile ducts from the liver, soak in milk to make it taste better. Cut the heart and lung into large pieces, put them in a saucepan, add water and put on low heat. For flavor, add 1 onion, halved, celery root, black peppercorns and 2 bay leaves at the end of cooking to the broth. For taste, you can use not only these ingredients, since here it all depends on the specific taste preferences of your and your family. The cooking time is about two hours, but you need to make sure that it is not digested - the heart should be pierced easily with a fork, but not break up.
Put a large frying pan on a fire, heat vegetable oil in it and put 1 onion, cut into large circles. Put small layers of the liver about 1.5 cm thick on top. Salt the liver, pepper, reduce the fire under a frying pan and simmer the liver under the lid, without turning over until the blood is released. Do not stew the liver for too long, otherwise it will become stiff and dry. Discard the used onion, and fry 2 more onions separately. All products need to be chopped finely, for this you can use a food processor, and in a pinch - a meat grinder. Add the same cooked celery and about a glass of broth. Add dried seasonings if desired: thyme, parsley, dill.
The dough for pies with liver is kneaded from 1 liter of milk, 5 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 7 tablespoons of sunflower oil, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 packet of dried yeast and 1.5 kg of sifted flour. Leave the dough in a warm place for about 40 minutes. Then knead it and let it rise a second time. If you want to cook fried pies, then the dough can not be crushed. Next, pies with liver are prepared in the same way as pies with liver sausage, only a piece of butter should be put on each pie to give a more delicate taste. Do not forget to let them stand before baking, and taking it out of the oven, grease the golden crust with butter and leave it to “rest” under a cotton cloth for 15-20 minutes. As you can see from all of the above, it’s not so difficult to prepare delicious and nutritious pies with a product like liver. Therefore, be sure to try this dish, and you will definitely want to cook it more than once!