Couples are increasingly faced with the problem of infertility. Unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant during the year in the absence of pathologies should be alarming. Often the cause is a psychological factor. The psychosomatics of infertility is important in the treatment. The psychologist will help in this.
The concept
Infertility is called a medical diagnosis, which indicates the impossibility of conception and bearing a child. It is divided into the following types:
- Absolute dysfunction of the genital organs.
- The possibility of pregnancy using IVF.
This deviation occurs not only at the level of the body, but also at the soul, since all women were born to continue life. Therefore, their function in this process is fundamental. There is an established psychosomatics of infertility that makes it difficult to have children.
What it is?
The psychosomatics of infertility is the presence of internal psychological difficulties manifested at the level of the body. When the mind cannot track problems, the body signals through disease. The psychosomatics of infertility includes many internal reasons why a woman is not able to fulfill her mission.
Childbearing age
How old are women of childbearing age? In medicine, reproductive age is divided into 2 periods:
- Early - from 1 menstruation to 35 years.
- Late - from 35 years to menopause.
The early period is divided into 2 segments - from monthly to 19-20 years and up to 20-35 years. Physiologically, an organism at the age of 12-15 can conceive a child, but it will be difficult to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.
Therefore, doctors believe that it is better to give birth to a child from 19-20 to 35 years. During this period, the body is ready for stress. Even at this age, women are usually ready for pregnancy. It will also be easier to recover from childbirth, easier to establish breastfeeding.
After 35 years, the late reproductive period begins. At this time, preparation for menopause begins. After 40 years, getting pregnant is not easy. The chronic ailments that many women have at this age interfere with conception. Late pregnancy can lead to complications that are dangerous for the baby and mother.
The psychosomatics of infertility in women includes several reasons:
- Representatives of the weaker sex carry a lot of male. This applies to women who differ in strength, authority, will. Male energy fills them.
- There may be inner fear. This is another psychological cause of female infertility. For example, a woman may be afraid that she will be a bad mother. There is still a fear of dependence on her husband.
- Subconscious dislike for children. It happens that outwardly a woman desires to have a child. She can envy friends who have children, read literature about parenthood, visit doctors, but she has a negative attitude towards children. Some women believe that a child is a hindrance in a career, relationship with her husband.
- Bad relationship with her husband. This is also the cause of infertility. Children need a family full of love, so if the relationship between the spouses deteriorates, the risk of pregnancy is reduced.
- Birth injury. This is a deeper reason than previous ones. It is proved that all people have some kind of connection. Scientifically, this is called transcendence. For example, there is no desire to have children if someone in the family once lost their child.
- Relations with your mom. When a woman has a bad relationship with her mother, she does not feel love from her, then this can be the cause of infertility.
The psychosomatics of infertility after abortion is known. Sometimes, due to health reasons, doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy. After that, it is difficult for a woman to tune in again to the desire to have children.
These reasons apply to women and men. If all medical facilities have been passed, tests have been passed, and pregnancy has not happened, then you need to pay attention to the state of mind. Psychosomatics allows you to look deep into yourself, find the reason for correcting the situation. In this case, a psychologist, a body-oriented therapist, will help. They also turn to a constellation therapist, a psychosomatic consultant.
The number of barren marriages is constantly growing. The reason can be both in men and in women. Doctors and scientists attribute this to psychogenic changes and psychological trauma. Often revealed immunological incompatibility between men and women. In this case, conception is possible, but if there is no constant medical supervision, the pregnancy usually terminates. First, you need to undergo examination by a man. A spermogram sets the number and motility of sperm.
Immunological infertility means that a woman’s immune system produces antibodies that kill a man’s sperm. So is an allergy to the sperm of a man. The reason is considered a very high number of "antisperm antibodies" that do not allow the sperm to fulfill their function of fertilization. They can appear in the body of both men and women.
Incompatibility occurs due to antisperm antibodies. It is believed that the risk of these antibodies in women depends on the number of sexual partners. Negative factors are genital infections. But still, the main reason for the occurrence of sperm antibodies is considered to be a specific immune response to the seed of a particular man.
The presence of a certain number of these antibodies in the body leads to toxicosis, spontaneous abortion or a delay in the development of the baby. Therefore, the test for immunological compatibility should be passed to both spouses. Often, the reason for the impossibility of pregnancy is considered to be complications in the form of a bicornus, a malformation of the ovaries or cervical hypoplasia.
Incompatibility during conception occurs with different Rh factors in spouses. For a positive conception of the child, both spouses must have one Rh factor of the blood - positive or negative. If the Rh factors are different, then there may be problems not only during conception and pregnancy, but also after birth. In this case, spouses must undergo a course of therapy before pregnancy.
If it is impossible to become pregnant, you can not despair. Even in these cases, there is a high chance of conception and bearing a first-born. But with subsequent pregnancies, many difficulties are likely to occur. In some cases, the mother’s immunological mechanism produces antibodies against the male Rh factor.
Spouses with different blood groups, but with the same RH, have good compatibility. And for couples who have one blood type, but different Rh factors, there is a very high probability of incompatibility at conception.
If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, then the spouses need to pass a compatibility test. To do this, they take a blood test and undergo other studies prescribed by a doctor. Even if incompatibilities are identified by the results, do not despair. Now medicine is developed, so there is always a chance to get pregnant and have a baby.
How to fight?
If there are psychological reasons in the psychosomatics of infertility in women, treatment should be performed on a mental level. When eliminating the factors that provoke this phenomenon, pregnancy usually occurs.
Treatment is selected individually on the basis of a psychological problem. Many are advised to get rid of the obsession with pregnancy. It’s useful to go on a trip, relax.
If infertility arose from fears, experts recommend writing them on paper, analyzing. You need to understand what the blocks are based on, and also to eliminate them. In this case, affirmations are effective: “everything is fine with me”, “I will be a good mother”, “I will have a healthy child”.
When infertility occurs due to a family disorder, conflict with a husband or mother, it is necessary to improve relations. It is important to talk, find common hobbies, add harmony to the family.
According to the popular psychologist Louise Hay, infertility arises from fear and lack of need to acquire parental experience. The phenomenon can be eliminated by repeating positive phrases, for example, "I believe in life." Louise Hay recommends getting rid of psychological causes as soon as possible.
Scientists of psychology and psychosomatics (Louise Hay and Liz Burbo) believe that treatment should begin on a mental level. Getting rid of psychological causes can eliminate a physical ailment. Since the main cause of infertility is an internal fear of parenthood, you should find out if you really need a child.
Experts believe that if a couple decided to have a baby, then partners need to work on rebuilding the body:
- Removal of an obsession about pregnancy is required. To do this, find positive points in the absence of children. This will prepare for the role of parents, create conditions for the development of the child, learn more about the child.
- It is necessary to dispel fears. Everything frightening is written out on a piece of paper and their sources are determined. Then you need to accept the idea that fears were before, and now they are not needed, so the leaf is burned. To eliminate frightening thoughts, affirmations are repeated: “everything is fine with me”, “I am not afraid of anything”.
- Need to free up space for the future baby. It often happens that women have a tight schedule that does not even have a little time for a child. Therefore, you should allocate time for home and household chores.
- Harmony in relations with a husband should be restored.
It is important to learn how to relax and rest. Strong nervous tension is also considered the psychological cause of female infertility. Emotional unloading is provided through yoga, meditation, massage.
Thus, in order for pregnancy to occur, a woman needs to be not only healthy physically. Psychological health is also required. It is still important to understand your desires and find absolute understanding with your partner. Then, probably, it will be possible to solve the problem.