How to cook t-bon steak with sauce and garlic?

What steak meat is perfect? This question is asked by many steak lovers. Have you tried t-bon? Among the many different steaks, tibon is one of the largest and most expensive. Why is he so expensive? The first reason is its size. This is really a big piece of meat, the weight of which can reach a kilogram! Not everyone can eat this steak in one sitting. Well, the second reason is that in this piece of meat there are two steaks at once: on the one hand - New York, and on the other - filet mignon. A bone separates them. In general, meat on the bone is very tasty, but it also takes longer to fry.

raw t-bon steak

A cheaper analogue of t -bon is a porterhouse steak. If you managed to get a t-bon steak, then you need to be able to cook it correctly so that you can feel this aroma and taste of the most tender piece of meat as much as possible. To roast meat calmly, it is recommended that you first make all the preparations so as not to be distracted by anything.

Garlic in oil

We make garlic in oil, which will be needed a little later. Peel the garlic (about 6 cloves), and place it in some dishes. Pour olive oil there and throw a little rosemary.

Garlic in oil

This whole thing needs to be warmed up. You can put it on fire, but make sure that the oil does not boil. A water bath is also suitable, then the oil will definitely not boil. While the garlic cloves are cooked there, you need to do the sauce!


The sauce is the main component of the steak, and when working with a steak such as t-bon, you need not make a mistake with it. There are a lot of recipes, consider one of them. The sauce that we prepare will go well with a steak in a pan and leave an excellent aftertaste. To prepare the sauce we need:

  • Onion.
  • Garlic.
  • Orange.
  • Rosemary.
  • Worcester or soy sauce.
  • Barbecue sauce.
  • Butter.
Fry onion for T-bon

Chop onion and garlic very finely (the smaller the better), about a tablespoon. Take an orange and peel. Of the whole peel, we need only a small piece. Melt the butter in a pan, then add garlic and onion. To give a citrus aroma, we throw there the peel of an orange. We wait until the onion takes on a golden hue, and add the barbecue sauce. After a minute, add Worcester sauce. Of course, you can use soy sauce, but if you are working with a t-bon steak, then it is better not to save and use Worcester. You need to add a little, about 4 tablespoons. After everything boils, the sauce is ready!

Salt steak

Salt steak is a must. Sprinkle large steaks on each side with coarse salt. Given the size of the meat, you can not worry that t-bon will be very salty. It absorbs as much as needed. Therefore, do not spare the salt, then you can remove the excess. You need to have a steak too, but the opinions of people are divided. Someone argues that you need to add pepper immediately, others say that later.

Solim T-Bon Steak

As practice has shown, pepper is better when frying, so you need to postpone the salted steak for 5-10 minutes. I would like to note that there may be cracks in the meat, in which salt can get. In this case, the steak can really be salted. To avoid this, it is recommended to hold the meat with your hand to close the cracks.

Fry t-bon

For 5-10 minutes, tibon absorbs the required amount of salt, excess spices must be removed. Now this whole thing needs to be fried. We put the pan on gas and wait until it heats up. By the way, a cast-iron frying pan is best. As soon as you notice smoke coming from the pan, you can add olive oil. If you want beautiful strips to remain on your steak (if you have a grill pan), then you need to wipe the meat with oil. If it makes no difference to you, then you can do without it.

pan steak

Put the steak in the pan, and note the time. You need to fry on each side for 2.5 minutes. While the steak is fried, it should be carefully pepper. Naturally, just this is not enough for the meat to cook, so the steak must be brought in the oven. We take a baking sheet, put the garlic cloves, which you set to cook at the very beginning, and on them - a t-bon steak. The oven should be heated to 200 ยฐ C. We send the steak there for 10 minutes to get it. Serve the steak with the sauce.

That's the whole recipe for t-bon steak. Such meat is, of course, expensive and difficult to cook, but the taste that you feel will not make you regret the money and time spent! Enjoy your meal!

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