A rash on the lower back in a child is a skin reaction to an irritant (external or internal). To prescribe normal treatment, it is necessary to accurately identify the causes of this phenomenon. Self-medication can aggravate the situation, so it is better to consult a doctor.
Types and nature of the rash
Rash on the back - red spots, pimples, pimples, tubercles, watery vesicles, pink blisters, pustules. They can be localized only on the shoulder blades, for example, or capture the entire back.
The color of the rashes varies from pale pink to red and brown. They may be accompanied by itching, but not always.
A rash on the lower back in a child has age-related features and is conditionally divided into rashes in newborns, children up to a year and after a year. Each disease has its own manifestations, and they may not be interconnected.
It can be a manifestation of a number of diseases that occur immediately after childbirth. A small rash on the back of a child usually does not bother. 20% of all newborns go through neonatal pustulosis. This pathology is not contagious, it is noted only in the first days of life.
Another minor rash is prickly heat. It requires only hygienic procedures and a regular change of clothes, consisting of natural fabrics. Pathology indicates a violation of thermoregulation. Subsequently appears due to skin irritation.
Quite often there is a small red rash on the abdomen or back in a child. The causes are most often infectious or allergic. The defeat may not be limited to the back, but manifest in other areas. Usually she gradually moves to the shoulders, stomach.
Also, a red rash on the lower back in a child may be the result of an allergic reaction, which is popularly called urticaria.
This variety (called "comedones") often occurs in older children, during puberty. The reason may be malnutrition, hormonal leaps with a predominance of testosterone, hygiene disorders.
The appearance of comedones indicates an increased activity of the sebaceous glands. A single visit to the sauna is enough for the pores to steam up and clean. After this, the skin needs to be treated with lotion.
Main reasons
In general, the most common causes of a lower back rash in a child can be divided into 3 large groups:
- infection;
- allergic manifestations;
- vascular and blood diseases.
There are a number of other reasons.
Other factors
Why does a child have a rash on his back? The reasons may be parasitic pathologies, for example, scabies.
Violation of the digestive tract can also cause rashes. The reason may be:
- psoriasis, Lyme disease, herpes, syphilis;
- hormonal changes in puberty (often occurs in boys and depends on elevated levels of testosterone in the blood);
- neurodermatitis;
- diabetes;
- rash after massage;
- meningitis;
- insect bites.
A rash on the lower back in a child can occur when the immune system is weakened. The reasons are the physical and mental strain of the student, poor nutrition, lack of sleep. The reaction to increased UFD in children in the form of a rash on the lower back is rare.
Rash in children up to a year
The most common things parents face are:
- allergy;
- diaper rash;
- prickly heat;
- neonatal pustulosis;
- acne in the newborn.
The last 2 points are not diseases, but physiological manifestations, and they do not require treatment, they disappear on their own. They are associated with the influence of maternal hormones.
Allergic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis in newborns practically do not occur.
An allergic rash is a condition that can occur instantly, in less than a day. Before 3 months, a hereditary disposition to allergies does not occur. In infants, allergies are often associated with the introduction of complementary foods, improper nutrition of the baby's mother.
If during sleep the child sleeps on woolen blankets, feather-beds, wears clothes made of artificial fiber, his clothes are washed with cheap and low-quality powders, allergic dermatitis may appear. Therefore, when choosing funds should be careful. With special care, it is necessary to choose a blanket, pillow, mattress for the baby.
Diaper rash appears where the skin most often comes in contact with coarse tissue, feces or urine. This condition is called diaper dermatitis, and it causes a rash on the lower back in a child. Skin lesions appear first on the pope, then on the back and stomach. With a large area of damage, the child becomes restless, constantly crying, refuses to breast.
A rash on the lower back of a one-year-old baby is often caused by prickly heat. It can be local or appear immediately in many parts of the body.
The rash is small, in the form of nodules of a reddish color, can be on the back of a child, neck, chest.
The temperature does not rise, the mood of the child does not change, the appetite does not disappear. The treatment and causes of a rash on a child’s back are interconnected.
Rashes on the back in children after a year
After a year, the child’s contacts with the outside world noticeably expand, older children go to kindergarten, school. In this age group, the appearance of a rash is of epidemic importance, as infections appear.
At this age, we can conditionally distinguish the 2 largest groups of causes: infections and allergies.
Children's infections are measles, rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever. A rash on their back with them is a mandatory symptom. These diseases are almost always accompanied by temperature, a violation of the general condition, intoxication. They are contagious, therefore the introduction of quarantine is necessary.
The simplest and most harmless rash on the lower back in a child is prickly heat. It occurs not only on the back, but also in the folds of the skin, nape, shoulders, i.e., where there are many sweat glands. It is the result of a violation of thermoregulation, which is imperfect in a small child.
The baby's body overheats, and a small point rash appears with an itch. Her treatment is also very simple. You should redeem a child in a decoction of a string, calendula or chamomile. Then you need to get your baby wet and treat the skin with a drying agent, such as talcum powder, dusting powder. At the end of the child, they change into lighter, natural clothes so that the skin can breathe. These measures are usually sufficient.
With vesiculopustulosis or pyoderma, a small pustular rash appears. She can be not only on the back.
Rubella is a viral infection. Rashes with it in the form of small pink spots. Body temperature may increase slightly, catarrhal symptoms appear.
Scarlet fever - caused by hemolytic streptococcus, is contagious. A small pink rash appears on the lower back in a child. A characteristic sign - from 2-4 days of illness, the tongue becomes bright raspberry. Fever, intoxication and signs of sore throat are also noted. The diagnosis, according to doctors, can be made even in the dark: it is enough to pass a hand over the skin: a scarlet rash resembles a fine sandpaper.
Chicken pox - caused by type 3 herpes. Colorless bubbles with liquid appear on the skin, sometimes they can itch. Then after some time, the bubbles burst, and these places become crusty. The general condition is often not violated. Localization places - not only on the back, but also throughout the body. Patients develop lifelong immunity. Otherwise, infection occurs in 100% of cases in contact with the patient.
Lichen is a fungal infection of the skin. A rash in the form of spots with pimple pimples.
Measles is dangerous for unvaccinated children. On the 5th day of the disease, a red-spotted rash appears not only on the back, but also on the body. Closer to the legs decreases. Spots are prone to fusion. They are preceded by fever (more than 39 degrees), sore throat, cough, runny nose.
Meningitis is a very dangerous meningococcal infection in children. With her, the temperature rises sharply, her health worsens, vomiting appears, and consciousness is impaired. Rash in the form of minor hemorrhages. Meningeal symptoms are manifested in stiff neck - when the chin is bent, the legs move, etc. Meningitis needs urgent hospitalization.
Roseola or sudden exanthema - caused by herpes type 6. Occurs suddenly in babies with signs of immunodeficiency. The temperature rises sharply above 39 degrees, but the general condition is not disturbed. 5 days after this, the back and chest are covered with a pink small rash. No treatment is required; the rash disappears on its own.
Scabies - caused by a scabies mite. You can get it in any public places. The rash is accompanied by severe itching, which intensifies in the evening. This is due to the activation of the tick, which crawls in the upper layer of the dermis and gnaws its passages. Periodically, it creeps out onto the surface of the skin. Therefore, this rash seems to be paired - the "entrance" and "exit" are visible.
Allergic rash in children. It occupies a large group of skin lesions of the back. They are collectively called allergic dermatoses.
Babies under the age of 3-4 years most often suffer from atopic dermatitis (diathesis, infant eczema), strofulus (papular urticaria) and urticaria (acute and chronic), contact dermatitis and exudative erythema.
Allergic dermatosis develops in the form of an abnormal skin reaction and with a single contact with the allergen and with its regular exposure. A single contact leads to acute urticaria, Quincke's edema. Allergens can be very different, they have already been mentioned.
Most often, a foreign protein becomes a provocateur. Usually, cow's milk (casein) is given as a supplement. Predisposing factors include chronic gastrointestinal disorders, heredity, intestinal dysbiosis, and poor ecology.
Atopic dermatitis is a protracted allergic skin reaction. The characteristic signs are itching, scratching of the epidermis, vesicles and weeping.
When infected, the lesion expands. The course is most often undulating.
With strofulus, a rash in the form of dense nodules of red color, with itching. Acne sometimes passes into the vesicle, leaving a brown crust after healing.
Allergic Dermatosis Treatment
Therapy is complex, with a mandatory hypoallergenic diet and the exclusion of contact with an allergen. The doctor can prescribe not only antihistamines, but also GCS (glucocorticosteroids). The latter is usually prescribed for local treatment. They perfectly relieve itching and inflammation. The appointment is short-term, otherwise skin atrophy may develop. For desensitization, antihistamines are given orally, taking into account age. These are usually syrups.
Rashes for blood and vascular diseases
With these pathologies, a hemorrhagic rash in the form of small red spots becomes characteristic. This is a manifestation of hemorrhages in the skin of broken vessels. They can occur due to their increased permeability, a decrease in platelets.
Hemorrhagic vasculitis, an inflammatory disease of the walls of microvessels, is more common than others. Usually occurs in children under 5 years of age. The lesions appear flat, but by touch the elements of the rash above the skin rise.
Self-treatment is impossible, it is carried out only in a hospital. Children with such a pathology are not shown sun exposure, physiotherapy, sports.
Parent Behavior
How to recognize a child’s disease with a rash on his back? Only a doctor can do this, even if you have an incredible experience in caring for children, you cannot do this yourself.
If a rash appears, do not cover it with aniline dyes, call a doctor and isolate the child from contacts with other family members.
A rash is a manifestation of internal disturbances, and lubrication are symptomatic measures. The reason for this will not be eliminated, therefore, a visit to a doctor is necessary.
To prevent a rash in a child, all the basics of hygiene must be followed. Cosmetics should be approved for use in children. Children's skin toilet should be regular and daily.
Power should be adjusted. With diseases of the internal organs, the child should be registered and undergo regular medical examinations. Do not forget about strengthening immunity.