A potent sleeping pill is a reliable tool that helps a person escape from insomnia. Practice shows that if there is a problem, a person prescribes a medicine for himself, although this is not entirely correct - the doctor should deal with such issues only after examination. However, potent sleeping pills without prescription are very popular among the population of many countries of the world, which can be purchased freely at almost any pharmacy. Consider which of them are the most popular and effective, as well as what features the drug has.
The general concept of the treatment of insomnia
Insomnia is the scientific name for insomnia. In practice, this is a rather problematic phenomenon that prevents a person from recovering normally after an active day. The consequences of insomnia can be very serious, which is why when you detect the first symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor and begin to solve the problem.
Specialists in the field of medicine offer two ways to treat insomnia, and both of them have a therapeutic direction. The first option is to eliminate the causes that can cause insomnia. They can be different, therefore the ways to solve the problem are quite diverse: establishing sleep hygiene, working to improve the emotional state, treating somatics, as well as finding and possibly eliminating problems that are psychological in nature.
The second treatment option is the elimination of insomnia with medication. Experts say that drugs suitable for this group are presented in various forms, there are a lot of them on the pharmacological market. It is in order to choose the right and most suitable remedy that you need to contact a doctor who is a practitioner in this field: a somnologist, psychiatrist, neurologist or, in extreme cases, a therapist.
About medication
As for the medical treatment of insomnia, when considering this issue, you should pay attention to the fact that in the world of pharmacology there is a huge selection of types of drugs that affect the problem. Experts say that each group of drugs affects the human body in its own way, since it has a peculiar mechanism of functioning.
In terms of species, sleeping pills can relate to sedatives of plant origin, antidepressants, melatonin, tranquilizers, as well as ethanolamines, which are aimed at improving sleep and help maintain the longest sleep.
In modern practice, pharmacological agents are recognized as the most effective, and not those of plant origin. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the tablets or drops produced in this way exert their effect on the GABA receptor complex, relaxing it and thereby causing falling asleep. Among this group there are the most potent sleeping pills, on the list of which there are a considerable number of those who have long been loved by patients for their effectiveness. All these agents are clearly divided into four groups: barbiturates, imidazopyridines, benzodiazepines, and also cyclopyrrolones. As a rule, the dispensing of medicines from these groups is done exclusively according to the doctor’s prescription, but there are exceptions to the rules. Let us consider separately the names of some potent sleeping pills, without prescriptions that can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. In addition, their price is usually quite access.
“Barboval” is one of the most popular potent sleeping pills, without a doctor’s prescription, which can be purchased at any time in almost every pharmacy. The substances that make up the drug very gently affect the human body, however, the drug can be addictive. That is why its reception should be carried out no more than for a couple of weeks in a row.
“Barboval” is produced as a tincture in a glass vial. It is recommended to take it no more than 20 drops immediately before bedtime and after an evening meal.
Unfortunately, this drug, despite its effectiveness and ease of use, is not suitable for everyone. It can not be used by those people who are prone to depression. Some people may also notice that after using Barboval, drowsiness persists throughout the next day - this also indicates that the remedy is not suitable.
In all other respects, Barboval was an excellent potent sleeping pill that helps fight insomnia. Its only minus is an unpleasant smell.
Melaxen is another potent sleeping pill. Without a doctor’s prescription, it can always be purchased at the city’s pharmacies. As patients note, the remedy is quite effective, doctors often recommend it, but many pharmacy customers are frightened by its cost - about 650 rubles per package.
The components that make up this complex perfectly help fight insomnia of mild to moderate complexity. After taking the pill according to the instructions, a person begins to experience mild drowsiness, he is put to sleep. As practice shows, rest takes place without any nightmares, with natural cycles. The next morning, the patient does not experience drowsiness, fatigue, or other side effects that may occur if some other potent sleeping pills are taken.
Experts note that the components that make up Melaxen are very quickly eliminated from the human body, which makes it impossible to overdose.
As for the negative aspects associated with taking Melaxen tablets, they can occur in the form of allergic reactions or the formation of edema, but such phenomena are quite rare.
This drug can also sometimes be found under a different name - Donormil. It also belongs to the group of potent sleeping pills. The product is available in the form of tablets, which can be either ordinary or effervescent, but their effect is exactly the same.
As for the principles of action of the drug, it, getting into the human body, begins to function quite softly and at the same time quickly. That is why it is often used by those people who, in principle, do not suffer from severe problems associated with sleep disturbance, but at certain times need to fall asleep quickly or very rarely can not do it themselves. The drug practically does not cause allergic reactions, but after taking it, dry mouth or morning drowsiness is very often observed.
As for the reviews of specialists in the field of medicine, this tool is not recommended for those people who have even slight problems with the outflow of urine, as well as those who show respiratory problems during sleep.
In the lists of potent sleeping pills without prescriptions, you can often find the drug "Sondoks", which causes a fast sleep. The cost of this drug is relatively small, but its effectiveness is quite high. So, taking pills released under this name, a person can ensure a fairly long and high-quality sleep. Its significant advantage is that it can be used even by pregnant women, but only after consulting a specialist.
In addition to the pros, “Sondoks” has some disadvantages. These include the fact that the tool can cause small dizziness, which lasts throughout the next day. In addition, in the case of constant use, it can adversely affect the work of other vital systems of the body, for example, cause constipation, problematic urination, as well as increased dry mouth.
Specialists in the field of medicine also do not recommend taking it for children who have not reached the age of 15, as well as for mothers who breastfeed their baby.
Novo-Passit is a potent sleeping pill that is based on herbal ingredients. For naturalness, this tool is preferred by many who care about their health and proper sleep.
Novo-Passit is available in liquid form in glass vials. In some pharmacies, it can also be purchased in pill form. Practice shows that syrup acts much faster than a drug released in solid form. This is due to the increased concentration of active components. The preparation contains hawthorn, valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, as well as other soothing herbs.
In addition to combating insomnia, this tool is often used to eliminate stress, as well as neurosis. Immediately after the first use, a person begins to experience drowsiness and quickly sinks into a state of sleep.
As for the disadvantages of the drug, they are. First of all, they are possible drowsiness, which may occur the next day. There is also a certain group of people who are forbidden to use such a remedy. It includes children, as well as people who abuse alcohol.
Persen Forte
Persen-Forte is another potent sleeping pill made on the basis of natural ingredients. Practice shows that it can be used both for insomnia and in a bad mood. After the first use, a person begins to experience the disappearance of longing, as well as the onset of drowsiness. However, it should be borne in mind that for the onset of sleep, you must choose the drug that is intended for night use.
Specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacology highlight some negative features of the drug. The main one is that it negatively affects the health of people who have problems with the biliary tract. In addition, it is not recommended for children under 12 years old.
Many patients consider that the Persen-Forte drug is only available in solid form.
And finally, the last of the most effective potent sleeping pills in drops is Dreamzzz. As practice shows, this tool has a special mechanism of action, instantly establishing a dream after the first dose. The composition of the drug contains only natural components that are not harmful to the body. In addition to the function of restoring normal sleep, Dreamzzz has the ability to establish the work of the endocrine system, as well as establish a certain balance between the somatic, autonomic and central nervous systems.
A significant disadvantage of this drug is that it is unrealistic to purchase it in pharmacies in the city. Dreamzzz can be ordered on the official website of the representative. The cost of the drug there will be a little less than one thousand rubles.
Before you start taking Dreamzzz, you should definitely study its composition in detail. Experts do not recommend taking the drug if the body is inherent intolerant of some element that is part of its structure.
Homeopathic remedies
Even the most potent sleeping pills of this group can be used at home. The peculiarity of drugs of this type is that they are not addictive and after their administration no side effects occurring in the body are observed. Means of this category affect the body very clearly and at the same time gently.
Especially often, homeopathic medicines are used by people who tend to wake up at night. Their proper use causes a calm, deep and full sleep. In addition, when taking the components of such a group, the patient also solves the problems associated with overexcitation, which often cause many sleep problems.
As for the popular remedies, the most famous and effective among them is Passidorm. It’s realistic to buy this potent sleeping pill in drops without a doctor’s prescription in any pharmacy in the city. In addition, its cost is pleasantly surprising.
As for contraindications, this type of drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people who are prone to excessive drinking.
How to choose sleeping pills in a pharmacy
Issues related to getting used to one or another remedy often torment many people who wish to resort to the help of sleeping pills. Practice shows that when choosing a product on its own during the purchase process in a pharmacy, it is necessary to check with the pharmacist whether the product recommended by him is capable of causing dependence.
In addition, it is necessary to clarify the mechanism of action of the drug. The fact is that some of them work according to the accumulative scheme, which means the need for its long-term use to feel the result. It is best to give preference to those pills and tinctures that have an instant result - they can be used at any time with a sharp onset of the problem.
In addition, the pharmacist should also ask whether the substances that make up the drug cause side effects and whether they have any contraindications.