"Furagin" from cystitis: composition, features of use, dosage, reviews

The drug "Furagin" from cystitis is used quite often, since this drug has an antibacterial effect. A feature of this tool is that it is characterized by a pronounced antimicrobial effect at low cost.

In order for the treatment to proceed without complications, and the result is not long in coming, you need to know how to properly use this medicine, and consult with your doctor first.

Why do urologists choose Furagin?

Many doctors prefer to prescribe the drug "Furagin" for cystitis to patients. It belongs to the antibiotics of the nitrofuran group. It is effective against many resistant strains of bacteria.

Pills "Furagin"

The drug "Furagin" is able to quickly eliminate pathogens that provoke inflammation of the bladder. It can be used to treat cystitis, which occurs in combination with other inflammatory pathologies of the urinary tract.

An important factor is that the antibiotic selectively acts on the source of inflammation, which means that there is no risk of dysbiosis.

Features of the drug

Taking the drug “Furagin” for cystitis, many are wondering if this is an antibiotic, and how exactly it acts on the body. According to the instructions, this tool is antibacterial. When choosing a medicine, you need to consider its composition, basic properties and spectrum of action.

The drug has a pronounced bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. It is based on the inhibition of the emergence of new bacterial cells. The active ingredient affects respiratory reactions. As a result, much less toxins are released during the death of bacteria, which contributes to the normalization of well-being in the shortest possible time.

The drug "Furagin" with cystitis effectively copes with pathogens such as streptococci, salmonella, Escherichia coli, staphylococci. Often, a medicine has only a bacteriostatic effect. This means that the inhibition of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms simply occurs. That is why the drug is used in combination with other antibacterial agents.

Advantages of the drug

The use of "Furagin" from cystitis helps to get rid of the risk of side effects. This drug is practically not metabolized and is absorbed in minimal amounts in the large intestine.

Due to this, there is almost no effect of the drug on the work of other organs and systems. It is noted that side effects occur only in 2-5% of cases. Usually, the treatment of the disease proceeds without pronounced deviations and health problems.

According to the instructions for use, the advantage of the drug is that it does not have a systemic effect on the body. In addition, this medicine stimulates the immune system. This contributes to a faster recovery. However, despite all the advantages, tablets should be taken only after consulting with your doctor. If you drink the pill incorrectly, this increases the risk of cystitis becoming chronic or spreading the infection to the kidneys.

Cons of the drug

Taking "Furagin" for cystitis, a woman should remember that this remedy has certain disadvantages and contraindications. The main disadvantages of the drug include the fact that it is not prescribed to people with diseases of the nervous system and liver. In addition, it is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

Composition and form of release

The drug is available in the form of tablets. Each of them contains 50 mg of the active substance - furazidine. As auxiliary components, the medicine includes:

  • sugar;
  • potato starch;
  • lactose;
  • stearic acid;
  • polysorbate 80.

Each pack contains 30 tablets. They will be enough for 4-5 days of active treatment or for a month of a preventive course.

Indications for use

Given the wide spectrum of action of the drug "Furagin", it is often included in the complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs, namely:

  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • prostatitis.

If indicated, tablets are included in the therapeutic course for the treatment and prevention of postoperative infections.

Indications for use

The use of "Furagin" for cystitis should be started from the moment the first signs of the disease appear. Among the main symptoms that indicate damage to the bladder, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • violation of the urination process;
  • temperature rise;
  • cramping, burning when urinating;
  • soreness in the lower back.

The activity of the drug begins very quickly, approximately 2-3 hours after taking the tablets. An increase in the body's resistance due to the strengthening of immunity is noted.

Application features

According to the instructions for use "Furagin" with cystitis, you need to drink several times a day. Usually, the doctor prescribes 2-3 tablets per day. The approximate dosage of Furagin for cystitis is 50-100 mg for one week. On the first day, 2 tablets are prescribed 4 times. In the following days, the dosage is reduced to 3 tablets 3 times a day.

For men, the dose of the medicine does not change too much. If necessary, it is simply increased taking into account the course of the disease. Treatment of a mild inflammatory process begins with a small dosage. If the disease progresses very quickly and does not respond well to therapy, then the concentration of the drug is increased several times.

Drug use

The doctor may prescribe medication as a prophylactic. To prevent a relapse of cystitis, doctors recommend using 1-2 tablets daily at bedtime. In case of catheterization of the bladder or in case of cystoscopy, the concentration of the drug is 50 mg, which is administered several hours before the intervention.

Many are interested in how to take "Furagin" with cystitis. Experts recommend performing a bacteriological examination of urine before therapy. This analysis helps to determine the root cause of the development of the disease and effectively influence it.


As stated in the instructions, "Furagin" with cystitis has certain contraindications. These include such as:

  • individual intolerance to the main component of the drug;
  • hepatic and renal failure;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under 3 years old.

It is worth noting that this is a rather strong medicine, and against the background of its administration, various side effects may occur.

Side effects

When using the tablets "Furagin" from cystitis, side effects may occur. In particular, such as:

  • digestion disorder;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness and drowsiness;
  • joint pain;
  • skin rashes and itching;
  • inflammation of the pancreas.
Side effects

If such manifestations occur, it is necessary to stop the use of an antimicrobial agent and consult a doctor to select an alternative treatment method. Strict adherence to the recommendations indicated in the instructions will help reduce the negative effect of the drug.

Key Directions

When conducting therapy with Furagin, certain recommendations must be followed. Taking the medicine is allowed only 30 minutes before consuming food. Drink it with plenty of water.

During therapy, it is important to strictly limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as stop smoking. Do not combine the medicine with other antibacterial agents without a doctor's prescription.

You need to know exactly what the drug helps with, and how to take it correctly in order to prevent the occurrence of side effects.

Interaction with other medicines

The drug "Furagin" combines quite well with other drugs that are used to treat the genitourinary system. That is why it is often included in the complex therapy of prostatitis, cystitis or urethritis.

To prevent the occurrence of side effects, you need to notify the doctor that a systemic intake of other drugs is required. It is not recommended to take the drug with vitamin C, "Probenecid", potassium chloride. They slow down the process of removing "Furagin" from the body. Citrates, antacids, and sodium bicarbonate accelerate drug elimination. Aminoglycosides increase the toxic effects on the kidneys.

With prolonged use of the drug against diabetes, anemia, or renal failure, signs of polyneuropathy may increase. Regardless of which particular groups of drugs are used for systemic therapy, it is important to minimize the risk of side effects.

Treatment of cystitis in children

For the treatment of a child, the daily dosage of the drug "Furagin" is calculated based on its weight. For 1 kg of weight, you need to take 6 mg of the drug. A more accurate dosage and frequency of taking the medicine should be determined by the doctor after the examination. With prolonged treatment, the recommended dose can be reduced to 2 mg per kg of baby weight.

Cystitis in children

The drug "Furagin" is available in tablet form, so when treating children, you need to crush the required dosage of the drug and dilute in a spoonful of boiled water. The course of treatment, as in adults, is 1 week.

If "Furagin" does not help

It happens that the drug does not have the desired effect. In this case, you need to contact a doctor who will select a more effective remedy. In addition, you need to undergo an examination, since Furagin is effective only with cystitis of an infectious origin.

For this, urine culture is prescribed for microflora, which will help determine exactly what led to the onset of the disease. The only negative is that this time analysis is done 5-7 days. A chronic and recurring form of cystitis requires a thorough collection and study of anamnesis, laboratory diagnostics and dose adjustment of the prescribed antibiotic.

Analogues of the drug

The active component of Furagin is furazidine. By the main active substance, such analogues as “Furamag” or “Furasol” can be distinguished. The first drug is considered more expensive and effective by adding a second active component.

Many patients are interested in what is better with cystitis - “Furagin” or “Furadonin”. The latter drug refers to antimicrobials, but in terms of its effectiveness, it is almost inferior to antibiotics.

The drug "Furadonin"

Along with the elimination of urological infections, Furadonin contributes to the treatment of vaginal infections and genital inflammation in men. It is worth noting that during treatment, the effect of addiction is very rare. The active substance helps to actively eliminate inflammation, as well as increase immunity. This drug has a selective effect on the cells, which is why it eliminates only pathogenic microorganisms without affecting beneficial bacteria. The drug is not used to treat newborns, and infants are prescribed it with extreme caution, since there is a high risk of complications.


Quite often, “Furagin” is prescribed for cystitis. Reviews this drug deserved pretty good, as patients and doctors noted a strong therapeutic effect in the first hours after its use. This medicine has many advantages in comparison with other antibiotics, since it can be taken without worrying about the intestinal microflora or the occurrence of many side effects.

However, despite the fact that the reviews about Furagin with cystitis are good, you should not take this drug on your own, without a doctor’s prescription, as the disease can be non-infectious, and the use of antimicrobial drugs will negatively affect the patient’s body. In all other cases, "Furagin" has established itself as one of the best tools for the treatment of inflammation of the bladder. It helps prevent the risk of relapse.

Many women say that this drug helped them quickly get rid of cystitis, however, such a side effect as nausea is quite common. Others say that during the treatment there were no results.

Furagin tablets are an effective and affordable way to get rid of the signs of cystitis, but they should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor, after having undergone a series of examinations.

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