Chicken drumsticks in a slow cooker - great for dinner!

If you really like the crispy legs of chickens, you can quickly fry them in a pan or visit a place for catering. If you care about your health, you are not indifferent to the health of people close to you, then you will cook chicken drumsticks in a slow cooker. This device will only facilitate the process, and the food will be healthy and tasty.

Slow Cooking Chicken Shank Recipe

It will take : one kilogram of chicken legs, six cloves of garlic, a little seasoning of curry, black pepper, salt, three bay leaves, two tablespoons of vegetable oil.


A cup of a multicooker must be greased with vegetable oil, you can add a little water. Then put half the chicken legs in this bowl, sprinkle with grated garlic on top, put a bay leaf and pour exactly half of the whole seasoning there. Immediately on this layer you need to put the second row of legs. Salt all this, sprinkle with seasoning again - this time pour the remaining half. Close everything with the appliance lid, set the mode for extinction for about an hour.

multicooked chicken drumsticks

Next recipe "Chicken drumsticks in a slow cooker"

For it you will need : ten chicken legs, a kilogram of puff pastry bought, salt and spices, a kilogram of potatoes, a little greens, a glass of milk, fifty grams of butter, two tablespoons of vegetable oil.


Wash and dry your lower legs. Pour oil at the bottom of the multicooker and fry the meat until cooked, it will take about half an hour. Feet need salt, add spices. Potatoes can be enjoyed during the frying process. It must be cleaned, cut into four pieces, salt, cook until fully cooked. In preparation, you need to drain the remaining water, add greens, butter to the potato, and mash everything.

multicooker chicken drumstick recipe

Puff pastry must be cut into ten squares so that part of the drumstick can be placed in them. In each box you need to put a little mashed potatoes. An already prepared leg needs to be coated with mashed potatoes, and then wrapped with dough so that it is clear that this is chicken drumstick. The recipe in the slow cooker of this dish is not so complicated. All these legs must be placed in the device for half an hour, setting the cooking mode "Baking". All portions will not fit immediately, so you will have to perform this procedure several times. Chicken drumsticks in a slow cooker should turn out to be very tasty and fragrant.

multicooker chicken drumstick recipe

Special Sauce Recipe

Legs will be very tasty if you cook them together with a special sauce. For him, you need to take cream or some natural yogurt.

It will be necessary for preparation : seven chicken legs, salt and seasonings, a little greens, five hundred milliliters of cream 10%.


For the sauce you need to add spices, a little chopped greens, salt to a cup of cream. At the bottom of the multicooker bowl, you need to put the shins, pour them with sauce, put in the "Stewing" mode. Such a dish, if you replace the cream with homemade natural yogurt, can be considered a diet. Chicken meat, like sauce, will be low in calories. The dish should be tender and very pleasant to the taste.

Chicken drumsticks in a slow cooker are suitable for a simple dinner, and for a small celebration.

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