Lysozyme - what is it? The drug "Lysozyme": instructions for use, price

Lysozyme - what is it? We will answer this difficult medical question in the presented article. You will also learn about what this tool is used for, whether it has contraindications and how much it costs.

lysozyme what is it

Composition, form, description

So, lysozyme. What it is? According to experts, lysozyme is called a special enzyme or antibacterial agent that has a protein nature (obtained from protein of chicken eggs). Its relative molecular weight is 15,000 grams / mol.

The composition of the same drug includes such an active substance as lysozyme hydrochloride.

What form is inherent in the medicine "Lysozyme"? Instructions for use states that this medicine is available in the form of a sterile lyophilisate or powder intended for the preparation of a suspension. It has an amorphous structure, white color and a faint smell of vinegar.

The medication in question is packaged in bottles of 1, 0.15 or 0.05 grams.

Properties of a medicinal substance

The drug "Lysozyme", the price of which is indicated below, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic properties. Such therapeutic features of the drug are completely due to its composition.

The drug "Lysozyme" - what is it? The active substance of this drug is classified as a specific enzyme belonging to the class of hydrolases. It has the ability to destroy the membranes of bacterial cells. This process is carried out by hydrolysis of the enzyme murein or peptidoglycan, which is part of the cell walls of microorganisms. The largest amount of murein is found in the cells of gram-positive bacteria.

And the substance lysozyme itself - what is it and where is it contained? Such an enzyme is found in tear fluid, breast milk, saliva, in the spleen and liver, as well as on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and nasopharynx.

lysozyme Price

Lysozyme in saliva plays a protective role. It prevents the ingestion of various harmful agents. This property is characteristic of other mucous membranes, which contain the mentioned enzyme.

It should be noted that the concentration of lysozyme is high in breast milk. Over time, its amount increases, reaching maximum values โ€‹โ€‹six months after birth.

What are they made of?

What is lysozyme made from? The instruction reports that such an enzyme is obtained from the protein of eggs (chicken). It is small in size and consists of only 129 amino acid residues.

In addition to antibacterial properties, such a drug stimulates the body's reactive forces, and also dilutes sputum during coughing and has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

It is impossible not to say that this drug enhances the effects of various antibiotics. It is non-toxic and is often used as part of complex therapy.

After ingestion, this drug is well absorbed from the digestive tract. It reaches its maximum concentration after 1.5 hours. This substance can accumulate in large quantities in the mucous membranes.

lysozyme instructions for use


What diseases do people use Lysozyme medication for? The use of this medication is indicated for pneumonia and bronchopulmonary diseases, as well as:

  • chronic hepatitis;
  • purulent skin lesions;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • stomatitis;
  • burns, frostbite, pressure sores and erosion of the cornea of โ€‹โ€‹the eye;
  • allergic blepharokeratitis.

It should also be noted that this remedy is often prescribed for the treatment of various infectious, inflammatory, septic and purulent diseases. Very often it is used along with antibiotics.


Due to the good tolerance of the active substance of the drug, as well as its low toxicity, it has no contraindications. However, only a doctor should prescribe such a remedy.

The drug "Lysozyme": instructions for use

According to the instructions, the medication in question is used topically, as well as for inhalation. In rare cases, it can be used for intramuscular injection.

lysozyme use

Before using this medication, it should be dissolved in 0.25% novocaine or a solution of (isotonic) sodium chloride.

Locally, the drug is used in the form of installations in ophthalmic practice. It is instilled into the eyes 3 times a day for 3-6 days.

In the treatment of ENT diseases or pneumonia, the medication is used as an inhalation. In one session, use about 2-10 ml of the drug. The duration of treatment with this tool is 5-14 days.

For frostbite and burns, as well as for the treatment of purulent wounds, this medicine is used in the form of applications. In a 0.05% solution, a sterile napkin is soaked and then applied to the affected area.

As for intramuscular injections, they are produced three times a day, 100-150 mg per day. The duration of such therapy is 7-10 days. If required, the course can be extended to one month. In this case, constant monitoring of blood counts is necessary.

It should also be noted that the drug in question can be used after anesthesia, during the preparation of the patient for surgery. Tampons, hatching tubes and bandages are soaked in it.

Side effects

Against the background of using this drug in a patient, hypersensitivity reactions very rarely occur.

With prolonged intramuscular administration of the drug, blood coagulation may be impaired.

The cost of the drug and reviews about it

How much is the drug "Lysozyme"? The price of this medicine in different pharmacy chains may vary. On average, its cost is 280-350 rubles.

There are quite few reviews about this drug. And those that are are mostly positive. Patients claim that such a drug has a pronounced mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect. Also, it is very often used for various burns, purulent wounds and other things.

lysozyme instruction

As for adverse reactions, then against the background of using such a drug, they practically do not appear. Therefore, most patients are very satisfied with the results of using this tool.

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