So different, but always juicy and tasty chicken rolls.

All kinds of chicken dishes are becoming increasingly popular among our compatriots. In addition to the fact that this meat is classified as a dietary product, it is also tasty and quick to prepare. A chicken fillet rolls are very tender and juicy, look appetizing, and do not require much time for cooking.

Chicken rolls with mushrooms and cheese.

Necessary ingredients: Chicken fillet (1 kg.), Champignons (200 gr.), Large onion, cheese (100 gr.), A few tablespoons of flour, cream (200ml.), Salt, vegetable oil, pepper.

Cooking. We clean and chop the onion finely. Wash the mushrooms and cut into thin slices. Fry in a hot pan for 7-8 minutes. We divide the chicken fillet into portions, wash and soak the excess liquid with a napkin, beat off with a hammer. Sprinkle the chopped pieces lightly with pepper and add salt. We grate hard cheese. On each piece of chicken we put a little grated cheese, wrap the fillet in the form of rolls. In order not to unwind, we fix them with toothpicks. We spread it in a pan, adding vegetable oil, a little fry on both sides.

We add the fried chicken rolls into a deep form. Pour the cream into a small saucepan and bring to a boil, add a few tablespoons of flour and mix thoroughly with a whisk. Salt, add mushrooms fried with onions and leave for another few minutes on fire. Hot mass fill the roll form. Sprinkle with chopped herbs if desired. Preheat the oven, place the mold in it and bake at 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

Chicken rolls with mushroom filling.

Ingredients: Chicken fillet (300-400 gr.), Champignons (300 gr.), Large onion (1 pc.), Cream (200ml.), Salt, vegetable oil, a little flour, pepper.

Cooking. Finely chop the champignons (slices or cubes), put in a preheated pan, pour vegetable oil and fry over low heat. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Put to the mushrooms when water boils from them, and they darken a little. Stir onion and mushrooms pepper and salt. If desired, you can put butter. After the filling is fried, it should be laid out from the pan to cool faster.

Wash the chicken fillet and divide into flat pieces of medium size. Sprinkle with pepper and salt. Each piece is slightly beaten, so as not to damage the meat, use a cling film. In the middle of the beaten chicken fillet, put a little mushroom filling and wrap the rolls so as not to unwind, use toothpicks. Roll each roll in flour and fry, adding vegetable oil, on a hot frying pan from all sides. After a delicious golden crust appears, put the chicken rolls in a cast-iron cauldron or deep frying pan, pour cream and simmer on low heat with the lid closed for about half an hour.

Chicken rolls with tomatoes and peppers.

Ingredients: Chicken fillet (900 gr.), Tomatoes (300 gr.), Basil, Bulgarian pepper (100-150g.), Pepper, salt.

Cooking. Wash tomatoes, peel them, cut into small pieces. Remove seeds and stalks from pepper and chop finely. Put the prepared pepper, tomatoes and washed chopped basil leaves in a well-heated pan (you can add a little oil) and simmer until the mass begins to thicken. Put the vegetable filling from the pan into a plate for cooling.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and use a cling film to beat, season with spices and salt. Leave for a while to marinate.

In the middle of each beaten piece of chicken put a vegetable filling and wrap with rolls. Fasten with toothpicks or rewind with threads. Tightly roll the rolls in a baking dish. If you wish, add tomato juice or fresh tomatoes (grated). Bake in the oven for 40 minutes. The baking temperature is 220 degrees.

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