Drama "Legend of the Blue Sea": actors and roles

The twenty-part drama "Legend of the Blue Sea" with actors - all the famous favorites of Korea - Lee Min Ho and Jung Ji Hyun, aired in November 2016 and immediately captivated viewers around the world. The series had everything for this: amazing humor, an interesting plot, top actors, and a great soundtrack.

blue sea legend actors

The plot of the drama

When creating the series "Legend of the Blue Sea", the actors of which are the leading artists of Korea, the authors were inspired by the classic fantasy story of the Joseon era about the fisherman. He caught the mermaid and fell in love with her. In the drama, the role of the fisherman was transferred to an aristocrat named Kim Dam Ryon, and he is the main protagonist of this amazing story. Interestingly, telenovela events occur in two parallel realities: the Joseon time and the 21st century. Shown are the previous incarnations of Kim Dam Rohn and the mermaid, as well as the events that contributed to their tragedy in the past. The entire series is literally permeated with the idea that a person involuntarily repeats the mistakes of the past without learning a lesson. Times are changing, but you cannot escape fate. But first things first.

actors of the film blue sea legend

When Dam Ryon was a little boy, he almost drowned, but was saved by a mermaid (Xie Hwa). After this incident, they became friends, and then fell in love. Everything was wonderful, but once, when a young man entered marriageable age, he was forced to marry another girl chosen by his family. In order to make it easier for the young man, the mermaid decides to let him go, taking away the memories of Dam Rohn about her and their childhood love, kissing her beloved.

However, fate brings together the lovers again in a few years. A villain named Lord Young captures the mermaid during the storm of 1598 and plans to use it for enrichment (not to mention the fact that he has a personal dislike for Dam Ryun). The young man looks at the captive Xie Hwa and seems to feel connected with her for unknown reasons. Dam Ryon saves the mermaid from Lord Young, and then gradually begins to recall their common history. Unfortunately, events take a sad turn. With the happiness of lovers I interfere with human prejudices, as well as Young's vengeful intentions. Trying to save the girl, Dam Ryon dies with her.
Sensing that the same fate awaits them again in a future incarnation, Dam Ren hides a beautiful vase with the image of a mermaid carved on it. He hopes that the artifact will be found and this will serve as a warning.

actors of the film blue sea legend

In the 21st century, the plot develops around the con artist Ho Joon Jae and the mermaid Choni. The main characters do not remember each other at first. They do not always get along, but they feel that something is connecting them. Choni fell in love with the young man at first sight, and the latter will take time to realize his feelings. Unfortunately, it is not so much. Without reciprocity, the mermaid awaits death on land. To the difficulties of young people are added the treachery of stepmother Ho Joon Jae, who uses her killer to solve her problems. And this is none other than the reincarnation of Lord Young from the Joseon era.

Can Dam Ryon deceive fate and find happiness? The answer is given by the drama Legend of the Blue Sea, whose actors Lee Min Ho and Jung Ji Hyun perfectly embodied the images of their characters. Numerous viewers, not looking up from the screens, watched the development of events in the series.

"The Legend of the Blue Sea": actors and roles

The drama starred a lot of first-class Korean actors. Leading roles are Lee Min Ho and Jung Ji Hyun.

blue sea legend drama actors

The other actors who decorated the film:

  • Im Won Hee.
  • Lee Ji Hong.
  • Guo gyu phil.
  • Park J Il.
  • Shin Won Ho.
  • Lee Hee Joon.
  • Kim Sung Ryun.
  • With Bom Sick.
  • Dream Don Il.
  • Crystal Jung.
  • Shin Hye Song.
  • Jung Jin Soo
  • Park Hae-soo
  • Jung Yu Mi
  • Sin Rin A.
  • Hwang Shin Hye et al.

Interesting Facts

The actor "Legends of the Blue Sea" Lee Min Ho starred in it before entering the mandatory military service, as is customary in Korea for men. Conscription lasts 2 years. After its completion, we hope to see the actor in new projects.

The dramas went on the SBS channel at 10 o’clock in the evening. It was at this time that another hit series, “The Incarnation of Jealousy,” was previously broadcast. Interestingly, one of the episodes of the film 2016 “Legend of the Blue Sea” starred actor Cho Jong Suk - the lead artist of the previous SBS project, thereby supporting the new drama. His scene with Jung Ji Hyun is simply gorgeous and hilariously funny.

This is the first drama where actress Jung Ji Hyun has starred since she went on maternity leave in 2015. Interestingly, she gave birth to a second child immediately after the end of this project. We hope that the artist will again delight fans with new works in the future after the baby grows up.

Places where the drama was filmed

To create an appropriate atmosphere, the actors of the film “Legend of the Blue Sea” were forced to visit many different places around the world that the authors of the drama used for the project. Some of them:

  1. Valley Art Park in Pocheon, Lake Cheongjuho (saving young Dam Ren and the first meeting of lovers).
  2. Plantations in Poson where green tea is grown. It is here that the main characters are chased by bandits, and Choni is forced to apply her superpowers to Ho Joon Jae and erase his memory of meeting her.
  3. Tri-bowl art and culture complex in the city of Sondo. This is where the scene of Ho Joon Jae’s fraudulent operation was filmed. It is in Sondo that the viewer meets the main character for the first time.
  4. Starfield Hanam theme park with shopping malls. The place where the main character spends his vacation on the film, and also buys clothes for the mermaid.
  5. Aquarium of Aqua Planet, in the city of Yosu. The first meeting of the main characters after the forced separation.
  6. Hangan City Park, Yoido District. The place where the lovers watched the fireworks.
  7. N Tower in Seoul. The character Lee Min Ho lives nearby, so this attraction is often shown in a drama. In addition, the tower is a conditional meeting place for the mermaid and the key moment of the series is associated with it.
    blue sea legend actors and roles

The authors of the series

The director of the drama "Legend of the Blue Sea", whose actors have not worked with this author for the first time (Lee Min Ho), was made by Gene Hyuk. He took part in such hit projects as The Lord of the Sun, City Hunter, Alien Doctor and others.

The script for the series was created by Park Ji Eun - the author of the stunning drama "Man from the Star", which also starred Jung Ji Hyun.

Soundtrack drama

The creation of the soundtrack of the series was attended by many talented Korean artists:

  • You Are The World - Yoon Mi Rae;
  • Love Story - Lee Xie Jin;
  • Wind flower - Lee San Hee;
  • instrumental composition Sound of ocean- Yoshimata Ryo;
  • tune Memories - Yoshimata Ryo.

“Legend of the Blue Sea” is one of the best dramas of 2016. This is confirmed not only by the responses of viewers and critics, but also by the official ratings of the TV channels. The series once again proved that a combination of romance, elements of comedy and fantasy are still the most popular topics in the film industry.

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