Rash around the eyes of a child: possible causes, symptoms, necessary diagnostics, treatment options, photo

Thin and dry skin near the eyes is particularly sensitive and is highly responsive to any adverse effects from the outside. The rash can indicate the presence of problems with some organs and systems of the body, as well as indicate an allergic reaction. To begin with, it is important to determine the main causes of a rash under the eyes of a child.

The main varieties of rashes

The rash in the eyelids and under the eyes can be of the following types:

  • small acne;
  • bubbles with watery contents;
  • pronounced spots;
  • nodules.

Depending on the cause of the rash around the eyes of the child, the formation changes color, and the skin on the affected area becomes very inflamed. Small rashes under the eyes of a child can be nodules or bubbles with water content. A photo of the rash under the eyes of the child is presented below.

Types of rashes

A rash of blisters on the eyes spreads predominantly over the thin skin of the eyelids. Moreover, the contents of the bubbles are colorless and easy to come out, even with minimal trauma to the formation. The rash of nodular nature is characterized by the formation of small seals under the skin. It is colored pink, and the skin between the rashes can become very inflamed and swollen.

Small ulcers may appear on the skin of the eyes. In their appearance, they are similar to bubble rashes, but their contents are painted white or yellow. Skin irritation in this area leads to the appearance of a red rash under the eyes of the child.

Formation Factors

The main causes of rashes around the eyes of a child include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • fungal infection;
  • hit of bacteria.

Also, rashes under the eyes in childhood can appear due to lack of sleep or recent stress, nervous experiences and emotional shock.

Reasons for the appearance of formations

Often, a red rash around the eyes of a child occurs due to an allergy. In this case, various objects can be an allergen: food, as well as cosmetics and skin care products.

With the development of mycosis (fungal infection), red spots form on the thin skin of the eyes. They can be uncomfortable, itchy and itchy. A bacterial infection of the delicate skin near the eyes provokes the appearance of a pustular rash. For such a dermatological lesion, an inflammatory process in a sore spot is characteristic.

Rash near the eyes of the baby

Rashes under the eyes of a newborn baby may appear as a result of dermatitis, an allergic reaction to a certain irritant from the side.

The atopic form of dermatitis in a child occurs against the background of the appearance of small inflamed spots on the skin. Such rashes are localized mainly in the eye area. Often atopic dermatitis appears when the air is too dry in the child’s bedroom. In this case, signs of irritation primarily appear on the delicate skin of the eyes. A photo of the rash around the eyes of the child can be seen below.

Rash in a newborn

With contact dermatitis, along with a small rash under the eyes of a child, severe peeling of the skin begins. Such inflammation can occur as a result of contact with synthetic tissues.

Exposure to Irritants

An allergic reaction to the skin of a child may begin as a result of the action of the following irritants:

  • food allergy;
  • cosmetic products or household detergents;
  • plant pollen, dust;
  • animal hair.

The first signs of an allergic reaction appear, as a rule, on the face, including the eye area. In this case, the treatment of the rash begins with the determination of the main irritant.

A small rash around the eyes of a child may occur in response to irritation of thin and sensitive skin. This often happens if a child rubs his skin on bedding. Another common cause of this condition is inflammation of the skin near the eyes, which begins when shampoo accidentally gets into the eyes while bathing.

Rash on growing up

A rash under the eyes of a child of an older age can be caused by an allergic reaction or bacteria. Allergy manifests itself in the formation of small rashes of red color on the surface of the skin. In this case, a person may begin an inflammatory process on the skin and appear characteristic swelling. An allergy occurs against an unpleasant burning sensation and itching of the skin. If the parent can determine the allergen in time and exclude its effect on the child's body, then this type of rash can go away on its own, without the use of any medications.

Rash on growing up

Older children may suffer from rashes in the eye area due to bacterial or fungal infection. Infection can occur due to the child rubbing his eyes with dirty hands. This condition most often occurs when there is minor damage to the skin.

The following symptoms are characteristic of a bacterial infection:

  • redness of the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • characteristic swelling;
  • the appearance of pustular formations;
  • burning sensation, pain in a sore spot.

Treatment measures in this case include taking antibiotics and treating the skin with special medical preparations. With a fungal infection, antimycotic ointments are used for treatment.

Treatment is prescribed exclusively by the attending specialist after carrying out diagnostic measures and identifying the source of the lesion.

Child allergy

Red nodules appear as a result of an allergic reaction, which can occur in response to the use of improper products for washing, poor-quality cosmetics or skin care creams. In addition, a person may experience the following signs of damage:

  • inflammation on the skin;
  • burning, itching;
  • scabies;
  • swelling.

It is important to start allergy treatment with getting rid of the main irritant. If it is not possible to determine the allergen, it is important to stop using any cosmetics until the condition of the skin is restored. You can reduce unpleasant symptoms by taking antihistamines. To speed up the process of skin restoration, it is important to consult a doctor about the use of special ointments.

Often, a rash near the eyes appears in response to the use of certain medications. In this case, you can eliminate the rash if you stop using the drug. Also, it is mandatory to visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe an effective treatment for the lesion.

Rashes can go away from the skin for a while, and then reoccur. In this case, it is important to consult with an endocrinologist, since such a symptom may indicate a problem with the hormonal system and the presence of metabolic diseases.

Skin lesion

An inflamed red rash can occur as a result of damage to the skin. If at the same time its surface was infected, then small pustules will appear near the eyes, which will cause pain syndrome when pressed. Such signs indicate a defeat by bacteria, in the treatment of which special local preparations with antibiotics should be used.

The sudden development of red spots on the skin of the eyes can be associated with exposure to climatic factors - heat or cold. Most often, this condition does not last long and the spots pass themselves without any therapy.

Inflammation, swelling, and redness on the skin can occur as a result of severe stress and sleep problems. In this case, therapeutic measures will be aimed at improving the nervous system and psycho-emotional state by taking sedative drugs. A neurologist will prescribe drugs. As a rule, inflammation leaves the skin after eliminating the main disease.

Gastrointestinal problems

Various types of rashes on the surface of the skin near the eyes may appear due to problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Changes that have occurred in this condition do not have any distinctive features by which they could be accurately diagnosed. It is impossible to independently determine the cause of the appearance of a rash on the skin, so it is important to see a doctor.

Classification of all rashes

In most cases, a rash on the face is nodules, blisters or spots:

  1. The vial is in the skin or under it, has a characteristic bottom, a lid and a cavity in which there is serous contents. May appear in the normal condition of the skin.
  2. The nodule is characterized by a change in the relief and color of the skin, can be both inflammatory and non-inflammatory in nature. In some cases, a bubble appears on the surface of the node. Nodules in their consistency can be dense or soft, and also differ in mobility.
  3. The spots look like a red area with a characteristic border, they do not alter the relief or texture of the skin, but change its color.
Redness under the eyes due to allergies

Treatment of fungus and demodicosis

If a person has a rash near his eyes, then it is important to seek help from a specialist in a timely manner. First you need to tell the dermatologist about exactly when the rash appeared and irritation began. Having determined the possible causes of the appearance of the lesion, we can make an assumption about the form of the disease.

But only this information in order to make an effective and correct treatment will not be enough. For this reason, the doctor immediately after the examination sends the patient for additional diagnostics. It should be noted that all diseases associated with skin rashes are very different from each other and require a certain method of treatment.


In the treatment of demodicosis, it is important not only to carefully monitor facial hygiene to prevent relapse of the lesion, but also to conduct therapeutic measures on an outpatient basis. With demodicosis, a specialist prescribes antihistamines and quinoline drugs to the patient. A good effect can be achieved with complex treatment with medicines and external agents.

Treatment of a fungal infection of the eyelids will begin with a determination of the type of fungus and its severity. With candidiasis, the doctor prescribes an intake of Nistanin and Levorin, as well as an external special ointment.

Elimination of fungal nodes

Fungal nodes can be eliminated when they are dissected and removed by curettage of fungal deposits. Most often, the dissected area is treated with silver nitrate or iodine solution. Such measures are forbidden to carry out independently at home, as this can only lead to a complication of the general condition.

Usually, a rash near the mouth and eyes is treated after the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and receives the results of all the tests. Only in this case he will be able to choose the appropriate medicines and ointments that will help get rid of the malaise.

Rashes around the oral cavity

A rash near the child’s mouth is a signal that some disturbances are occurring in his body. They can occur due to exposure to both external and internal factors.

Redness near the mouth

The most common causes of this condition include:

  • irritation from saliva;
  • an allergic reaction;
  • problems with the functioning of the digestive system;
  • worms and other parasites;
  • enterovirus infection;
  • oral dermatitis;
  • infectious diseases, reaction to bites, chapping, and more.

Additional reasons

Additional reasons why a child may have a rash include:

  • body reaction to vaccination;
  • skin reaction to latex, from which many soothers are made;
  • if hygiene rules are not followed - wiping the mouth with dirty hands;
  • a rash can occur if the child too often licks the lips and the area near the mouth, especially if he has particularly sensitive skin;
  • the skin around the mouth may turn red as a result of exposure to low temperature or chapping;
  • if the baby’s temperature rises sharply and rashes appear near the oral cavity, this may indicate the onset of an infection in the body, in which it is important to immediately consult a doctor.

To avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, it is important from early childhood to accustom the child to the rules of personal hygiene, carefully monitor his diet, to prevent diarrhea or prolonged constipation. You should also conduct regular checks for the presence of worms in the body and visit your doctor.

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