Spelled porridge: cooking recipes

How is porridge made from spelled? The recipe for this dish will be presented in the materials of this article. You will also learn about what the mentioned cereal is.

spelled porridge recipe

Product General Information

What is spelled? Recipes for making porridge from this cereal are known to few housewives. Moreover, not all culinary specialists know about its existence.

According to the statements of experienced cooks, spelled, or spelled wheat, is a group of species of the genus Wheat with membranous grain, as well as with fragile ears.

Such plants include such wild species as two-grain wheat, single-leaved single-grain, double-leaved single-grain and Urart wheat. There are also cultural types: two-corn, one-corn, spelled, Mach wheat and Timofeev wheat. Of the listed species, which are directly related to spelled, the two-corn plant is most often cultivated.

Spelled is distinguished by grain with non-threshing films. Also, the fragility of an ear, brick-red color, unpretentiousness and early maturity are inherent in this culture. We can not say that it is extremely resistant to various fungal diseases.

spelled porridge recipe in a slow cooker

Spelled porridge: step by step recipe

There are many options for making such a delicious and nutritious dish. Most people cook milk porridge with milk. However, some cooks prefer to make it based on ordinary drinking water. Of course, in this case, the dish turns out less caloric and tasty. But for diet food, it is best suited.

So how is porridge made from spelled? The recipe, implemented on water, requires the use of:

  • spelled - about one glass;
  • ordinary drinking water - 3.5 cups;
  • common salt - add to your taste;
  • beet sugar - apply to taste (you need about one large spoon);
  • butter - as you wish;
  • olive oil - about one dessert spoon per adult serving.

spelled porridge cooking recipes

Cooking process

The dietary porridge from spelled, the recipe of which we are considering, is prepared quite simply. First, the cereals are carefully sorted and washed several times in cool water. Then it is laid out in a deep pan, in which it is planned to cook the dish. Having poured half a half glasses of water, they put it on low heat. After boiling the liquid, the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Cook porridge for about five minutes. Then again it is required to pour in drinking water in the amount of two glasses. If you want a less thick dish, you can use a little more liquid.

At the same time, sugar and salt are added to the spelled (to your liking). After mixing the components, they are covered with a lid. In this form, the dish is cooked on the smallest fire for about forty minutes. In this case, the porridge is periodically stirred with a spoon so that it does not stick to the bottom of the dishes.

20 minutes after the start of cooking, the spelled should noticeably swell. At the end of the heat treatment, the cereal will completely absorb water, become soft and large. At the same time, the porridge itself will be either viscous or crumbly (depending on the amount of added water).

Once the dish is cooked, it is tightly covered with a lid, removed from the stove and wrapped in a thick blanket. In this form, porridge is allowed to rest for ΒΌ hour.

spelled porridge recipes

How to serve porridge for dinner?

Now you know how porridge is made from spelled. The recipe for this delicious dish was presented above. They serve it to the table only hot. Having laid porridge in a plate, it is flavored with olive oil (if desired, you can add cream).

It should be noted immediately that porridge from spelled in milk is similarly prepared in milk. In this case, use 1.5 cups of water and 2-2.5 cups of milk.

Spelled porridge: Armenian recipe

In Armenia, the dish in question is usually prepared using mushrooms and meat. How exactly such a culinary process is carried out, we will describe right now.

So what needs to be prepared to make very tasty Armenian spelled porridge? A recipe implemented in a multicooker requires the use of:

  • spelled - about one glass;
  • ordinary drinking water - 3.5 cups;
  • common salt - add to your taste;
  • olive oil - optional;
  • fresh champignons - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - as you wish;
  • bulbs, carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • poultry breasts - 300 grams.

spelled porridge recipe on water

Component Processing

How is spelled processed? Recipes (porridge from this cereal is very tasty) always require thorough washing of the product with a sieve. As soon as the water flowing from the spelled becomes transparent, it is shaken vigorously and the processing of other ingredients is started.

Fresh champignons and chicken breasts are thoroughly washed and then chopped into cubes. Also peel fresh vegetables and grind them in a similar way.

Frying process

To make porridge from spelled in Armenian style tasty, meat, mushrooms and vegetables should be pre-fried. To do this, they are laid out in a multicooker bowl, add olive oil and turn on the baking mode. Stirring the components periodically, they are fried for fifteen minutes. After that, the products are salted to taste and poured with water.

Having closed the multicooker with a lid, they put out the extinguishing program. In this mode, the ingredients are cooked for another 10 minutes. Next to them lay the previously processed spelled. Without mixing the components, they are again covered with a lid and continue to simmer for an entire hour. During this time, the cereal will absorb the entire broth and swell well. As for the remaining ingredients, they are completely welded.

After the slow cooker signals the end of the program, a small amount of butter is added to the porridge. Then it is thoroughly mixed so that the chicken breasts are evenly distributed throughout the spelled. Having closed the lid of the kitchen appliance, the dish is kept heated for another five to seven minutes.

spelled porridge armenian recipe

How to serve?

Like regular spelled porridge in water or milk, the Armenian dish should be served only in the hot state for dinner. It is laid out on plates and immediately set. If you want, then this kind of porridge can be sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs.

To summarize

There are many recipes based on cereals like spelled. In our country, porridge from this product is not prepared very often. Many housewives believe that they will need a lot of free time to completely soften the cereals in question. Indeed, spelled, unlike buckwheat or rice, has been boiled for quite some time. To significantly reduce this process, many culinary experts recommend pre-soaking the product in cold water and soaking it in this way for about half a day. During this time, the spelled will absorb part of the liquid, become softer and friable.

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