In the modern world, most citizens have a large workload, so there is not enough time to closely monitor their health. And actually it is very sad. According to medical statistics, today a lot of people go to the hospital with joint pain, numb fingers and many other symptoms associated with the upper limbs. As a rule, Russians from the age of 35 face a similar problem, however, representatives of the younger generation also come to doctors with such complaints.
In some cases, numbness is felt only at the fingertips, but sometimes it also happens that a person does not feel the whole palm or even part of the arm. What can cause such clinical manifestations, as well as a harbinger of what disease most often these symptoms are? Let's try to understand this in more detail and find out if there is a threat to health and life if the hand goes numb and hurts.
Physiological reasons
What are they? As practice shows, most people do not attach much importance to numbness of the fingers, and this is a very big mistake. The thing is that in some cases there is no particular problem, however, such symptoms may indicate the presence of a disease that requires immediate treatment. Therefore, in order not to start the illness too much, you need to have an idea of why the hands hurt and numb.
The most common causes are as follows:
- uncomfortable position while resting;
- squeezing in the brachial plexus, leading to circulatory disturbance;
- prolonged wearing of very heavy luggage thrown over the shoulder;
- Jewelry;
- tight and uncomfortable clothing that fetters movement;
- prolonged exposure to cold, resulting in narrowing of blood vessels;
- alcohol abuse;
- overweight.
These are only physiological reasons. Hands are sore and numb as a result of various health problems. In this case, as a rule, loss of sensitivity is accompanied by other pronounced clinical manifestations. About them will be told a little later.
Signs of serious illness
This issue should be given special importance. If a person’s hand becomes numb and sore, then in addition to losing sensitivity, discomfort and discomfort, he also faces other related problems.
These may include the following:
- impaired functioning of the vestibular apparatus responsible for coordination of movements;
- decreased sensitivity to hot and cold, as a result of which frostbite or burns often occur;
- a feeling of general weakness and weakness;
- shortness of breath, making itself felt not only during physical exertion, but also at rest;
- Dizziness
- bouts of nausea;
- increased heart rate;
- changes in behavior and psychological state;
- bowel movements or involuntary urination;
- disorders of speech activity.
If the hands are sore and numb, the reasons can be very different. With the manifestation of the symptoms listed above, it is not recommended to hesitate with a specialist, since in most cases they indicate serious diseases, many of which, even if not properly treated, can even lead to death.
Loss of sensitivity of the upper limbs with an improper lifestyle
People who abuse alcohol, nicotine and lead a generally unhealthy lifestyle very often face various health problems. One of these is the situation when their hands become numb and sore.
Clinical manifestations in this case are as follows:
- slight tingling at the tips of the fingers;
- sensation of goosebumps throughout the body;
- lowering the threshold of sensitivity of the epidermis;
- violation of joint mobility.
The thing is that tobacco contains a huge amount of resins and acids, which lead to the formation of microcracks on blood vessels with their subsequent obstruction. As a result of this blood, it becomes much more difficult to pass through the veins and capillaries, which, in turn, leads to a loss of sensitivity. In the absence of proper medical care, a person eventually develops sclerosis of the vessels of the upper extremities, very often leading to gangrene and amputation.
People who abuse alcohol also have painful hands, numb fingers. Alcohol has a negative effect on the functioning of the peripheral nervous system. With such deviations, patients have impaired coordination of movements, loss of sensitivity, as well as weakness in the hands. All this can lead to very serious problems.
For an average Russian living a healthy lifestyle, a loss of sensation can be caused by circulatory disturbances or pinching of nerve endings resulting from wearing too tight clothes or inappropriate gold jewelry. Moreover, this is a normal manifestation. However, malicious smokers and potential alcoholics may have more serious reasons why their fingers become numb and sore. What to do in this case?
Try the following:
- get rid of tight-fitting things and objects;
- change the pose in which you are sitting or lying;
- shake with your hands;
- Perform a light massage that allows you to slightly disperse the blood.
If none of the above helped and the arm is still numb and sore, then this is a serious reason to think about undergoing an examination in a hospital, as this can be associated with many serious pathologies that pose a great threat to health and life.
The main methods of treatment of numbness caused by bad habits
What are they? So, you cannot deny yourself the use of tobacco products and alcohol, but your fingers are numb and sore. What to do in this case? As such, targeted treatment is not prescribed. For prevention purposes, doctors prescribe special droppers that help to remove toxins from the body and cleanse the blood vessels of toxins. However, this will not completely solve the problem if a person does not completely give up bad habits.
If, after switching to a healthy lifestyle, the problem persists, then doctors prescribe complex vitamins to patients.
Tunnel syndrome
Many people, because of their professional activities, have a sore shoulder and numb fingers. In medical practice, this is called tunnel syndrome.
Such a pathology leads to the following:
- violation of vital functions;
- professional unsuitability, regardless of occupation;
- reduced life expectancy.
As a rule, people suffer from this ailment, constantly performing the same movements countless times, not changing their position over a long period of time, and also the activity of which is associated with great physical exertion.
These are representatives of the following professions:
- musicians;
- computer typing operators;
- Drivers
- builders;
- blacksmiths;
- cashiers.
It is worth noting that many of the above professions are not very popular these days, therefore, with the complaint that they have a sore elbow, a numb arm or tingling fingers, office workers, who are the vast majority today, turn to doctors. However, many of them are young people under the age of 30 years.
Tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of the median nerve located between the wrist and radius. With prolonged work at the computer, the transverse ligaments begin to swell, as a result of which they create pressure on the nerve. If this is repeated many times and lasts a long time, then the fibers begin to die.
The following categories are at increased risk:
- people doing small work in an uncomfortable position;
- office workers with an experience of more than five years;
- pregnant girls;
- menopausal women.
If the neck hurts, the hands go numb as a result of the development of the tunnel syndrome, then among the most common clinical manifestations, the following can be distinguished:
- muscle weakness in the palms;
- loss of sensation along the entire length of the arm;
- obstructed movements of the upper limbs;
- strong pain;
- the difficulty of performing even elementary tasks.
It is worth noting that the back hurts , the hands go numb already in the later stages of the pathology. Initially, a person does not experience any discomfort, and clinical manifestations make themselves felt with a certain frequency and low intensity. However, as the nerve dies and the tunnel syndrome progresses, the symptoms appear more strongly, which significantly aggravates everyday life.
It is important to understand that this pathology has much in common with other ailments.
You can distinguish it by the following signs:
- “The typist’s hand” does not hit the entire area, but only the brush and four fingers. If your little finger is also affected, this may indicate a more serious illness.
- For right-handed people, discomfort is more pronounced in the right hand, and vice versa for left-handed people.
- By evening, the symptoms worsen, and you can get rid of it with the usual massage.
- Muscles become weaker and handwriting less legible.
- Fatigue.
Thus, if your neck hurts, your hands go numb and performing ordinary daily tasks becomes more difficult, but a relaxing massage after a working day brings relief, then this indicates the presence of a tunnel syndrome. More serious diseases in this case will be extremely rare, however, a similar probability cannot be ruled out.
The main methods of therapy for tunnel syndrome
Unfortunately, today no one effective method of treating this disease is known to modern medicine. Therefore, if this syndrome manifests itself, then it will have to suffer with it until the end of life. However, there are a number of preventive measures that will reduce symptoms, lead a normal lifestyle, and continue to engage in familiar activities.
The basic rules necessary for patient compliance are the following:
- take short breaks between work and perform special physical exercises;
- equip the workplace with good furniture, providing the maximum level of comfort;
- strengthen the muscles of the hands with the help of an expander or special anti-stress toys;
- monitor the level of humidity in the room, and try to avoid drafts.
If the shoulder hurts, the arm goes numb, but the tunnel syndrome has not yet had time to develop to the last stage, then you can solve the problem of discomfort using simple manipulations:
- Wear gloves with fingers trimmed. They warm the palms well, thus alleviating the pain syndrome, and also do not interfere with normal work;
- in the evenings, therapeutic baths with essential oils should be taken;
- every night before going to bed, massage should be done from the shoulder to the hand itself;
- try to lead a more active lifestyle.
If the elbow hurts very badly, your fingers go numb, and you can’t cope with most simple tasks yourself, then self-medication is not recommended. It is best to contact a specialist to get qualified medical help. Despite the fact that there is no means for complete healing, nevertheless, symptomatology can be reduced. Most often, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and complex drugs that improve the functioning of the immune system, as well as special physical exercises.
What diseases can be behind the loss of sensitivity of the upper extremities?
Not many people know that with various serious pathologies, the right arm or left arm is also sore and numb. Moreover, even angina can cause a worsening of the condition.
However, according to medical staff, most often this can be caused by the following ailments:
- pathological degeneration of articular cartilage;
- VVD;
- diabetes;
- hernia;
- multiple sclerosis;
- migraine;
- atherosclerosis;
- Raynaud's syndrome;
- coronary artery disease;
- stroke;
- arterial hypertension;
- brain cancer.
In any of the above cases, the left arm often hurts and goes numb, but depending on the individual characteristics of the organism of a particular person, the symptoms and nature of the course of the disease may vary. An accurate diagnosis and the most effective treatment program can be made only by a specialist based on the patient’s clinical picture after a number of laboratory tests. With a prolonged lack of proper therapy, the patient may develop various serious complications, which often lead to death.
What should you pay attention to first of all? Very often, people who have a headache and numb hands are diagnosed with osteochondrosis. This disease is very serious, because loss of sensation and pain are just the tip of the iceberg. This disease affects the vertebral cartilage, as a result of which the entire supporting element of the human skeleton suffers. Dystrophic disorders of the spine can occur not only as a result of external, but also internal factors.
But, as medical professionals note, the most common causes are:
- improper load distribution on the main part of the axial skeleton;
- injuries resulting from an accident, a fall from a great height, a strong blow, etc .;
- various infectious diseases;
- metabolic disorders;
- prolonged sitting with incorrect posture;
- poorly developed muscle system.
With prolonged exposure to all these factors, a person develops osteochondrosis, as a result of which his chest hurts, his hand goes numb and his posture is bent. Discomfort accompanies him when walking, sitting and lying down.
Symptoms are pronounced and are of the following nature:
- loss of sensation and pain in the neck;
- tingling in the neck when turning the head;
- severe migraines;
- visual and hearing impairment.
When these signs appear, you must immediately make an appointment with a traumatologist or neuropathologist. It is very dangerous to self-medicate or to postpone going to the hospital, because in the early stages the disease can still be cured, and in the later stages it can cause many serious and irreversible complications.
The main methods of treatment of osteochondrosis
Treatment of this disease should be comprehensive. First of all, the patient must radically change his everyday lifestyle. If his work is connected with a computer, it is recommended to purchase a special orthopedic chair that will support his back in the correct position. In addition, you need to perform gymnastic exercises and engage in any kind of sports.
The treatment program includes a set of the following measures:
- taking medications that have anti-inflammatory effects and improve blood circulation in the brain;
- physiotherapy course;
- stretching the spinal column;
- vacuum cans;
- magnetotherapy.
As additional measures, acupuncture, hirudotherapy, treatment using bee and snake venom, as well as relaxing and strengthening massage can be prescribed. However, the key factor that plays a crucial role in the fight against osteochondrosis is maintaining the right lifestyle. If a person clearly adheres to it, then he will be able to forget about discomfort in the back and loss of sensitivity of the upper limbs.
Pain and numbness in vegetovascular dystonia
Why does she appear? Neurocirculatory dystonia is a multitude of autonomic disorders caused by impaired functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system.
With VVD in people, not only does the hand go numb and sore, but the following symptoms appear:
- sleep disorder;
- severe migraines;
- Dizziness
- unpredictable changes in blood pressure;
- increased or decreased heart rate;
- sudden bouts of panic and fear.
As doctors note, most of the time the IRR develops as a result of the following reasons:
- genetic inheritance;
- various pathologies of the brain;
- disorders of the central nervous system;
- constant stress;
- chronic overwork.
To minimize the likelihood of developing vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is recommended to have a good rest and sleep, as well as protect yourself from strong psychological and physical overload.
What methods of treatment of VSD exist in modern medicine?
If you notice that your shoulder hurts and your arm is numb, you should immediately go to the hospital to undergo a full examination. Such clinical manifestations may be the precursors of a large number of diseases requiring urgent treatment, therefore it is very important to make an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible.
In this case, it is necessary not only to reduce the severity of symptoms, but also to eliminate the underlying disease, which caused the patient to feel worse. For this, the doctors based on the results of laboratory tests and the clinical picture of the patient select the most optimal and effective course of drug therapy. Together with this, the patient is transferred to a special diet and healthy lifestyle, as well as a complex of respiratory gymnastics is prescribed.
Multiple Sclerosis and Sensitivity Problem
This is one of the most complex autoimmune diseases that is difficult to treat. The thing is that immunoglobulins do not kill the infection itself, but the membrane of the nerve endings of the brain and spinal cord.
In this case, the disease does not affect individual parts of the central nervous system, but the whole organism as a whole, which entails the following:
- sharp tingling in fingers;
- decreased sensitivity of the upper limbs;
- general weakness;
- violation of spatial coordination and motor activity;
- chronic diplopia.
If your right arm is sore and numb, and also two or more of the symptoms listed above are observed, then you should immediately contact a profiled specialist. In the absence of complex treatment, the patient very often develops paralysis of the limbs or the whole body, as a result of which he forever loses his legal capacity.
How is multiple sclerosis treated?
MS therapy should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician, since each individual case is unique, and the success of a patient’s full recovery largely depends on how well the medicines were chosen. However, you must understand that it is very difficult to completely defeat the disease without any consequences. As practice shows, in most cases the forecast remains disappointing.
Stroke and Hypertension
Perhaps these problems are one of the most common, in which people have a sore and numb left arm.
In addition to the main clinical manifestations, which are pronounced, the following symptoms may also appear in patients:
- a feeling of cold or burning in the fingers or along the entire length of the upper limbs;
- tingling of the skin of the hands;
- violation of the sensitivity of the epidermis.
All these symptoms should cause a feeling of caution, since in most cases they are a sign of cardiovascular disease and neurocirculatory disorders. However, the big problem is that many other ailments have similar manifestations, so often people do not attach any importance to them. For example, vertebral hernia, circulatory disorders, metabolic disturbances, or osteochondrosis have similar symptoms. But a stroke can not only cause many irreversible processes and significantly affect the normal functioning of a person, but also lead to death, which in the case of other diseases occurs much less frequently. Therefore, if your heart hurts and your hand goes numb, especially if this happens on an ongoing basis with a certain frequency, then it is better not to risk it, but to undergo a full examination, and if necessary, start treatment immediately.
As for therapy, it is based on the use of drugs of various groups. In addition, people who have had a stroke are at an increased risk category, so they should be constantly monitored by a cardiologist. They should also abandon all bad habits, adhere to a healthy diet, engage in race walking, and also protect themselves from any stressful situations.
It is not recommended to take any drugs on your own, both in the case of a stroke and high blood pressure, since this way you can only aggravate the situation and cause even greater harm to your health.
Chronic migraine
This disease belongs to the neurological group, therefore, it can be accompanied not only by discomfort, but also by a decrease in the sensitivity of the epidermis of the upper extremities. As a rule, with migraine, pain is concentrated in any one part of the head, however, in some cases, physical discomfort can spread throughout the skull.
Pathology can be accompanied not only by severe pain and numbness, but also by the following clinical manifestations:
- severe nausea;
- gagging;
- ataxia;
- Too strong sensitivity to light and ambient sounds.
In addition to stroke and chronic high blood pressure, numbness of the hands can occur in many vascular diseases. However, in this case, the symptoms are more extensive.
The following are added to the main clinical manifestations:
- thickening of the nail plates;
- hair loss on the upper limbs;
- feeling of constant heaviness.
You will not be able to make a diagnosis on your own, therefore, when the first suspicions of problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Systemic immunopathological processes
There is a group of systemic diseases that are not associated with serious problems, but also cause a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin.
These include the following:
- rheumatism;
- periarteritis nodosa;
- systemic scleroderma;
- lupus erythematosus.
These diseases are most affected by people of advanced age, whose functioning of internal organs and systems is deteriorating due to the natural wear and tear of the body. It is impossible to completely cure them, but it is quite possible to make one feel better. To do this, consult your doctor who will prescribe the appropriate drugs. Never spare time or money for your health, because no one except you will take care of him like that.