Vsevolod Ivanov. The writer and his biography

Vsevolod Ivanov is a writer and playwright who worked in the Soviet Union. Literary scholars note his works on the struggle for the victory of Soviet power in southern Siberia. In the 1920s he was a member of the Serapion Brothers Association of Young Writers . He was considered a master of ornamental prose. According to researchers, he introduced Siberia in his own way, showing its extraordinary and at the same time wild beauty.

Writer Biography

Vsevolod Ivanov writer

Born in 1895, Vsevolod Ivanov. The writer was born in the Semipalatinsk region. In the small village of Lebyazhye in Pavlodar district. Today, this area is part of Kazakhstan. Now on the site of the village of Akku aul, in which less than three thousand people live.

His mother was Polish and her parents were sent to hard labor. Father worked in the mine, then became a rural teacher. However, the health damaged at the mines could not be restored. He died early. Ivanov himself said that he felt Kazakh and Russian blood in himself, although, of course, Russian prevailed.

The youth of the future writer was held in the regions of Western Siberia. Due to the plight of the family, they failed to finish school. I had to learn early to earn money, learn various professions.

At different times, Vsevolod worked as a typesetter in a printing house, a sailor and even a circus clown. He did everything to feed his family. During these years he alternately lived in Kurgan, Omsk and Novonikolaevsk.

At the beginning of a literary career

Vsevolod Ivanov book writer

In 1915, 20-year-old Vsevolod Ivanov began to print in newspapers. The writer publishes his first story. In 1919, his book Flier appeared in a separate edition. He independently typed and printed it in the printing house of the Vperyod newspaper in Omsk. The book was released in scanty circulation - 30 copies.

At that time it was almost impossible to stay away from the hectic political life. This failed to Ivanov. He takes part in the revolutionary movement. First on the side of the Socialist Revolutionaries, then the Mensheviks. Later he joined the ranks of the Russian socialist workers' party of internationalists. He becomes her supporter in Omsk in 1918.

After the victory of the October Revolution, the party of internationalists joined the ranks of the Bolsheviks. Ivanov's party experience was calculated taking into account membership with the RSRP. Ultimately enters the Red Army. He is not directly involved in the battles; he is in charge of the information department in the provincial executive committee.

Ivanov in Petrograd

Ivanov writer story Dita

In 1921, Vsevolod Ivanov sent with a special assignment to Petrograd. The writer meets with Gorky, passes him the recommendations of the newspaper "Soviet Siberia". Thanks to them and the impression he made on the venerable Soviet writer, his partisans novel is included in the first issue of the thick literary magazine Krasnaya nov. In the fifth issue Vsevolod Ivanov publishes his next work. The writer publishes the story "Armored train 14-69." Later, a play of the same name was written on its basis.

At first he was a member of the Cosmist group of proletarian writers, later he participated in the activities of the Serapion Brothers. Since the mid-20s, he finally moved from Siberia to Moscow.

Meeting with Stalin

Vsevolod Ivanov writer biography

Vsevolod Ivanov, a writer whose photo already appeared on the pages of literary magazines, in 1932 took part in the famous meeting of the creative intelligentsia with the head of state Joseph Stalin.

Communication took place in a relaxed and chamber atmosphere at the apartment of Maxim Gorky. It also had several other high-ranking officials - Klim Voroshilov, Lazar Kaganovich, Vyacheslav Molotov, Pavel Postyshev.

For wine and snacks, writers and leaders of the Soviet Union discussed an important issue - the creation of a writers' association. Stalin formulated the party’s policy towards literature, and promised all kinds of help and support. Vsevolod Ivanov also took the initiative. The writer, whose biography is associated with works about the Civil War and Soviet power, supported this idea. Soon it came to life.

Themes for new works Ivanov often looked for in the surrounding reality. In the 30s, he went on a trip with other writers to see for himself the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal. Later he entered the group of writers who wrote the book "The White Sea-Baltic Canal named after Stalin: The History of Construction".

In 1934, participated in the first congress of Soviet writers. What they talked about at Gorky’s apartment was finally realized. Ivanov became one of the secretaries at the congress. He also received the post of chairman of the literary fund.

With the beginning of World War II he was evacuated to Tashkent. Then he began work as a front-line correspondent in the Izvestia newspaper. Together with the Soviet troops came to Berlin.

He died in Moscow at the age of 68. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Creativity Ivanov

Vsevolod Ivanov writer photo

The author of adventure stories entered Soviet literature by Vsevolod Ivanov. The writer, whose books were published in magazines and in separate editions, was remembered by readers for his tales “Colored Winds”, “Partisans”, and “Armored Train 14-69”. His novels “The Kremlin” and “Blue Sands”, the fantastic works “Agasfer”, “Sisyphus, son of Aeolus” are known. In 1932, he published the U dystopia.

He wrote a lot of autobiographical works. The most famous of them are “The Story of My Books”, “We Go to India”, “The Adventures of the Fakir”.

According to the son of the hero of our article, Stalin loved and appreciated his works. In his opinion, the writer the people needed was Ivanov. The writer, who wrote the story “Dite”, supported the Soviet regime throughout his career. By the way, "Dite" was one of Stalin's favorite works. He even remembered the beginning of this story about the defenselessness of human life before the terrible elements of the Civil War.

The personal life of the writer

Ivanov was married three times. He broke up with his first wife in Petrograd. His beloved Maria Nikolaevna Sinitsyna cheated on him with a Czech officer and left the country.

In 1922, he married Anna Pavlovna Vesnina. They had a daughter, Maria, who chose the career of an artist. She played at the Moscow Drama Theater. In 1927, the couple broke up.

Tamara Kashirina, who was 5 years younger than him, became his third wife. When they got married, Tamara already had two children - daughter Tatyana and son Mikhail (his father was another famous writer Isaac Babel). Later they also had a common child, who was named Vyacheslav. He became a famous linguist.

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