How to make feijoa for dessert

If you are already tired of boring salads and are thinking about how to cook feijoa so that it is original, then we will offer you an interesting dessert recipe.

how to cook feijoa
Puree from this berry will be an excellent component for dough and various mousses, which can also serve as a layer for cakes.

An unusual feijoa filling: how to make a festive cake

This is a real work of confectionery art. It consists of two parts: dough and berry mousse. First, we will take up the basis of the cake, and then consider how to prepare feijoa so that these fruits give all their flavor to the filling. For the test, beat six eggs and sugar in the amount of 185 g. Transfer the container with these products to a water bath and continue to vigorously knead with a whisk.

feijoa how to cook
Sugar from such manipulations will quickly dissolve, and the eggs will evenly heat up. Now you can remove from heat and beat more intensely. Egg mass should increase in volume several times. Sift 85 g of corn starch and flour through a fine sieve over the mixture. Add a teaspoon or a tablespoon of cocoa (depending on how intense the chocolate flavor you like). Continue whipping over a boiling pan, carefully stirring the lumps. In the last turn, add melted and chilled sweet cream butter, not more than one tablespoon. Mix well again, otherwise the fat will settle to the bottom of the bowl. Bake one continuous biscuit from the resulting dough in a preheated oven, cut out 8 hollow cake blanks from it with special rings.
feijoa with honey

How to cook feijoa for toppings

Now you should start preparing the berries. Take 8 small feijoa or 4 large, 100 g mascarpone, cream, sugar and the same amount of water. You will also need a teaspoon of soluble gelatin and protein. Before you cook feijoa for the filling, you need to quickly clean it with a sharp knife and blanch in hot sugar syrup. This will prevent darkening of the pulp of the cut berries. If a little green dye is added to blanching water, this will enhance the color intensity of the feijoa. With honey, instead of sugar, the fruits will become a little harder. This method is useful if you bought them already ripe. Puree blanched berries, soak gelatin in water, beat cold protein with two teaspoons of granulated sugar. Beat the feijoa puree with chilled mascarpone and the rest of the sugar. Heat gelatin, pour in mashed potatoes. Add the squirrels there. After stirring, add whipped cream. Place the finished mousse in biscuit cups. The resulting feijoa cakes should be kept in the cold for at least 4 hours, then they need to be served beautifully. It is advisable to serve this dessert in green. For example, sprinkle with crushed peeled pistachios and mint leaves. But you can also just squeeze a little whipped cream on top and nicely lay almond petals around each cake . Dye can also be added to the dough instead of cocoa. But try to be moderate with this chemical ingredient.

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