Not only women but also men are worried about their figure. In most cases, you have to fight weight loss. But it also happens that a lot of discomfort is caused by excessive thinness. If the patient has exhaustion or is diagnosed with anorexia, a specialist may recommend Peritol tablets for weight gain. Reviews of doctors show that the medicine perfectly stimulates the appetite.
Release form and composition
The drug "Peritol" belongs to the group of histamine receptor blockers. The main active ingredient is cyproheptadine hydrochloride sequigidrate. As auxiliary substances, magnesium stearate, talc, gelatin act. Lactose monohydrate, as well as potato starch. The medicine in cardboard packaging goes on sale. Pills are dispensed strictly according to the prescription.
The main active ingredient blocks histamine H1 receptors. Additionally, the drug has antiserotonin activity. Thanks to this, the course of allergic reactions is significantly facilitated. In addition, Peritol tablets are used for weight gain. Reviews of experts show that the drug affects the receptors responsible for appetite. However, you should not use the product yourself. The medicine should be prescribed only by a doctor. If the patient is diagnosed with
anorexia, treatment can only take place in a hospital setting.
They are used inside the tablet “Peritol” for weight gain. Reviews of doctors show that the medicine is adsorbed quite quickly from the gastrointestinal tract. Maximum bioavailability is achieved after 2 hours after administration. The therapeutic level of the drug concentration in the blood lasts for 4-5 hours.
With a single dose, 20% of the active ingredient is excreted through the intestines. More than 40% of the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine. Specialists note that in patients with chronic renal failure, the rate of drug elimination is significantly reduced. The penetration of the drug through the
placental barrier is not confirmed. Therefore, tablets are not prohibited for use during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
First of all, Peritol tablets are an antihistamine. It is used for hives, serum sickness, hay fever, allergic rhinitis. A medication can be part of complex therapy in the treatment of diseases such as atopic dermatitis, toxoderma, eczema, allergic edema, reaction to an insect bite.
The drug "Peritol" for weight gain is used less often. A good effect is shown by the medicine in the treatment of anorexia of various origins, as well as in states of exhaustion. Pills act on the appetite receptors. The patient is restored to a normal diet, metabolic processes in the body are being established. As a result, it is possible to return to normal weight in the near future.
The medicine may be prescribed to treat children and the elderly. However, in this case, therapy should be strictly controlled by medical personnel. A dose adjustment is required.
Only after a thorough study of the instructions, you can use the drug "Peritol" for weight gain. Reviews of experts show that the medicine has many contraindications. No medication is prescribed for diseases such as angle-closure glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, heart failure. With caution, a remedy is prescribed for urinary retention, as well as a predisposition to edema.
During pregnancy and lactation, you can use the medicine only if the intended benefit to the mother exceeds the possible harm to the baby. For babies up to two years of age, pills for weight gain are not prescribed. A contraindication is the presence of hypersensitivity to one of the components.
special instructions
The use of alcohol during the treatment with Peritol is strictly prohibited. Alcohol can provoke severe intoxication of the body. Under the strict supervision of medical personnel, weight loss pills can be used in conjunction with narcotic analgesics. The drug is used in preparing patients for operations. Thus, it is possible to prevent severe histamine reactions to medications that are used during surgery.
With caution, it is worth using the medicine to people who suffer from lactose deficiency. It is worth considering that each tablet contains 128 mg of lactose. Consult with your doctor in advance.
Peritol tablets for weight gain in children may be prescribed. Reviews show that treatment in combination with other procedures gives good results. However, therapy for minors and elderly patients should be strictly in a medical facility.
During the period of using “Peritol” tablets, one should refrain from driving and other complex mechanisms. The medicine may cause dizziness and drowsiness.
It is worth taking into account the sedative effect of the drug. The first pill is best taken immediately after dinner. The daily dosage for adults is three tablets. You must take one tablet after breakfast, lunch and dinner. In chronic urticaria, the daily norm can be reduced by half. Patients have to take half a tablet three times a day.
For children under 2 years of age, the drug is not prescribed. Dosage for patients under 5 years of age is determined based on body weight. The daily norm is 0.25 mg per 1 kg of the child’s weight. Children under 14 years of age in an increased dosage are prescribed the drug “Peritol” for weight gain. Reviews of experts show that one and a half tablets per day show a good result after a week of treatment.
Anorexia treatment is strictly under the supervision of a doctor. The maximum dosage for such a diagnosis for adults can be 4.5 tablets per day. The patient takes 1.5 tablets after breakfast, lunch and dinner. The course of treatment is determined individually based on the weight of the patient, as well as the individual characteristics of his body.
Side effects
At the beginning of treatment, the drug “Peritol” for thinness and weight gain can cause increased anxiety and drowsiness. Such symptoms do not require withdrawal. In rare cases, a dose adjustment may be necessary. In the most difficult cases, phenomena such as confusion, depression, visual hallucinations are observed. If such symptoms are caused by an overdose, it is necessary to cleanse the body and consult a doctor for further treatment.
Peritol tablets can cause allergic reactions in the form of skin rash and itching. In such cases, drug withdrawal is necessary. The doctor will be able to choose a quality analogue.
Drug interaction
Experts argue that with other medicines with caution, you must take the drug "Peritol" for weight gain. The instruction says that the main active component of the drug significantly enhances the effect of taking narcotic analgesics. Combination of medicines is possible only in a hospital under the supervision of specialists. Caffeine, on the contrary, reduces the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. This fact should also be taken into account.
With caution, Peritol should be taken together with sleeping pills. This interaction increases the
sedative effect. As a result, unpredictable side effects may develop. It is strictly forbidden to combine Peritol tablets for weight gain with ethanol. Reviews of experts show that alcohol increases the toxic effect of the main component of the drug on the body.
What do the doctor's say?
Specialists often prescribe Peritol for weight gain. How to take the medication is described in the instructions. Doctors say that to treat mild anorexia, it is enough to take 1 tablet three times a day for several weeks. The positive effect of treatment is noticeable the next day. The patient's appetite increases significantly. Doctors remind that self-medication is not worth it. Otherwise, problems with the stomach will join the small weight.
Most experts leave positive feedback on the drug "Peritol" for weight gain. Using tablets, you can easily gain 5-7 kg. However, timely termination of therapy is also of great importance. There are cases when overweight problems appeared as a result of the treatment of exhaustion. Together with drug therapy, a balanced diet should be present. We must not forget about moderate physical activity.