Pharyngitis is a serious disease of the pharyngeal membrane and lymphoid tissue. The upper part of the tract between the mouth and esophagus belongs to the pharynx. This disease manifests itself in acute form, which can develop into a chronic one.
Pharyngitis is most often a viral disease. Its appearance is caused by rhinovirus, adenovirus, coronaviruses and parainfluenza virus.
Acute pharyngitis usually accompanies the development of any respiratory infection. The disease can also be caused by bacteria, but this is much less common. Bacterial pharyngitis is the result of penetration into the body of streptococcus, neiseria, chlamydia.
The chronic form of the disease appears as a result of an upper respiratory tract infection. Also, this can be facilitated by the constant irritating effect on the mucous membrane with alcohol, tobacco, and chemicals. Symptoms that indicate that you have pharyngitis are pain and sore throat, fever, dry cough. At the same time, lymph nodes increase on the neck. If you perform a throat examination, then you can detect friability of the mucous membrane and enlarged palatine tonsils. Granular pharyngitis is accompanied by the appearance of inflamed foci in the form of specks coated with white plaque.
In order to detect pharyngitis, it is enough to conduct pharyngoscopy.
In difficult cases, the doctor prescribes additional studies. A single case of sore throat is not a reason to diagnose pharyngitis in yourself. But we must remember that the treatment of
chronic pharyngitis will be optimal only if the nature of the disease is correctly determined, and only a doctor can do this. Therefore, if you have any suspicions of pharyngitis, you should consult a therapist.
Treatment of pharyngitis is prescribed depending on its nature. But in any case, the patient should not take everything that irritates the mucous membrane of the pharynx. This is hot or cold food, spicy, salty, sour. It is necessary to use as much water as possible and give up alcohol and smoking.
If the disease is caused by a virus, then the treatment will be local. Gargles are prescribed, the use of special antiseptic and anti-inflammatory aerosols, lozenges and lozenges. If the doctor determined that the nature of pharyngitis is bacterial, then antibiotics join the treatment.
It is best to start treatment for pharyngitis in a timely manner, at the first manifestations of the disease. Otherwise, the treatment will be more difficult, slower, as a result, the disease can go into a chronic form, getting rid of which is much more difficult.
Often pharyngitis affects children. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures: hardening, intake of vitamins and stimulants of the immune system. This is especially important during the cold season, when the risk of viral infection entering the body is especially high. Treatment for pharyngitis should be carried out with any manifestation of acute respiratory viral infection, regardless of the intensity of the symptoms manifested.