Is viral conjunctivitis contagious or not?

The cause of conjunctivitis can be viral or bacterial infections. But sometimes it occurs due to allergies or exposure to toxic substances. In order to figure out whether conjunctivitis is contagious or not, you need to find out why it started.

Signs of the disease

Conjunctivitis is contagious or not
Everyone can determine conjunctivitis if they know how it manifests. Symptoms of this disease are:

- redness of the eyes, pain;

- irritation, itching, a feeling of sand in the eyes;

- uncontrolled lacrimation;

- swelling of the eyelids;

- increased photosensitivity;

- a feeling of film on the eye, blurred vision;

- the appearance of mucous discharge;

- sticky eyelids and crusts on the eyelashes after sleep.

But a few signs are enough to make a diagnosis.

The characteristic symptoms of different types of disease

Is conjunctivitis contagious
Viral conjunctivitis often occurs against a background of colds. They are characterized by redness of the eyes and the appearance of mucous secretions. The eyelids may swell. The disease is accompanied in most cases by lacrimation. Viral conjunctivitis is contagious. It can affect both eyes at the same time. Even if the pathological process began in one of them, it is very easy to transfer the infection.

With bacterial lesions, pus can be seen, after sleep the eyelids and eyelashes stick together, it is difficult for a person to open his eyes. Discharge from the eyes may take on a greenish tint. Inflammation most often spreads to both eyes. It must be understood that bacterial conjunctivitis is contagious. But danger arises only if the necessary hygiene conditions are not observed.

With the allergic nature of inflammation, the patient has lacrimation, the eyes blush noticeably. In this case, the patient is tormented by a feeling of itching. The disease is accompanied by a runny nose, nasal congestion and swelling.

Ways of infection

All viral and bacterial conjunctivitis is contagious. You can often hear that they are called "dirty hands disease". Bacterial lesions are caused by streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci and other pathogenic microorganisms. They are transmitted by contact.

But viral conjunctivitis can be infected by airborne droplets. Therefore, often with an influenza epidemic, people suffer from adenoviral conjunctivitis. The disease often develops in people who are in the same enclosed space - in barracks or dormitories.

Children are more prone to this disease. Therefore, when you see a baby with red eyes, you should not find out from his parents whether conjunctivitis is contagious or not. It’s better to temporarily restrict communication. Children pay less attention to hygiene, so they become infected at times more often. In kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, epidemiological outbreaks are often observed.

Types of viral conjunctivitis

How much viral conjunctivitis is contagious
Noticing redness, a burning sensation in the eyes, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist. After all, there are several varieties of conjunctivitis. And depending on the diagnosis, treatment tactics are also determined.

Many people want to know how viral conjunctivitis is contagious. This disease is dangerous to others as long as it is in the acute stage. As soon as the condition begins to improve, and the symptoms disappear, you can safely contact the person.

Specialists distinguish several types of viral conjunctivitis. One of the most common is the herpetic form of the disease. Every doctor can tell you if such conjunctivitis is contagious or not. This form of the disease spreads easily, it is especially common in children's groups. Herpetic conjunctivitis is characterized by the appearance of vesicles on the skin of the eyelids. Depending on the severity of symptoms, its catarrhal, follicular and vesicular-ulcerative forms are distinguished.

In the autumn-spring period, adenoviral conjunctivitis is more common. In most cases, the diagnosis of pharyngitis is established simultaneously with it. The disease is accompanied by fever, weakness and other symptoms of intoxication.

Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis is contagious
This infection affects mainly adults. She is considered the most contagious. Infection can be transmitted through common objects, dirty hands of medical personnel or equipment. Knowing this, no one asks if conjunctivitis is contagious.

Inflammation begins, usually sharply. At first, the disease affects one eye, and after it the second. The conjunctiva turns red, the patient begins lacrimation, there is a feeling of clogged eyes and mucopurulent discharge. In the lower transitional fold during examination, you can find multiple follicles. On examination of the cornea in many patients it is possible to visualize point-like erratic opacities.

This is a long-term illness that can last from 2 to 10 weeks. The prognosis for it is usually favorable. The clouding on the cornea resolves and vision is restored.

Allergic problems

How many days are conjunctivitis contagious
But eye inflammation is not always contagious. If a person suffers from allergies, then conjunctivitis may also begin. Most severely, people suffer seasonal inflammation. They develop due to the inhalation of pollen from flowering plants. In this case, everyone understands conjunctivitis is contagious or not. True, visually it is not always possible to understand why a person has inflamed eyes.

Some have allergic problems year-round. The cause of the onset of inflammation may be dust mites, bird feathers, animal hair.

Also non-infectious conjunctivitis is giant papillary. It develops due to the presence of a foreign body in the eye.

Is the disease dangerous?

Is conjunctivitis contagious in children
Having become infected with conjunctivitis, many begin to worry about how this will affect their health in the future. Many fear that vision problems may occur. In most cases, such fears are in vain. But there are situations when the lack of treatment can lead to complications.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if problems have not gone away in 4-5 days. An ophthalmologist should examine the eye and examine the conjunctival cells under a microscope. If necessary, special crops are carried out that allow you to identify the causative agent of the disease. If it is determined, then you can choose a drug that will cure your eyes.

The most dangerous conjunctivitis caused by diphtheria bacillus or gonococcus. With them, abundant purulent discharge from the eyes is always observed. Also, infection with fungal infections or chlamydia can lead to the development of this disease. But such situations arise extremely rarely.

If you do not want to become a source of infection for others, you should know how many days conjunctivitis is contagious. The danger persists until there are signs of inflammation, and mucus or pus is released from the eyes.

Possible complications

For adults, as a rule, inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes is not dangerous. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations and drip the prescribed drug. Usually 2-4 days of treatment is enough for complete healing.

If you decide to wait for the disease to pass on its own, or in those situations where the prescribed medication does not help, there is a chance of developing complications. And it’s not a question of whether conjunctivitis is contagious, and whether such a patient is a danger to others. A person may suffer from possible complications. These include:

- inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye (keratitis) ;

- blurred vision;

- eustachitis or otitis media;

- an eyesore;

- blindness (it can become partial or even complete).

In babies, this disease can even provoke the onset of pneumonia. But it is especially dangerous for premature babies. Bacterial or viral damage can lead to the development of meningitis, sepsis or otitis media. All parents should know whether conjunctivitis is contagious in children and isolate babies who show signs of inflammation of the lining of the eye.

Treatment tactics

Viral conjunctivitis is contagious
It is not difficult to prevent the development of complications if treatment is started on time. With a viral or bacterial lesion, problems can be eliminated with the help of special eye drops. Everyone can buy for himself "Levomycetin" or "Albucid".

You can also accelerate recovery if you regularly rinse your eyes several times a day with a solution of furatsilina or a decoction of chamomile. For these purposes, you can use ordinary saline. The main thing is to observe the washing technique. This must be done in the direction from the outer edge of the eye to the inner. To remove the formed crusts, use sterile wipes moistened with a washing solution.

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