Drops in the nose for babies from a cold: a list of drugs, instructions, reviews

When babies get sick, it's bad. It is especially difficult for parents during the illness of infants. Infectious pathologies are often accompanied by a runny nose.

With squirrels and a stuffed nose, the newborn is hard to eat, the baby sleeps restlessly and is constantly naughty. How to help the baby?

Modern pharmaceutical companies produce a variety of drops and sprays for nasal use. The effects of the drugs may vary. Such medicines are divided into the following groups:

  • Vasoconstrictor nasal drops for infants (from a runny nose). Drugs relieve swelling, eliminate congestion and normalize breathing.
  • Antiseptics. Medicines cleanse the mucous membranes, eliminate pathogens and wash off the pathogenic flora.
  • Antiviral and immunomodulating agents. Eliminate the reproduction of viruses, stimulate the work of your own immune system.
  • Antibacterial drugs. Only those microorganisms that are sensitive to them are able to overcome.
  • Moisturizing drops. They wash the mucous surface and prevent its overdrying.

Let's consider in more detail what there are baby drops in the nose. For infants from a cold, far from all the drugs that are marked "for children" can be used.

nose drops for babies from a runny nose

Vasoconstrictors with xylometazoline

This component relates to alpha-adrenostimulants. Note that it is included in the list of vital medicines. After application to the nasal mucosa, the medicine begins to act in a few seconds. The effect lasts for 4-6 hours. Xylometazoline nasal drops for infants relieve edema, eliminate hyperemia, and also reduce the amount of secretion secreted. These drugs include:

  • Snoop
  • "Otrivin baby";
  • "Galazolin";
  • Xylometazoline
  • "Rinostop" and so on.

All of the listed drugs for children under 6 years of age are used only at a concentration of the active substance of 0.05%. However, up to two years they are appointed extremely rarely.

Breast medication is prescribed with caution and for a period of not more than three days. The dosage of the drug for infants is 1 drop with a break of 12 hours.

rivin baby

Free your baby's breathing with oxymatazoline-based drugs

This active ingredient refers to alpha-adrenergic agonists. It has a vasoconstrictive, antihistamine and anti-congestive effect. The medicine is used in pediatrics much more often than the previous medication. Note that the effect of this tool is longer.

After nasal administration, drops in the nose (for babies from a runny nose) based on oxymetazoline act for 8-12 hours. These drugs include:

  • "Nazol";
  • "Nazivin";
  • Nesopin
  • "Sialor rhino" and others.

For infants, the medicine is prescribed only at a concentration of 0.01%. After a year, you can use a medication with an active substance content of 0.025%. For infants, the drugs indicated above are prescribed from five weeks in a dose of 1-2 drops in each nostril. You can repeat the manipulation up to 3 times a day.

Medicines with oxymetazoline are considered safer for children than drugs based on xylometazoline. The duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

complex nose drops for babies

Effective Phenylephrine: Vibrocil and Nazol Baby

There is another type of vasoconstrictor drugs that can be used for children of the first year of life.

Drops in the nose for infants (from a runny nose) based on phenylephrine have a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine effect. They relieve swelling, eliminate congestion and hyperemia, normalize proper breathing.

The drugs also prevent allergy symptoms: heavy discharge from the nose, lacrimation, sneezing. The most popular drugs of this nature are Vibrocil and Nazol Baby Drops. You can assign them from the first days of life.

The drugs are injected into the baby's nasal passages one drop every 8-12 hours. On the day the number of receptions should not exceed three times. The use of vasoconstrictor formulations based on phenylephrine is allowed for 5-7 days, but no more.

Complex drops in the nose (for babies)

Separately, it is worth mentioning about drugs that are called complex. They are used in pediatrics to stop the symptoms of rhinitis. Medicines of this kind have more than one substance in their composition. You need to mix the components yourself.

Depending on the type of rhinitis, the doctor may prescribe certain ingredients: antihistamines, antibacterials, moisturizers, and so on.

For infants prescribe antibiotics in the form of complex drops. They are necessary for long green snot. The composition of the drugs includes penicillin. Dioxidine is less commonly prescribed.

These components are mixed with vasoconstrictors, having a double effect. It is important to remember that complex drops for babies can only be prescribed by a doctor. Their independent use is simply unacceptable.

drops in the nose for babies Komarovsky

Antiseptics: Protargol, Sialor or Collargol

Antiseptic drugs intended for nasal use in infants eliminate pathogenic microflora. They destroy bacteria, remove viruses from the body and have an antifungal effect.

Medicines Protargol, Collargol and Sialor contain silver ions. A contraindication to the use of such drugs is their individual intolerance to the child.

Absolute analogues are Sialor and Protargol (baby nose drops). The price of these drugs is very different. “Sialor” costs about 300 rubles, while the price tag of “Protargol” hardly reaches 100 rubles.

The dosage of the drug for infants is 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy does not exceed 10 days. Indications for the use of such antiseptics are: adenoiditis, viral and bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media and so on.

"Miramistin" in the nose

Many parents are sure that good baby drops in the nose are the usual Miramistin. Indeed, this medicine is safe. At the same time, it has a wide spectrum of action: fights bacteria, eliminates viruses and fungi, cleans, reduces the number of snot due to the drying effect.

You can apply the drug to babies up to 6 times a day. Moreover, the duration of use is not limited. The Miramistin medication is also used for prevention.

nose drops baby derinat

Antiviral agents

Very often in recent years, pediatricians prescribe antiviral compounds to children. Such drops in the nose eliminate the growth of microorganisms, the preparations create an imperceptible film that protects the mucosa from new infections.

Most drugs contribute to the production of their own interferons. Nasal remedies enhance the body's resistance and prevent the development of complications. The following nasal drops (for children) can be distinguished:

  • Derinat;
  • "Grippferon";
  • "Nazoferon";
  • "Interferon leukocyte";
  • "Genferon" and others.

Such compositions are used without restrictions. For the purpose of prevention, they can be used for a long time. For infants, medications are administered in a single dose from 2 to 4 times a day (depending on the composition).

baby nose drops protargol

Antibiotics and their need

There are antibacterial drops in the nose for babies. Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich - a famous pediatrician - says that such drugs can not be used. The doctor believes that topical antibiotics are not only ineffective, but also dangerous, as they increase the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms.

Other pediatricians with a calm mind recommend antibiotics for infants if necessary. How to act and whom to listen to - decide for yourself.

The most popular antibacterial drugs for nasal use are Polydex and Isofra. According to the instructions, both products are not used for babies. Despite these limitations, pediatricians still prescribe medications. How to use them - ask your doctor.

nazivin baby nose drops

Medicines based on sea water

Saline solutions are especially popular with mothers of newborn babies. Such drugs are safe and inexpensive. Medicines have a moisturizing, cleansing effect. They slightly eliminate edema (due to the presence of salt in the composition), soften the crusts.

You can use medicines based on sea water for treatment and for the purpose of prevention. The duration of use is not limited: you can apply the composition daily. The most popular are:

  • "Aquamaris";
  • "Rinostop";
  • Dolphin;
  • "Otrivin Baby More";
  • Quicks and others.

These funds are not used for individual sensitivity and acute forms of otitis media.

Immunomodulator "Irs-19": a unique drug

This medicine receives more and more positive reviews every day. This immunomodulator contains bacterial lysates, which contribute to the increase of their own immunity.

The medicine "Irs" is prescribed to children from three months of life. For infants, the following application scheme is shown: 1 spray into each nostril twice a day. The duration of therapy depends on the condition of the child. Pediatricians prescribe medication for a period of 2 weeks to several months.

Many consumers try to find inexpensive nasal drops for infants. But the drug "Irs-19" can not be described like that. One bottle of an immunomodulator costs about 600 rubles. Many patients cannot afford to buy such a remedy.

baby nose drops Price

Drops or spray?

Parents of babies often ask themselves: is it possible to replace a nasal solution with a spray, for example, "Nazivin Children's" (drops)?

The baby’s nose is connected to the ear canal with a wide short canal. If you inject the medicine under pressure, it can get into the Eustachian tube. Together with the medication, pathogens will be there. This situation often ends with otitis media.

If you ask doctors if it is possible to use nasal spray for infants, then most likely you will get a negative answer. Doctors do not recommend the use of such forms up to 3-4 years. Some doctors are of the opinion that sprays should not be used until 6 years of age.

However, drug manufacturers have aggressively pointed out that nasal sprays can be used from year on. Whom to believe - only you decide.


Opinions about the described medicines in parents of infants are different.

Dad and mom speak well of vasoconstrictor medicines. Parents report that medications significantly alleviate the condition of the child: the baby can breathe normally, eat and sleep. But doctors remind that such medicines are not intended for long-term use.

Antiviral compositions of mothers and fathers of infants are quite wary. Parents are not sure that such medications are really effective. After all, with a viral disease, the baby can cope with the pathology itself, having developed immunity.

Positive reviews of immunomodulators report that such drugs prevent the development of complications and significantly reduce the period of the disease.

Parental praise baby drops in the nose "Protargol". But such a drug is difficult to find. It is sold in pharmacies that manufacture prescription drugs. Pharmacists recommend that parents replace this antiseptic with Sialor, but the price of such a medicine will be several times higher.

good baby nose drops


Today's article helped you figure out what effective nasal drops are for babies. Please note that you can not use all drugs at once. It is important to establish the cause of the common cold, to find out its main manifestations. Only after this, the doctor can choose an effective medicine.

For example, in the absence of nasal congestion, there is no need for vasoconstrictor agents. If a runny nose is caused by viruses, then antibiotics are never used. Before using any composition, be sure to read the instructions. Good luck!

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