Do-it-yourself favorite treat: how to cook condensed milk at home

Now you can buy boiled condensed milk in any store , but not all of it is of good quality. Knowing how to cook condensed milk at home, you can prepare a 100% quality product for your family, especially since it does not require much effort.

Before boiling condensed milk, it must be correctly selected. The real wholeness will be obtained only from real whole milk, condensed with sugar. This is what should be written on the bank in the "composition" section. Only whole milk and sugar - honest condensed milk does not contain other components.

How to cook condensed milk at home? This can be done on the stove or in the microwave, I will tell you more about each method.

Traditional cooking method

Before you cook condensed milk at home, prepare a pan in which the jar will fit and at the same time will include so much water to cover it whole. In general, the larger the capacity, the better - in a large pan there is less chance to miss the moment when the water has boiled away, and the can with condensed milk explodes. By the way, these cases are very common, because the preparation takes 2 hours, during this time you can easily get distracted and forget what is boiling on the stove.

So, put the jar in a large pan, pouring it with hot water from the tap to quickly boil. After the first bubbles appear, the fire can be reduced to medium, and cover the pan with a lid. Set the timer for 1 hour to add water if it evaporates too much, and then for another 1 hour. After cooking, carefully remove the jar, after draining the water, and let it cool for 2-3 hours. If you really want to open faster - place for half an hour under a tap with cold water. Some cool the condensed milk in the toilet bowl, but that's who it is. Having pulled out of cold water, the jar is allowed to stand for another 10-15 minutes, so that the contents equalize the temperature at the edges and in the middle.

Here is the treat and you're done! Discover and enjoy.

How to cook condensed milk in the microwave

Everyone knows that putting metal objects in the microwave is prohibited. Even plates with metallic paint around the edges begin to sparkle and crack there. Therefore, before you cook condensed milk at home using a microwave oven, it must be transferred to dishes made of heat-resistant glass. It is better not to use plastic containers, since they can simply melt from high temperature, and if they do not, they are quite capable of releasing a lot of harmful chemicals into the product.

Put the condensed milk in the oven for 2 minutes at a power of 800, then mix. Set 3 more times for 2 minutes, stirring between heatings. Make sure that milk does not run away! If it is about to jump over the edge of the cookware, turn off the microwave before time runs out.

In general, condensed milk cooked in this way can differ in taste and color from the traditional one. It remains light, and when it cools down, it can become so thick that it will be impossible to eat. But here it’s up to you to choose - to experiment to save time or rely on the experience of decades.

How to make condensed milk at home

If you want to cook condensed milk completely on your own, you will have to work hard. Indeed, under industrial conditions, milk is evaporated under vacuum, without the presence of oxygen, at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. It is not possible to provide a vacuum at home, but you can cook a kind of condensed milk by evaporating whole milk with sugar for 2-2.5 hours on low heat, stirring continuously. Its nutritional value will be much lower than the factory value, since during this time all vitamins will be destroyed. If you really want to try, use a liter of milk with a fat content of 4-6%, evaporating it for 1-1.5 hours, then add 300 grams of sugar and continue cooking for another 1 hour.

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