Flowers are rightly called the symbol of life, because they embody the beauty of nature and its generosity. It is impossible not to admire them, for example, poets dedicate verses to them. They are loved to give ladies to express their admiration and worship. Quotes about flowers emphasize the undeniable importance of plants as such, their natural usefulness to humans. They delight the eye, create a feeling of well-being and well-being.
In the world there is a variety of flora: roses, lilies, chrysanthemums, tulips, field daisies. All of them are attractive and good in their own way. This article provides the most striking, catchy quotes about colors. These famous sayings will surely turn out to be interesting to a thoughtful, intellectual reader who is not indifferent to natural beauties.
“Sometimes feelings are like a flower: they also take time to blossom” (J. Austin).
Nothing in nature is accomplished instantly - all require some effort. Just as a flower needs to mature and unfold, so the person’s feelings need time. Those who have tried to monitor their own emotional state know how sometimes it is not easy to do. This phrase compares the fragile inner world of a person with a delicate and vulnerable flower. Many people notice that with age, their emotions undergo changes, become different, more stable. Quotes about flowers emphasize the idea that man is part of nature and obeys its laws. Each person has his own life cycle: childhood, youth, maturity and gradual fading.
Some people sometimes do not have time to notice how rapidly their lives pass. Only in our declining years we sometimes begin to think about why certain events occurred and how they influenced our attitude. Quotes about flowers perfectly show the transience of human life.
“Flowers are the remnants of paradise on earth” (I. Krondstadsky).
Which of us did not admire the beautiful buds exuding a wonderful aroma? Flowers in most people cause pleasant impressions, give positive emotions. Immediately recalls youth, ease of mood, the brightest feelings, bright expectations, first love. How beautiful these buds are, how experienced emotions can be so joyful. Quotes about flowers often help a person regain a positive attitude and excellent mood.
They are literally permeated with the warmth of the sun and the beauty of the world. Sometimes it seems that the flowers really are heavenly creations: you walk along a forest path and admire this marvelous beauty that nature has given us.
“You should never listen to what the flowers say. You just need to look at them and breathe their aroma ”(Saint-Exupery).
The essence of this statement contains a metaphor for the mysterious female nature. Relations between a man and a woman are always the subtlest game of views, meanings, hints, signs. Each girl has the greatest secret that a man wants to solve. The words themselves mean little, so you should not rely on them. In order to win the heart of a beloved, it is necessary to learn to guess her mood and desires. One of the most tender presentations at all times was considered flowers. Quotes about them show how significant is the process of courtship, recognition of the innermost nature of the female soul.
“He who holds flowers in his hands cannot commit a bad deed” (V. Soloukhin).
A man with a bouquet is always associated with good intentions. Flowers are usually presented on holidays and exclusively to loved ones. Usually luxurious bouquets are found at weddings, name days or other celebrations. The very appearance of a person with flowers inspires confidence and forms a positive attitude towards him. After all, people never give flowers, being in a bad mood or being negatively tuned. We present bouquets only of our own free will. What, in fact, could be more wonderful than spring flowers? The quotes presented in this article help to understand how closely a person is connected with the amazing world of flora.
Thus, beautiful sayings about flowers are a pleasure to read. They are able to cheer up at the right time, help focus on their own feelings and teach them to better understand the other person.