Why is Polkortolon TS aerosol necessary? Indications for use of the mentioned funds will be listed below. You will also learn about how this drug works, in which cases it can not be prescribed and how much it costs.
Composition, packaging, description
"Polkortolon" - spray for external use. It is available in the form of a uniform yellow suspension with a characteristic odor and without mechanical impurities. Its main active ingredients are tetracycline hydrochloride and triamcinolone acetonide. Also, the composition of the aerosol includes: a mixture of butane, propane and isobutane, sorbitan trioleate, isopropyl myristate and lecithin.
On sale, this product comes in 30 ml aerosol cans made of aluminum, with a spray device and a permanent valve.
Pharmacological characteristics of the external drug
What is the aerosol in question for external use? The instruction says that the pharmacological effectiveness of this drug is due to its composition.
Triamcinolone acetonide is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, as well as a fluorine derivative of prednisolone, which exhibits pronounced antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, antiexudative and anti-allergic properties.
As for tetracycline hydrochloride, it is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is able to exert a bacteriostatic effect, which is manifested due to the suppression of protein synthesis by microorganisms.
Kinetic features of the spray
Is Polkortolon TS external aerosol absorbed? When applied to the skin, tetracycline has only a local effect and at the same time practically does not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream.
With external use of triamcinolone, it may slightly enter the systemic circulation. It should be noted that various skin diseases and the inflammatory process significantly accelerate the absorption of this drug.
Triamcenolone is metabolized in the liver and excreted through the kidneys.
Indications for use of the spray
For what purpose are patients prescribed Polkortolon TS Aerosol? According to the instructions, this tool for external application is actively used for allergic skin diseases that are complicated by a secondary bacterial infection (for example, with urticaria, atopic dermatitis or eczema).
It should be noted that this medication works well for skin diseases caused by tetracycline-sensitive microorganisms, as well as for mixed infections (that is, it treats impetigo, purulent hydradenitis, furunculosis, erysipelas, folliculitis, and others).
Prohibitions for appointment
The medicine for urticaria "Polkortolon PS" should not be used for:
- tuberculosis of the skin;
- chicken pox;
- syphilis (skin manifestations);
- during the vaccination period;
- viral, fungal infections of the skin;
- violation of the integrity of the skin in places where the medicine was applied;
- hypersensitivity to drug substances;
- precancerous conditions and tumors of the skin;
- in children under three years of age.
It should also be noted that with caution, the drug in question is prescribed for glaucoma.
The drug "Polcortolon": instructions for use
Spray "Polkortolon PS" is intended for external use only. Before using the medicine, the vial should be shaken well.
Affected skin areas are irrigated with a plentiful spray of aerosol for three seconds. In this case, the bottle is kept upright at a distance of about 15-22 centimeters from the surface of the integument. For adult patients, this procedure is carried out 4 times a day after an equal amount of time. The duration of therapy is determined individually and is about 5-11 days. With a persistent course of the disease, the course of treatment can be extended up to 20 days. It is highly recommended not to take this drug for more than 4 weeks in a row.
For children from the age of three years, the medication in question is prescribed for a short time, once a day. In this case, the aerosol is sprayed only on small surfaces of the skin.
Side effects
With short-term use, the medicine for urticaria "Polcortolone PS" does not cause side effects. The same applies to its application to small areas of the skin.
Sometimes, with the use of this drug, patients may develop: skin irritation, itching and purpura. Also, it is very rare (when applying occlusive dressings and prolonged use) that Polkortolon PS aerosol contributes to the appearance of acne, secondary infectious lesions, poststeroid vascular purpura, dry skin, inhibited epidermal growth, increased hair growth, skin atrophy, pigmentation, telangiectasia and photosensitivity.
With prolonged use of glucocorticosteroids on large skin surfaces, the incidence of side effects in the form of arterial hypertension, hyperglycemia, edema (peripheral) and immunosuppressive effect significantly increases.
Overdose and drug interactions
An overdose of the drug in question with external use develops very rarely. In this case, undesirable symptoms may appear during prolonged or improper use of the spray on large areas of the skin, which are similar to adverse reactions characteristic of the systemic use of glucocorticosteroids with inhibition of the pituitary-adrenal gland.
As for the drug interaction, this drug has not been established.
Lactation and the period of pregnancy
"Polcortolone" is a spray that can not be prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. As for its use at a later date, it is possible only if the benefit of the drug for the mother significantly exceeds the likely risk of complications for the fetus.
It should also be noted that it is still not known to what extent triamcinolone acetonide is excreted together with breast milk. Therefore, when prescribing the drug in question to nursing mothers, special care must be taken. In this case, the medication should be used briefly and in limited areas of the skin. It is forbidden to spray aerosol onto the mammary glands.
Special information
With the development of skin diseases (purulent hydradenitis, urticaria, furunculosis and others), this drug is used for a short time. With extreme caution, it is used on the skin of the face, since its absorption increases significantly and the likelihood of side effects (atrophy of the skin, telangiectasia and perioral dermatitis) increases.
Also with caution, the spray "Polcortolon PS" is used in people with already existing atrophic changes in the skin, especially in the elderly.
If skin irritation or other adverse reactions occur, it is necessary to interrupt the therapy and consult a doctor immediately.
Prolonged use of tetracycline, which is part of the drug in question, can increase the number of resistant strains of Candida albicans and staphylococci. In this case, appropriate treatment is required.
During treatment with glucocorticosteroids, it is forbidden to carry out immunization and vaccination.
Tetracycline, which is part of the aerosol, can contribute to the development of photosensitization. In this regard, it is necessary to protect the skin areas with the preparation from direct sunlight.
Also, when spraying an aerosol, eyes and nose should be carefully protected (sprayed preparation must not be inhaled). If the drug enters the visual organs, they must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, otherwise it can cause glaucoma.
The drug in question is not used in babies up to three years. The use of the drug in children over this age should be limited, since high doses of corticosteroids and their prolonged use can affect the development and growth of the child.
The drug "Polcortolon PS" does not limit the psychophysical activity of the patient, as well as his ability to drive a car and service any moving mechanisms.
Spray "Polcortolon": price, customer reviews
The cost of the aerosol in question is quite high. As a rule, it is about 450 rubles per bottle. But, despite this, most patients choose this drug. They associate such a popularity of the drug with its high effectiveness.
This tool has proven itself in the treatment of various skin diseases of an allergic nature, as well as diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to tetracycline. It should be noted that the therapeutic effectiveness of "Polcortolone PS" is manifested only with its correct and short use and only as directed by a doctor.