"Hydrea": ​​instructions for use, reviews, photos, analogues

The drug "Hydrea" belongs to antitumor drugs. The drug has a cytostatic effect, the mechanism of which is based on the inhibition of DNA synthesis, while there is no effect on the synthesis of RNA and protein.

hydrea instructions for use

What form is the preparation made of?

The medication is available in the form of capsules, is made on the basis of hydroxycarbamide, which in each capsule is 500 mg. The drug can be purchased in a glass bottle (100 capsules) or blister (10 capsules). Of the auxiliary components used are magnesium stearate and citric acid. Also, the composition is supplemented with sodium hydrogen phosphate and lactose monohydrate.

The instructions that comprise the shell of the Hydrea capsule include titanium dioxide, dyes and gelatin. The inscription is formed by ink, which is obtained due to the connection of propylene glycol, shellac, alcohol (isopropyl, methylated industrial and N-butyl), as well as purified water and black iron oxide.


The medication is an antimetabolite, its action is manifested in phase S of the cell cycle. "Hydrea" allows you to stop the development of cells in the G1-S interphase, which is very important when radiation therapy is carried out simultaneously with taking this drug, since in the G1 phase the tumor cells become sensitive to radiation. The drug enhances the effect of ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase (an RNA reductase inhibitor). Thanks to its use, the process of DNA synthesis is inhibited, but the formation of protein and RNA is not disturbed.

hydra instruction


The instructions for use characterize the absorption of Gidrea medication in the gastrointestinal tract as fast, unaffected by food intake and leading to the achievement of the maximum level of the active substance in the body about two hours after internal use of the product. The medication passes through the blood-brain barrier, is characterized by a rapid distribution, is present in ascitic and cerebrospinal fluids. The medicine accumulates in red blood cells and white blood cells, partially excreted from the body within three to four hours. Partial metabolism is carried out in the liver. Most of the drug is excreted by the kidneys in the form of hydroxyurea, an approximate long process is twelve hours. Some of it does not change its appearance, a small amount of the drug is removed from the body with urine. Through the respiratory tract, the drug is excreted in the form of carbon dioxide. After taking "Hydrea", the instruction reports its complete elimination in a day. Since the bulk of the drug passes through the kidneys, patients who have pathologies of these organs reduce the dose of the drug.


"Hydrea" instructions for use allows you to assign in such conditions of the body:

  • melanoma;
  • myeloid leukemia;
  • cancer, the development of which affects the cervix, lungs, prostate gland, colon or ovaries (therapy should be combined);
  • osteomyelofibrosis;
  • erythremia;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms in the neck and head, the only exception is cancer that affects the lips (there is a need for complex treatment);
  • essential thrombocythemia;
  • uterine chorionepithelioma;
  • acute lymphoblastic leukemia;
  • thrombocytosis as a complication of myeloproliferative syndrome;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • the appearance of metastasis in cancer affecting the mammary glands and stomach.
    hydrea medicine instruction


There are cases in which treatment with Hydrea is unacceptable. The medicine instruction prohibits the appointment in such cases:

  • high sensitivity to capsule components;
  • thrombocytopenia and leukopenia with rates less than 100,000 and 2500 / ÎĽl, respectively;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Although in the following cases the drug is not contraindicated, special care is necessary when it is prescribed and used:

  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • lack of lactase;
  • severe anemia;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency.

If the patient has previously undergone chemotherapy or radiotherapy, there is a risk of exacerbation of radiation erythrem and the development of myelosuppression, therefore, in this case, the drug should also be used carefully.

hydrea photo instruction

During the period of therapy, reliable contraception is needed, if nevertheless the pregnancy has come, the patient should be aware of the risk that exists for the fetus. Due to the penetration of the drug into the composition of breast milk, women who breast-feed a baby should stop this type of feeding. If the drug is planned to be discontinued, the specialist must take into account all sorts of points before he allows the patient to refuse treatment based on taking Hydrea capsules.


During the treatment with the Hydrea medication, the instructions for use recommend the use of different doses of the drug in various conditions, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.

If it is difficult for the patient to swallow the capsule, opening it in order to dissolve the drug in water is permissible. In such cases, you should drink the drug immediately. It should be borne in mind that not all components of the capsules dissolve in water, remaining on its surface. Patients who are treated with Hydrea should drink plenty of fluids.

Myelogenous leukemia (chronic form)

Treatment is carried out without interruption. For each kilogram of weight, 20-30 mg of the drug is taken. This is the daily norm, every day the drug is drunk once. The ability to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy is present after 1.5 months of its implementation. If positive results are noted, treatment can be quite long (if there is such a need), if the level of platelets and leukocytes falls below normal, it is stopped. If after three days (not earlier) the blood composition returns to normal, you can resume therapy with Hydrea. Instructions for use show that this possibility appears quickly.

hydra instruction analogs


The dose required for daily use is 15-20 mg. As in the previous case, this amount of the drug is calculated per kilogram of weight. Per day, usually the patient is prescribed 1 or 2 capsules. The final dose for each patient is determined by his weight, depends on how much drug the platelet count and hematocrit have normal values.

Essential thrombocythemia

The initial dose per kilogram of weight corresponds to 15 mg. The daily dose is selected individually so that important indicators are at the right level. If the treatment prohibits treatment with the Hydrea preparation, synonyms are examined by the doctor and the most suitable remedy is selected.


With large tumors, the treatment can be intermittent or continuous, respectively, the necessary dose of medication per one kilogram of weight is 80 or 20-30 mg. With continuous therapy lasting three weeks, the medicine is drunk daily once. If therapy is performed intermittently for three days, it is also drunk once, but in a larger dose.

Carcinoma (damage to the cervix, head or neck)

For each kilogram of weight, 80 mg of the drug is taken. The right dose of medicine is drunk every three days (once).

hydrea instruction reviews

Side effects

During therapy with the Hydraa preparation, instructions and reviews report some side effects from the hematopoietic system, nervous, urinary, respiratory and digestive systems. The skin and their appendages can also be affected, the development of such an infectious process as gangrene is possible. Other adverse reactions may occur.

The price of the drug, analogues

You can buy a package of "Hydrea" for 243-250 rubles. (20 capsules). Among the substitutes are drugs that contain the same active ingredient as Hydrea, and drugs that have a similar effect.

Of the synonyms you can buy "Hydroxyurea" or "Hydroxycarbamide medac". When the Hydrea treatment prohibits the instruction, analogues can be selected from a large number of medicines, for example, from Thromboreductin, Amilan FS, Kolotekan, Milanfor, Prospidin, Iritene, Halavena, Estratsita , "Irinotel", "Camptotecan" or "Estracite." You can buy substitutes such as Agrilin, Kamptera, or Airway. Among the means of a similar action, there are "Aranoza", "Irinaks", "Arglabin". The list of similar drugs is Zaltrap, Irnokam, Geksalen. You can be treated with “Proxyphein”, “Gikamtin”, “Campto”, “Verotecan”, “Hloditan”, “Prospidin”, “Oncophagus”, “Irinotecan” or “Velcade”.

hydrea synonyms instruction


Many patients believe that before starting therapy, a description of the Hydraa remedy should be studied, instructions. Photos before and after therapy can also be viewed. Judging by the reviews, people prefer to be treated only under medical supervision and do not risk self-medication, since it is dangerous, they drink a lot of fluids. If the medication is not combined with radiation therapy, side effects either appear (in those cases where they were previously absent), or become even more pronounced. But this does not always happen.

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