Frequent headache in the temples: causes and consequences

Everyone faced a headache, but when it does not usually go to the doctor, they open a home medicine cabinet and take an anesthetic. This ailment can be observed not only in adults, but also in children. But it should be noted that women suffer from it much more often. Frequent headaches should not be ignored, they can signal the presence of serious pathologies in the body. Next, we consider the most common causes of pain in both women, men, and children.

Types of pain

Frequent headaches in women and men may not be the same. Depending on the strength and intensity, they distinguish:

  • sharp pains in both temples;
  • aching pain;
  • dumb;
  • throbbing.

The duration also varies, it can only bother a few minutes, or disrupt a normal lifestyle for several days. It is important to find out the reason, then you can choose a way to get rid of the pain.

Causes of temple pain

According to statistics, complaints of a headache are found among patients much more often than others. There are many provocative factors, but sometimes the true cause remains unknown. If this symptom appears only occasionally, then you should not worry, most likely this is a consequence of a sleepless night or overstrain. But frequent and severe headaches indicate some problems in the body that need to be detected and eliminated. You can’t do without a visit to a doctor in such a situation.

Among the main causes of frequent headaches are the following:

  1. Differences in blood pressure, and the head can hurt both at high rates and at low.
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  3. Circulatory disturbance in the brain.
  4. Infectious and viral diseases.
  5. Cerebral atherosclerosis.
  6. Intoxication of the body against the background of helminthic invasion or poisoning.
  7. Head or neck injuries.
  8. The presence of malignant or benign tumors in the brain.
  9. Inflammation of the meninges.
  10. Chronic lack of sleep.
  11. Nervous strain.
  12. Alcohol abuse and frequent smoking.
  13. Hormonal disruptions.
Chronic lack of sleep

Frequent headaches against the background of these causes will go away if you remove the provoking factor. Sometimes it’s easy to do this, for example, get enough sleep and everything normalizes, but most often a doctor’s consultation is required.

Pathologies that provoke a headache

But there are several serious deviations in health that provoke frequent headaches in women and men. These diseases include:

  1. Migraine. Of course, representatives of the fair sex suffer more often from her, but men and even children are not safe from her.
  2. Arteritis. The disease manifests itself as difficulties in turning the neck, temporal arteries swell, which causes frequent headaches in the temples. Pathology is fraught with visual impairment, so you need to see a doctor.
  3. Long-term stress leads to the development of tensile cephalgia. At the slightest exertion, pain appears not only in the temples, but also in the back of the head. It can last several hours, often accompanied by nausea or vomiting.
  4. Hypertension Pathology leads to an increase in pressure in the vessels, which ends with headaches.
  5. Abscesses. Such conditions are manifested not only by general malaise, weakness, but also by shooting pain in the temples.
  6. Trigeminal neuralgia. Frequent headaches with this pathology are pulsating, shooting. Attacks can be repeated several times during the day.
  7. Anemia. Iron deficiency in the body leads to a decrease in hemoglobin. Headache worries, shortness of breath appears.
  8. Osteochondrosis, especially in the cervical region.
    Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
  9. Violation of the autonomic nervous system. This systemic disease is accompanied by frequent headaches and dizziness, especially if cerebrovascular disorders develop.
  10. Adrenal pheochromocytoma. With this pathology, a large amount of adrenaline is produced, as a result, the pressure rises and a pulsating pain appears in the temples.

Frequent headaches cannot be due to harmless factors, so you need to visit a specialist to find out why your head hurts and take appropriate measures.

Features of headache in women

Even such a familiar symptom can manifest itself differently in everyone, it all depends on the characteristics of the body and the pain threshold. Specialists distinguish several forms of headache in women:

  1. Cluster It is noted by a long course, can accompany a woman for several days. It is felt not only in the temples, but also spreads throughout the head.
  2. Chronic It is less common, most often after an injury, but it can often bother and the localization of pain is constantly changing.
  3. Migraine. This pain is neurological in nature, occurs on the one hand.
  4. Stress. The most common in women, occurs on the top of the head, in the back of the head and creates the feeling that the head is in a vice.

The causes of frequent headaches in women can be as follows:

1. Changing hormonal background. The head begins to hurt due to:

  • reduction of hormones of estrogen and progesterone before menstruation;
  • migraines with the onset of menstruation;
  • taking oral contraceptives with a high content of estrogen;
  • hormonal treatment during menopause.

2. Pregnancy. In an interesting position, the causes of frequent headaches in women can be against the background:

  • excess weight;
  • hormonal adjustment;
  • external irritating factors: bright light, sharp sound;
  • stress or nervous strain;
  • jumps in blood pressure.
    Headache during pregnancy

3. Weather sensitivity. Many women react to a change in weather, while their health worsens, and a headache appears.

4. Violation of periods of sleep and wakefulness. Trying to redo a bunch of household chores after a working day, women often go to bed deep after midnight, which leads to lack of sleep and headaches the next day.

5. Excitement and anxiety. The nervous system of the fair sex is more sensitive, so all the failures and problems of their loved ones are perceived too close to the heart.

In addition to these women-specific causes, frequent headaches can be observed against the background of the above pathologies and conditions.

Features of pain in men

If you do not take into account systemic diseases that can cause pain, then the head in representatives of the stronger sex can hurt less often than in women, but against the background:

  • excessive drinking (a fairly common occurrence, when the cause of frequent headaches in men is a sharp refusal to drink alcohol);
  • migraine does not bypass men; usually such an ailment is observed at the age of 20 to 40 years, the first attacks can be observed at night;
  • hormonal disruptions (the male body, of course, does not react so much, but periodic headaches can be observed);
  • increased production of histamine hormone;
  • the head may be disturbed at the time of orgasm against a background of a jump in blood pressure;
  • smoking, especially in large quantities.

The causes of frequent headaches in men are most often not so serious, many are easily eliminated if desired.

Pressure is the cause of headaches in men

Why does a teenager have a headache?

Given the features of this age period, the following reasons can be noted that cause frequent headaches in a teenager:

  1. Fluid deficiency in the body. An active and mobile lifestyle involves the use of large amounts of water, and the younger generation does not think about it and does not observe the water regime.
  2. Passion for energy drinks. The caffeine and taurine contained in them can cause a headache in an adult, and even more so in a teenager.
  3. Smoking and drinking. It is no secret that many teenagers already have these bad habits. The vessels of the brain suffer, and in response to a headache.
  4. Malnutrition. Refusal of breakfast and homemade food for weight loss, abuse of fast food - all this leads to the appearance of pain in the head.
  5. Lack of sleep. Passion for computer games, sitting for many hours on social networks, and as a result, much less time is spent on sleep than the body needs.
  6. Hormonal restructuring, which begins during puberty. The work of the body is being rebuilt, all this is accompanied by frequent headache, weakness, emotional lability.
  7. Overwork. It's no secret that modern students are as busy as possible. If a student conscientiously tries to complete all homework, responsibly approaches the preparation for passing the exam and exam, then it is not surprising that there is overstrain with a headache, sleep disturbance, and other symptoms.
  8. Lack of exercise. The modern computer age has tied children to tablets, computers and phones. Once again they don’t want to go outside and take a walk, and even more so play outdoor games. The result is a violation of vascular tone, lack of oxygen and headache.
  9. Noise. Residents of megalopolises are constantly surrounded by an increased noise background, and many teenagers also prefer to listen to music at maximum volume. This leads to tension in the blood vessels of the brain and headache.

The task of parents is to instill in childhood a love of a healthy lifestyle, the skills of rational and proper nutrition. Monitor the state of the teenager and do not leave his complaints unattended.

Overstrain in a teenager causes a headache

Headache in babies

A very young child may also suffer a headache, but he simply cannot say so. The only reaction is crying. By two years, usually children can already show where it hurts. A frequent headache in a child may be due to the following reasons:

  1. After physical overload, for example, the baby simply replayed.
  2. When the neck muscles are strained, a headache appears, vomiting may occur.
  3. The development of migraine in the face of stress, allergies, weather changes.
  4. Lack of oxygen is a common cause in modern kids. Parents themselves are reluctant to go for a walk, which means that children often sit at home in front of TVs.
  5. Eating disorders. Eating large amounts of junk food in a child will cause a headache. It has already been proven that many people react to monosodium glutamate with this symptom.
  6. If, in addition to pain in the head, the temperature rises, neck muscles are tense, then you need to see a doctor to rule out meningitis.
  7. Rarely, but in babies, a tumor may develop in the brain, which will cause a headache.

Giving a child analgesics to eliminate the symptom is not an option, especially since many drugs are not allowed in childhood, they can provoke serious adverse reactions. Only a doctor’s consultation will improve the situation.

Headache in a child

When urgent medical attention is required

Most often, when for a long period of time a headache is disturbing with an enviable frequency, few rush to the doctor. But there are situations when it is simply necessary to do this:

  • there was pain in a temple of an unusual character;
  • if the pain bothers for more than three days, and painkillers do not bring relief;
  • there was a feeling that a grenade exploded in the temples, impaired vision, speech, and coordination of movements;
  • the pain is getting stronger;
  • accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • pain is accompanied by temperature, inability to tilt your head;
  • against the background of a headache, a sharp drop or rise in blood pressure is also noted.

To determine the causes of this condition, the doctor will most likely prescribe tests, brain MRI, and electroencephalography of the cervical vessels. Do not do without consulting a neurologist, ophthalmologist, therapist.

What can cause pain in the temples

It does not really matter what causes a frequent headache, but one must always remember that self-medication is fraught with more serious consequences for the body. Uncontrolled use of painkillers relieves the symptom for a while, but does not remove the cause. Over time, a disease that provokes a headache only develops more, which can lead to the following consequences:

  • constant ringing in the ears;
  • deafness;
  • visual impairment;
  • the nervous system suffers, irritability appears, from this condition not far to neurological disorders.

No need to endure a headache, especially if it often bothers and violates the usual way of life.

Getting rid of pain

Headache treatment involves:

  1. Drug therapy.
  2. Massage.
  3. Reception of folk remedies.

You should take the medicine only if you are sure that you are allowed to. This advice is especially important for those who have chronic illnesses. If the cause of the pain is known, then the right medications should always be at hand:

  1. With impaired blood circulation in the brain - "Cavinton", "Picamilon".
  2. If diagnosed with hypertension, then take "Enap", "Enalapril."
  3. If the body has an inflammatory process, then you will have to drink antibacterial drugs: Streptocide, Phthalazole.
  4. During migraine, Tempalgin, Mig, Sedalgin will help.

If a headache bothers occasionally, then you can try to cope with it with the help of acupressure. Lightly massage the strokes of the head, and then massage certain points. But experts believe that if you do not know their location, it is better not to experiment.

Some recommend aromatherapy, for example, the aroma of peppermint, lemon or lavender eliminates the headache well. The essential oil of these plants can be rubbed into whiskey. From migraine, an infusion of valerian root will help.

If folk remedies do not help, and medicines save from pain only for a while, then you need to go to the doctor and look for the cause.


Frequent headaches in men, women, children can be prevented if you follow some recommendations, of course, if it does not concern serious diseases:

  1. Observe the daily routine.
  2. Provide a full sleep.
  3. Alternate physical activity and rest, so as not to overload.
  4. Take walks daily.
  5. Exercise or exercise.
  6. Provide rational and proper nutrition. The menu should contain dishes containing nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
    Healthy Living - Headache Prevention
  7. Reduce your intake of sugar and salt.
  8. Eliminate bad habits from your life.
  9. Learn to deal with stress. Master the relaxation techniques.
  10. Timely treat infectious diseases.
  11. Dress according to the weather, wear a hat in the winter, this recommendation is especially true for adolescents and young people.
  12. Change habits if they interfere with a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle, of course, does not guarantee reliable protection against the appearance of headaches, but significantly reduces the risk of their development against the background of overwork, nervous tension, alcohol and nicotine abuse. A long and painful headache should make you see a doctor, only in this way you can find out its cause, eliminate and return the joy of life.

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