The state of our appearance is a mirror of what is happening in the body. Most health problems are somehow reflected on the face, for example, as swelling. The reasons for their occurrence, we will try to find out now.
What causes swelling
If you woke up in the morning after a plentiful dinner with friends and found that your face was swollen - this is unpleasant, but understandable. And therefore it does not cause fears and anxieties. But if you canβt immediately identify the obvious reason for such a change in appearance, you should worry.
Any swelling is usually the result of excess fluid accumulating in the body. This condition can be caused by various diseases, a lack of any vitamins or minerals, an unbalanced diet, overwork, bad habits and, as a result, disturbances in the cardiovascular, endocrine system, as well as the work of the kidneys and liver. You may find that you have swollen face and an allergic reaction, both in mild and severe forms of this disease.
If such violations of appearance appear regularly, then this is an occasion to consult a doctor. Remember that swelling of the face can accompany quite serious diseases! Only a specialist can identify the cause and prescribe adequate treatment that will help get rid of the ailment that caused them and, as a result, problems with appearance.
In which cases it is especially dangerous if your face is swollen
Medical care is urgently needed if, along with puffiness, it is found:
- difficulty breathing
- a feeling of tightness in the throat;
- itching in the throat, and sometimes in the mouth;
- pallor or blueness of the face;
- bulging eyes, as well as redness and pain in their area;
- swelling and swelling of the face after a head injury is always an occasion to contact an ambulance without delay.
How to remove swelling from the eyes and face
But with those edema that does not cause concern, you can try to cope on your own. This sounds paradoxical, but in order for the body to exchange fluid, you need to drink a lot of water. Yes, in case of lack of moisture, the body takes measures to accumulate it. But we are talking only about clean water, but caffeinated drinks, like alcohol, salty and smoked foods, provoke puffiness of the face.
You can remove it with a compress with cold water or ice. For centuries, it is good to apply slices of cucumber or wet tea bags. Often even a high pillow helps to avoid swelling. And in folk medicine, an infusion of dandelion roots is offered . To do this, grind the dried root, pour boiling water and let it brew (one volume of root requires five volumes of water). This healing infusion is taken at night and immediately after sleep.
If your face is swollen, then a potato mask will also help. Raw tuber is rubbed for it and applied to the skin. After about 20 minutes, the mask is washed off. The potato juice has the same effect, in which you need to moisten a napkin, apply it to problem areas for at least 15 minutes.
Having found swelling on the face, remember that this is not a disease, but only a consequence of some disturbances in the body, so be careful and careful. Consult a doctor only, and let the problem of a swollen face no longer affect you!