Richard Scott Baker: biography, list of books and reviews

The famous Canadian writer Scott Becker became famous for his book "Neuropath" not only in the USA, but also in Russia. And yet few people know who he was before. In the article we will discuss the life of the writer and find out the features of his biography. And also let's talk about what books the author should read to fans of dark fantasy.


Richard Scott Becker is a Canadian fantasy author, quite famous both at home and abroad. In addition, he teaches at the University of Western Ontario.

Richard Scott Backer was born February 2, 1967 in Canada. He grew up on a tobacco farm in Shimkou. In 1986, he was already studying at the University of Western Ontario in order to get a diploma in literature. In the future, he planned to get a diploma in theory and criticism. He successfully achieved all of his goals, after which he wrote an interesting and detailed dissertation on philosophy at the University of Vanderbilt, which was called "Truth and Context." After he returned to London to Ontario, where he devoted himself entirely to creativity. It is also known that he lives there with his wife and daughter, as well as Scully's cat and is not going to change his place of residence.


Writing science fiction books was originally just a hobby for Scott Becker. It was his personal way to relax, which allowed him to take a break from working days and plunge into a completely different world. Literature gave him the opportunity to take a break from scientific work.

Richard Scott Backer

The first steps

Scott's good friend advised him to send his book, entitled “Servants of the Dark Lord,” to a renowned literary agent from New York. Scott followed this advice, but he did not count on great success. The well-known publisher Penguin made an approving decision, and the book was sent to print.

After a while, Scott became a professional writer, which was not easy for him. He could fully devote himself to this activity only when his membership in the Council of Sociological and Humanitarian Studies expired.

Publishing work

Scott Becker, whose books are known in many countries, started small. His first work is the publication "Servants of the Dark Lord", written in 2003. With this book, he began his popular trilogy. The second book was published in 2004. It is called the "Warrior of the Bloody Times." The final part of the trilogy was released in 2006 under the title “The Fall of the Holy City”.

In 2008, the author wrote one of his most popular books, entitled Neuropath. In 2010, he presents a new book to the world - Call Me Apostle.

Books by S. Becker

Further, the author writes two books from the Aspect Emperor series. The first one, released in 2009, is called The Eye of Judge. The second book is called “Warrior of Good Luck.” She saw her world in June 2011. Also in 2016-2017. two separate books were published that were not translated into Russian. These are The Great ordeal and Unholy consult.

Scott Becker Neuropath

This book was published by Domino and Eksmo. The work is about a chiropractor that terrifies all New Yorkers. American news agencies report his next victim almost every week. Naturally, this cannot but interest the local press and ordinary residents. The whole city is stunned by the inhumanity of the maniac.

At the same time, the police and the FBI have a suspect. This is neurosurgeon scientist Neil Cassidy. The only problem is that his whereabouts are unknown, but the FBI agents manage to reach his old friend Thomas Bybl. The guards hope that he will help them in the investigation and search for the killer maniac.

While all law enforcement agencies are searching for a neurosurgeon scientist, FBI agents regularly receive videos from an unknown sender with terrible, inhuman scenes. The police decide to tell Thomas Byble about this so that he understands how serious the matter is. The man does not even suspect how dangerous the situation has become and what role he himself can play in it.

Baker's Neuropath

However, all this madness was preceded by a certain story. It began with Cassidy collaborating with the National Security Council and developing various methods of interrogating suspected terrorist attacks. After some time, the scientist finally lost control of what was happening, quit his job and began to put his experiments on ordinary people. That is how his path to nowhere begins.

It should be noted that this book is difficult to fit into the usual framework of a thriller or detective story. Neuropath is a very strange novel, it is exciting, multi-layered and intense. Scott tried not only to tell an interesting story that worries to the last page, but to express his opinion and convey it to the reader. But this is both an advantage and a drawback of Neuropath, because, despite all its charm, the book has many literary irregularities. But virtues are so closely intertwined with flaws that it is simply impossible to separate one from the other. Readers can simply plunge into the world presented by the writer and decide at their discretion whether the ideas expressed by the author have a right to exist.

Features of creativity

Scott Becker gravitates toward dark fantasy-style trilogies over time. Initially, he planned to write a trilogy and stop, but this was not destined to happen: the author continued to write gloomy and terrifying stories, which readers are absolutely delighted with.

Despite the fact that Scott Becker did not gain worldwide fame, he has a rather extensive circle of admirers who appreciate his unique style and unique manner of conveying emotions. The author does not pretend to be a writer, he only writes about what is interesting to him, and he is very glad that there are people who love his work and want him to continue.

S. Backer gives an autograph

In his work, Scott Becker tries to answer the important questions that tortured the Russian writer Dostoevsky 150 years ago. Really, if everything in life is unpredictable and there really is no God, then everything is allowed? Then it turns out that moral principles, foundations, concepts of ethics, good breeding are just nonsense, which is intended to occupy the minds of the lower layers of the population.

Many understand Becker's work in different ways, but nonetheless, everyone can find certain answers in his books. It must be understood that for each they will be different, because beauty, like fear, is in the eye of the beholder.

Scott Becker at the conference

Scott Baker: reviews

Reviews about the writer are mostly positive. Many readers and critics note the unusual style and interesting presentation of the material. In Russia, Backer is better known in the circles of fantasy lovers. But he also has haters who consider him an inferior writer, because sometimes, reading his books, you forget that you are holding a work of art: it is so full of scientific facts that it looks more like a textbook on cognitive psychology.

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