"Donormil": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Donormil is the best sleeping pill available on the domestic pharmaceutical market. The main feature of the medication is the lack of adjustments to the phases of sleep. In this regard, the use of this medication is a priority, compared with other drugs. The article contains detailed information about the drug "Donormil", instructions for use and reviews.

general description

"Donormil" is an effective sleeping pill that can reduce the time to fall asleep and increase the duration of sleep. The instruction for Donormil contains information that this drug has not only sleeping pills, but also a sedative effect on the body, which eliminates irritability and excitement. Patients who take this drug note that sleep has become much better and stronger. In this regard, taking the drug can improve the quality of sleep. The peculiarity of Donormil is that the drug does not affect the phases of sleep. The total duration of action is 9 hours.

Unique drug

The active component of the drug is doxylamine, which is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and seeps through the blood-brain barrier. In the liver, Donormil undergoes metabolic processes, and then is excreted through the intestines and kidneys. This medicine belongs to the group of ethanolamines with hypnotic and anticholinergic action. The drug does not change the phase of sleep and effectively reduces the time to fall asleep. Donormil is available in the form of tablets in small tubes of 30 pieces. Effervescent tablets packed in cardboard boxes are also presented. Instructions for use "Donormila" indicates that the drug is prescribed for any sleep disorders.


As the main indication for use, the instruction for Donormil identifies sleep disturbance of various etiologies. Also, the drug is recommended for people experiencing problems with falling asleep. In the instructions for use, the manufacturer indicates that the main indication for the use of this drug is insomnia. However, the antihistamine properties allow it to be used in order to eliminate the symptoms of a mild allergy (edema, itching, etc.). There are various causes that cause sleep disturbance. For example, traumatic brain injury, severe illnesses, etc. Pathologies in the nervous system play a major role in sleep disturbance. Insomnia can occur as a result of a violent violation of the sleep stereotype, which is expressed in night work, or in later classes.

Specialist recommendations

Respiratory diseases, allergic reactions, and skin itching are secondary indications for the use of Donormil. If a patient has skin itch on the background of an allergy, this leads to discomfort, increased irritability and, as a consequence, sleep disturbance. For allergic reactions, you can use this drug as part of a combination treatment. The instruction "Donormil" indicates that the drug can be used for any colds.

Application and dosage

In the instructions for use "Donormila" it is recommended to use the drug for a quarter of an hour before the patient lies down in bed. Effervescent tablets must first be dissolved in a glass of warm water. If the patient takes coated tablets, then it can simply be washed down with liquid. This will allow the medication to pass through the esophagus faster.

Effective sleeping pills

The specialist can double the dosage of the drug if the product does not have the expected result. The total duration of the course of treatment is 5 days. The method of therapy is adjusted if significant improvements have not appeared during this period of time and the stability of the sleep regimen has not normalized.

Side effects

Among the main side effects, the following are highlighted in the instructions to Donormil:

  • constipation and dry mouth can occur from the digestive system;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • urinary retention;
  • impaired vision and the appearance of blurry eyes;
  • dry mouth
  • cardiopalmus;
  • rhabdomyolysis from the musculoskeletal system.

If any of these side effects occur, you should consult your doctor.


The instruction for Donormil contains information that the drug is not recommended for people with individual intolerance to the active substance. It is worthwhile to refrain from taking this remedy for prostatic hyperplasia, closed forms of glaucoma, prostate adenoma, pregnant women, as well as people under the age of fifteen.

Instructions for use

Doctors prescribe Donormil with caution to people diagnosed with pulmonary disorders. Taking this drug, along with other sedatives, has a depressing effect on the nervous system. Therefore, the patient may experience side effects. With great caution, it is worth taking the drug for people over 65 years old. Patients with renal failure are recommended to adjust the dose of the drug in the direction of decreasing.


The following symptoms of an overdose of this drug can be distinguished:

  • anxiety;
  • drowsiness;
  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • temperature rise;
  • cramps
  • decreased mood;

If the patient has found the listed symptoms, treatment with cholinomimetics is necessary. It is strictly forbidden to use "Donormil" together with ethyl alcohol, since alcohol will significantly enhance the effect of the drug. Also, simultaneous administration will lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the body to the active component.

Doctors Recommendations

In this regard, a person will have to increase the dose of this drug. This will lead to an overdose and severe poisoning of the body. First aid for an overdose is to immediately wash the stomach. It is also recommended that detoxification measures be taken. With severe poisoning, it is necessary to hospitalize the victim.

The composition of the drug

The active ingredient is doxylamine or doxylamine succinate. Also, the composition of the drug contains macrogol, anhydrous citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and sodium benzoate. As auxiliary substances, lactose monohydrate, croscarmellose sodium, hypromellose, a dispersed dye, magnesium stearate and other components are used. Patients who follow a low-salt diet should consider that sodium chloride is in the composition of the drug.

Admission Rules

Instructions for use "Donormila" indicates that the drug must be taken on a whole tablet 15 minutes before bedtime. The medicine should be washed down with a small amount of plain water. If the drug does not have the desired effect on the body, you can increase the dosage to 2 tablets. However, you should first consult with a specialist. In the event that insomnia is not cured within a week, the method of therapy should be changed.

The doctor's consultation


Before taking such a remedy for insomnia, you need to carefully study the instructions for "Donormil". This drug has many analogues, here are just a few of them:

  • Valocordin-Doxylamine;
  • "Relip";
  • "Sonmil";
  • Sondox;
  • "Sonniks".

Before using the presented analogues, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a specialist. These funds are produced by various companies, however, have the same active substance in their composition. In this regard, the contraindications of the medicines presented are similar to the Donormil drug.

Drug analogue

Patients should be aware that insomnia can be a manifestation of many reasons for which there is no urgent need for the appointment of this drug. Donormil suppresses cognitive abilities, has a powerful sedative effect, and also slows down the psychomotor reactions of a person. As indicated in the instructions for use "Donormila", analogues are recommended to be taken only after consultation with a specialist.

special instructions

The drug "Donormil" can aggravate the syndrome of nocturnal apnea, which is a sudden respiratory arrest in a dream. One tablet of the drug contains about 100 mg of lactose monohydrate, so patients with congenital galactose intolerance should take this drug with caution. Instructions for use "Donormila" contains information that the medication is able to slow down psychomotor reactions, as well as suppress cognitive abilities. Since the drug can cause drowsiness, it is recommended to avoid working with various mechanisms, driving vehicles, as well as other actions that require quick motor and mental reactions.

Analogues of the drug

Patient Reviews

Before taking the drug "Donormil", the instructions and reviews are recommended to carefully study. Many note that the medicine helps to fall asleep quickly and with regular use allows you to normalize sleep. Among the positive aspects, patients highlight the lack of lethargy in the morning and the quick action of the drug. People who experience a gag reflex when taking pills may prefer effervescent tablets that dissolve quickly in liquids. Patients say that the drug allowed them to return to their previous rhythm of sleep. Having studied the instructions for the use of "Donormil", analogues and reviews, the patient can form an objective opinion about this drug.

Patient Reviews

Taking Donormil tablets, patients managed to get rid of depression of various etiologies, as well as eliminate increased nervous excitability. Some patients say that even a half-tablet of the drug allows you to restore sleep. Users do not recommend taking the drug longer than the specified period, since the body may become addicted to the active components of the medication. Most patients claim that the medicine really helps to cope with insomnia and reduces irritability. After studying the instructions for the use of Donormila, prices and reviews of real users, the patient should consult with a specialist on the appropriateness of taking this drug.

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