Antibiotic "Dioxidin": composition, release form and instructions for use

As you can learn from the accompanying instructions for use in the form of ointments and ampoules "Dioxidine", this drug is one of the antibacterial ones. Some doubt whether it can be attributed to the number of antibiotics. In the narrow sense of the word, antibiotics are substances that are present in the world around us, while antibacterial drugs can be synthetic. In recent years, this framework has erased, so we can safely consider the drug in question an antibiotic.

About forms

The most commonly prescribed product is in liquid form. Such "Dioxidin" is available for intracavitary use and for injective administration. For external use, the product is packaged in 10 ml ampoules. One package contains ten such ampoules. The concentration of the active ingredient is 1%. One ampoule contains 0.1 mg of hydroxymethylquinoxalindioxide. As an auxiliary substance, purified water is used.

For injective administration, as can be seen from the instructions for use with “Dioxidine” in ampoules, a product containing 5 mg of the active ingredient in 50 mg of the drug in one ampoule is used.

Finally, the eponymous ointment is produced as a product with a 5% concentration of the active compound. One package contains 30-100 g. For each gram of the drug, 50 mg of the active ingredient is necessary.

dioxidine in the nose of children


As you can find out, referring to the instructions that give an idea of ​​whether the antibiotic is “Dioxidin” or not, this is a drug belonging to the class of antibacterial. It belongs to the category of antimicrobials. In the narrow sense of the word “antibiotic”, taking into account the old interpretation of the term, it cannot be assigned to this category, but modern widespread understanding allows the recognition of a pharmaceutical product as an antibiotic. Dioxidin is a quinoxaline derivative.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action. This substance obtained by the transformation of quinoxaline has a number of chemotherapeutic properties. It is prescribed for infection with the usual protea, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and dysentery sticks. It is allowed to prescribe "Dioxidine" when infected with Klebsiella, Salmonella. The tool is indicated for infection with streptococcus, staphylococcus. You can use the product in identifying pathogenic anaerobic microorganisms. Dioxidin is effective against gas gangrene infection. The product is effective against strains resistant to other antibiotics, pharmaceutical products for chemotherapy.

Pharmacology: nuances

Using the antibiotic "Dioxidin" produced in ampoules, it is necessary to observe the adequacy of dosages and the reasonable duration of treatment. Studies have proven: there is a likelihood of developing resistance by dangerous microorganisms. Using "Dioxidin" to treat the surface of burns, to treat wounds accompanied by suppuration or necrosis of tissues, it is possible to accelerate the cleaning of the affected area. With this use, the product activates the reparative function. The epithelization of the edges becomes more active. In general, the effect on the healing process is positive.

dioxidine is an antibiotic no

What about pills?

Some are afraid of injections, others are interested in being treated systemically, and not locally, externally, while not injecting anything into a vein. However, doctors are forced to disappoint such patients: the antibiotic Dioxidin is not available in tablets. If there is a need to use a tablet form of medicines, the doctor will prescribe the products suitable for the particular case. It can be tablets "Abaktal" or "Amosin", "Augmentin." The choice in favor of a particular product is determined by the characteristics of the infection. Sometimes tablets are not prescribed in principle, since substances that are effective in infection are destroyed in the gastric and intestinal environment. Such drugs are only injected.

For injection, as mentioned above, a solution of 0.5% is used.


When using “Dioxidin” in the nose (children are prohibited, only adults), in the ear, applying in other areas locally, externally, take into account that the product is able to partially be absorbed from the burn, wound site. Elimination is carried out by the kidneys with urine.

With the introduction of the drug into the vein, the therapeutic dose in the circulatory system remains at the required level on average about five hours with a possible deviation up and down for one hour. The substance quickly spreads to the internal tissues, organs. The drug is eliminated by the renal system. Tests showed no cumulative effect with repeated administration of the drug.

ampoule antibiotic dioxidine

When will it help?

Used for the treatment of wounds, for example, in the nose, “Dioxidine” (children should not be prescribed!), If infection is detected due to pathological bacteria. Before use, you must make sure that microorganisms are sensitive to it. “Dioxidine” is used when safer drugs have been ineffective. You can use "Dioxidine" if a person is very poorly tolerated alternative pharmaceutical products.

Diagnoses and appointments

Outwardly (for example, in the ear), “Dioxidine” is used in the case of a superficial wound or deep damage. You can use the tool with different options for localization. It is allowed to apply the product externally if the wound does not heal for a long time. The practice of treating trophic ulcers with Dioxidin is widespread. Indications for the appointment of a pharmaceutical product are phlegmon, burns, complicated by the introduction of an infectious agent. The drug is prescribed if osteomyelitis is accompanied by purulent wounds.

It is allowed to introduce a medicinal product into the cavity, if suppuration is established in the peritoneum, sternum. The drug is prescribed when pleurisy with suppuration is diagnosed. Reasonable will be the treatment with Dioxidine of pleural empyema, pulmonary abscess, cystitis, peritonitis. The drug is prescribed if the wound is complex, deep, accompanied by suppuration, if there is cellulitis phlegmon. "Dioxidine" is recommended for the treatment of wounds after surgery on the bile and urinary tract. The medication is used if purulent mastitis is detected.

The instruction Dioxidin antibiotic for intravenous administration is recommended in case of severe septic pathology, including such a condition against a burn disease. The drug is prescribed for purulent meningitis and severe inflammatory processes if they are complicated by suppuration and are accompanied by symptoms of generalization.

dioxidine in the ear

How to use?

No matter how you intend to use the drug (for wound treatment, insertion into a vein or ear), Dioxidine can be used strictly under stationary conditions. A one percent medication is not allowed to be injected into a vein, since the solution is unstable under certain temperature conditions. Outwardly use the product in a concentration of from 0.1% to ten times more saturated. To make a solution with a saturation of 0.1-0.2%, it is necessary to use an industrial pharmaceutical product and dilute it with isotonic sodium solution. You can use specially purified water for injective use. It is enough to mix the contents of the ampoule with the prepared liquid under sterile conditions until the required concentration of the active ingredient is obtained.

Nurses of surgical and gynecological departments are well aware of how to breed Dioxidin. The concentration is chosen based on the prescription of the doctor. In the case of a superficial wound, accompanied by infection, suppuration, it is necessary to moisten a napkin in a liquid with a concentration of 0.5-1%. After treatment, a deep wound needs to be plugged. For this, the swab is dipped in a one percent solution of the drug. If there is a drainage tube, 20-100 ml of 0.5% Dioxidinum is poured into the cavity through it.

Outdoor Use: Features

If there is a deep wound process, there is suppuration, the main diagnosis is osteomyelitis, it is necessary to use the drug in a concentration of 0.5-1%. “Dioxidin”, which belongs to the quinoxaline derivatives (group of antibiotics), is used to treat wound processes on the feet and hands of patients. The solution is used to prepare the bath. An alternative is to treat the wound with the drug by injecting the drug directly into the wound cavity for a third to a quarter of an hour. The final stage of the procedure is the application of a bandage. To do this, use a one percent solution of the drug.

A concentration of 0.1-0.5% allows the use of the drug as a preventive measure if the patient has undergone surgery. In the case of a good susceptibility of the drug by the body, treatment, if indicated, involves daily procedures. Its duration can reach one and a half months. This is practiced in the case of osteomyelitis.

antibiotic dioxidine tablets

Intracavitary application

The use of the drug for children is not allowed. The use of "Dioxidine" inside the cavities is possible only in stationary conditions. In the area of ​​suppuration, 10-50 ml of the drug is administered. The specific volume is determined based on the size of the cavity. Use a one percent solution. For administration, a catheter, syringe or drainage tube is used. Maximum per day, you can enter into the cavity no more than 70 ml of a one percent solution. Usually, the drug is used once a day. In some cases, the daily volume is divided into two servings. If tolerance is good, besides there are indications, the drug is administered daily for three or more weeks. If there is a need for repeated use, between courses take a break from one to one and a half months.

Intravenous administration

It is not always easy for an average person to figure out what Dioxidin is: an antibiotic or an antiseptic. The tool belongs to the number of antibacterial, antimicrobial, therefore, it is reasonable to attribute it to the class of antibiotics with a broad interpretation of this term. Like many other antibiotics, Dioxidin is approved for intravenous use. Use a solution of a concentration of 0.5%. For dilution take a 5% dextrose solution or sodium chloride 0.9%. It is necessary to dilute the starting product so that its concentration does not exceed 0.1-0.2%. The daily dose is administered more often at a time, sometimes they are divided into several administrations (up to four). The drug is administered drip, the rate of administration is 60-80 drops per minute. The duration of the procedure is half an hour.

The doctor will determine the optimal dosage, starting from the characteristics of the localization of the infection. With purulent infection of the urinary tract, 0.2-0.4 g of the active ingredient is used per day, that is, from 40 ml to twice as much "Dioxidine" in the form of a solution with a concentration of 0.5%. In the case of pulmonary chronic suppuration, it is indicated to receive 0.5-0.6 g of the drug per day, which corresponds to 100-120 ml of Dioxidine 0.5%. With meningitis per day, 0.6-0.7 g of the drug or 120-140 ml of the solution is administered to the patient. In case of severe septic flow, it is indicated to administer drops of 0.6-0.9 g per day. The daily volume is divided into 3-4 portions.

dioxidin ampoule instructions for use

Unwanted effects

Application to the vein, to the wound, to the nose of the antibiotic Dioxidin can provoke adverse reactions of the body. With the introduction of the drug into the cavity, chills are possible. Some patients complained that they had a headache, fever, dyspepsia. Muscle cramps are possible, there is a risk of an allergic response. Perhaps the appearance of age spots on the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

External use can provoke dermatitis near the wound.

Intravenous infusion is associated with a risk of fever, chills and dyspepsia. Some with this use of the drug had a headache, others were worried about the sensitization reaction. There is a risk of convulsive muscle contractions and photosensitivity.

When the drug cannot be prescribed

As noted in the instructions, "Dioxidine" is an "adult" drug, that is, it is not used to treat children. Children's age is a contraindication to the appointment of a medicinal product. It is not used in case of adrenal insufficiency, including the one that the patient had previously. "Dioxidine" is not prescribed for pregnant women, nursing mothers. The tool is contraindicated if hypersensitivity to the main ingredient of the drug is detected.

In case of weak kidney function "Dioxidin" to the appointment is allowed, but with caution. It is necessary to regularly check the performance of the body, blood quality indicators, in order to exclude the cumulative effect.

The nuances of safe use

You can use the drug only for the treatment of adults - the manufacturer pays special attention to this in the instructions for use attached to the “Dioxidine” ointment and ampoules. In the nose, on the wound, for administration into the body cavity, the drug can only be used by an adult patient. Compliance with this rule ensures the safety of treatment. In addition, before starting a therapeutic program, it is necessary to determine the degree of tolerance of the drug. For this, 10 ml of a one percent product is introduced into the wound cavity. If no side effects are recorded in the next six hours, you can use the pharmaceutical product in a course. The key signs of sensitization are fever, chills, dizziness.

The antibiotic "Dioxidin" can be used for severe infectious diseases. The drug is prescribed if other, safer medicines have shown their inefficiency. It is first necessary to check whether cephalosporins will be effective (starting from the second generation onwards), as well as carbapenems, fluoroquinolones.

If kidney failure is established, the dose of Dioxidin should be reduced. If pigment spots are observed, it is necessary to enter a single volume of the drug for longer. Duration is increased to a couple of hours. Possible dose reduction. You can prescribe antihistamines to the patient. In some cases, the best solution is to cancel the drug.

dioxidine antibiotic

Safety and facility form

Dioxidin antibiotic can be used if the solution is homogeneous. During the storage of the drug, the formation of crystals is possible. This indicates the fact that the room temperature dropped below 15 degrees Celsius. If the product is intended for local use, you must first dissolve the crystals, only then use the drug. For this, the ampoule is heated in a water bath and shaken regularly until all inclusions are completely dissolved. It is necessary to obtain a clear solution. Then the contents of the ampoule are cooled to 36-38 degrees. If this does not lead to the re-formation of crystals, you can use the product for medicinal purposes.

The antibiotic "Dioxidin" is dispensed in pharmacies only upon presentation of a prescription by the attending physician. The medication must be stored in places inaccessible to children and pets. Choose a place protected from sunlight. The temperature regime is 18-25 degrees Celsius. Subject to such conditions, the product is stored for two years from the date of manufacture.

Possible alternatives: Dioxisept

The medicinal product is produced in the form of a liquid for local application and injective administration. The concentration of the solution is 0.5%. One ampoule contains 1 ml of the drug. The main active ingredient is hydroxymethylquinoxalindioxide. The drug, as described above "Dioxidin", belongs to the category of quinoxaline derivatives. This is an antimicrobial, antibacterial medication, which in its chemical formula is quinoxaline 2,3-bis- (oxymethyl) oxide 1,4-di-N. It differs in the breadth of the spectrum of action. It shows the effect in identifying Proteus, pseudomonas, Escherichia coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella. The drug is prescribed if clostridia is detected. Its effective effect on strains resistant to a variety of antimicrobials and antibiotics has been proven. It is characterized by the absence of a local irritation reaction. The use is accompanied by a risk of resistance formation.

Intravenous administration is associated with a relatively small breadth of therapy. This forces a responsible attitude to the choice of dosages. The use of the drug for the treatment of necrosis, suppuration, burns stimulates rapid cleansing, restoration of the epithelium, tissue regeneration. The process of wound healing under the influence of "Dioxisept" proceeds faster, and the prognosis is more favorable than in the absence of antimicrobial treatment. , , , , .

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