Tips for smoking hot fish in a smokehouse

Smoked fish has always been considered a special delicacy. Mackerel and herring are especially appreciated for their taste. But even at home, you can cook a similar yummy. Use river fish and unpretentious devices for this. How to smoke fish in a smokehouse at home? Follow the directions and tips provided in this article, and your table will be rich in amazing dishes not only on holidays, but also on weekdays.

smoking fish in the smokehouse

Smoking fish in a smokehouse: general recommendations

With special care, carry out the preparatory phase: cleaning the fish, its gutting and salting. Rinse the products well before drying and slightly dry them.

The size of the fish also depends on the size of the smokehouse. If you have a homemade appliance the size of a box, cook in it only a trifle, the volume is equal to the barrel - use the middle one. In a special cabinet you can smoke whole large fish.

About the same catch size is always selected in one bookmark.

hot smoked fish in the smokehouse

When smoking fish in the smokehouse, fasten it well, especially when standing upright. This should be noted, first of all, with the hot method, since the products are exposed to very high temperatures and burning steam.

For large fish, cut the flesh along the ridge to the bone.

The bottom is best lined with dry alder, which, unlike shavings, does not burn.

To increase the shelf life, you can use juniper. Throw a few small twigs to the bottom of the smokehouse. Fish processed in such a hot way can be stored for up to ten days.

Smoking fish in the smokehouse should be carried out subject to fire safety measures: always have a container of water and anti-burn preparations on hand in case of sudden injuries.

Children should not be involved in this rather risky work, so be sure to make sure that access to the smokehouse is closed to them in advance.

Hot smoked fish in the smokehouse

The main distinguishing feature of cooking by this method is the speed of receipt of the dish - only two to three hours. But, unfortunately, the shelf life is also reduced. Hot-smoked fish can begin to deteriorate after five to six days. In the process, the temperature can reach 80-100 degrees, so there is a kind of "cooking" in the smoke. The product is soft, delicate, with a bright taste.

smoked fish recipe

General hot smoked fish recipe

The general process of work is divided into three stages: drying, baking and direct smoking. At the first stage, the door can not be closed. Half an hour after the start of work, the temperature is gradually increased to seventy degrees. The fish dries up, its surface becomes harsh, and the fins turn white. Then, gradually adding heat, the fish is baked for another thirty to forty minutes. She begins to separate the flesh from the bones. In the last stage, you need to slightly increase smoke generation. To do this, add sawdust and sprinkle with ash almost burnt wood. Smoked fish will turn golden in thirty to forty minutes. All work takes about two hours. It is worth considering the size of the fish. Large specimens should be smoked for a bit longer with constant monitoring. Experiment and surprise loved ones with homemade delicacies!

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